Triggered - PrapaiSky (1)

Start from the beginning

Prapai offered him his hand as he smiled warmly, showing the younger one that smile that warmed his heart so much.

"Do you want to shower together?"

Sky nodded and took his hand, the both of them heading to the bathroom. They undressed and got in the shower, and as the warm water rained down, Sky felt better, even more when Prapai helped him out and gave him some caresses.

Once they got out of the bathroom, they had already dressed and were ready to head out. Prapai escorted Sky to the bus stop, where the bus he would be taking to head out would stop.

"I'll be going now. Remember that if anything happens, call me and I'll come to you."

They pulled each other close to press a quick kiss on the lips. Sky didn't really want to pull away, but he knew Prapai had to go to work. The other man once again managed to read his mind and offered some more comforting words.

"Don't worry. When we are done today, we can cuddle as much as you want."

Sky smiled once he heard that, quickly cheering up and also making Prapai smirk. Seeing that his beloved was now feeling better, he left, heading to work.

The younger man waited for a few minutes till the bus that Google Maps was indicating arrived. He got in and, as he waited for it to reach the stop he would have to get off in, he scrolled down Instagram and Twitter. While the bus was approaching the area, Sky took a look out of the windows and suddenly noticed that he had stepped into the neighborhood he hadn't dared to set foot into after escaping from Gun. His body immediately began shaking and his heart was increasing the pace at which it was beating. He couldn't bear to stay in the bus any longer, feeling the stares of the people on him as if they were burning him. He decided to get off, wanting to go somewhere quieter to try and calm down, but right away, as he looked around, he was met face to face with the house that haunted him in his nightmares: Gun's house, the one where he had been tortured over and over again.

Immediately, his mind was flooded with flashbacks as if a dam had broken, making the water break free. Trapped inside of them, he quickly lost awareness of everything around him and his body paralyzed, leaving him laying on the ground unresponsive.

"Gun, please, I didn't do anything!" begged the fifteen year old boy as he was forcefully dragged into the older one's bedroom.

He was thrown to the ground, making his body collide harshly against the ground and making his body ache. Gun approached him, every step he took plunging the boy deeper into despair and fear. Once he was close enough, he grabbed his hair and made him look him in the eyes by pulling it upwards.

"I told you not to cry in public and to pretend to be happy!" screamed the man, right away leaving the younger one in tears that didn't look like they would ever stop falling.

"I'm sorry..." voiced Sky in between sobs.

"I'm not done yet, so shut up!"

With his free hand, he grabbed onto the boy's chin. He pressed harshly, making the boy whimper.

"Do you want me to beat you up again? Looks like you are begging for it considering your bad behavior," he said, Sky's eyes widening right away and his body trembling even more. "Or should I have some fun with you in bed again? Perhaps I could even bring a couple of friends along to have fun too, don't you think?"

The boy's face was paler than a sheet of paper and he couldn't stop begging for forgiveness and pleading to be released, but Gun was not done with him yet.

"My dear Sky, know that you won't ever be free from me," he stated as his hand was now caressing the face of the frightened boy. "I know that you want to run away, but I'm afraid you won't be able to escape from me wherever you go."

He came closer to the boy's ears, ready to whisper the rest of the horrifying words that he wanted to tell the boy.

"Sky, only if you die you will be free from me," he declared, leaving Sky completely shocked. "So you could jump off the balcony now. It's not like anybody would actually care if you do."

More tears rolled down his cheeks, his vision blurry due to them. Hopelessness was taking over his mind and the pain he felt was so intense he was beginning to dissociate.

"You are mine, Sky. You will always be mine," stated Gun, smiling wickedly as he talked. "You are mine to play with. I will break you until I'm satisfied, and then, who knows, I might even put you out of your misery once and for all in the most exciting way I can think of."

Sky could hear everything he was saying even though his mind was detaching himself from everything and his body had become paralyzed.

"Mark my words, Sky, and make sure you don't make anybody suspicious of anything that is going on unless you want to be punished."

With that, the monster released him, leaving the boy once again on the floor. Once he left, he curled into a ball and cried, trying not to be loud enough for Gun to hear him.'


'Sky was laying on the bed, completely naked. His whole body was aching over the events that had taken place not too long ago and tears were rolling down his cheeks. Gun sat next to him, smoking a cigarette and playing with the lighter. The smoke polluted the air, filling it with its disgusting smell and making Sky feel dizzy. A few more minutes later, Gun approached him even more, terrorizing Sky right away. He stopped a few centimeters away from him and smirked.

"You didn't satisfy me much today and on top of that you are becoming more disobedient. I wonder what I should do with you now."

"P'Gun, please, no more...I already did what you wanted me to do just now," pleaded Sky, his voice almost coming out like a whisper. "We can do it tomorrow, but please, no more for today..."

Gun couldn't hold back a laugh, completely amused with the reactions of the younger one.

"Oh, my dear Sky, I won't really touch or fuck your disgusting body anymore today," declared the man, knowing perfectly well that those words would be like a stab. "But I will punish you for not obeying me and not satisfying me enough."

Sky couldn't help whimpering when he saw Gun light up a cigarette and approach it more and more to him.

"P'Gun, please...!"

The man grabbed Sky's arm and pressed the cigarette on his skin, making the boy cry in pain and feeling the burning stick piercing through the skin and leaving the area burnt. The older one looked satisfied but he wasn't enough yet.

"Don't hold back your screams now, Sky. I want to hear you scream and beg."

He pressed the cigarette against the same place he did before, making the boy scream this time over the pain it was inflicting on the burn he had already created before, damaging it even more. As the amount of burns on his arms increased, Sky agonized more. Finally, the man decided to wrap his hands around the younger's neck, cutting off the air flow from his neck. The boy was barely able to breathe and the hands kept pressing more and more harshly. His vision was slowly beginning to grow black spots on it, which were increasing in number and size more and more.

"P'Gun, please, I can't breathe..." begged the boy with the small bit of strength and air he had left.

Gun ignored completely his cries for help and kept adding more pressure. Sky couldn't fight back, all the strength gone. The last thing he saw was the monster smiling wickedly.'

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