Chapter 19- The crime

Start from the beginning

" Okay, I think you girls need more time to adjust. If any of you know Heather and Kweiba's whereabouts, please tell them to come to school else they'll be punished. Their punishments have been nulled but if they don't show up in the next seven days, they'll be sanctioned."

" Ms Bella." Ashanti called and she looked up, " How are you doing?"

The young lady paused briefly.

" It's scary, I'm really scared but I have to be strong for you guys and try to protect you because we have angry parents, cunning media and big enemies ready to take this to the next level and at this point they've all ignored the fact that you're just children."

Hearing Ms Bella lament kind of made them feel sorry for her. She was the youngest teacher in the school and the most beautiful too and they were literally stressing her and making her life an endless turmoil.

As soon as she was out the door Joy asked if she could suggest something.

" I know we haven't done anything wrong but all these things are happening and it isn't affecting us that much but it is really having an adverse effect on our house mistresses. Mrs Asare is a grown up and she's married with lots of experience so she isn't this worried about everything. I think we shouldn't let Ms Bella lose all her cheerfulness."

" What are you getting at?" Praise suddenly asked.

" I think she should be happy for once in this house, we are honestly being serious pains in the .... to her. " Joy goes on.

" So??" Vera wonders.

" I think we should do something nice for her."

" We are not allowed to throw a party on campus or have any relationships with our teachers outside the area of academia." Kelinam blurts out like some attorney.

" Shut up." Jade hurled a book at her.

" Soooo, I wanted us to get Ms Bella a boyfriend." She whispered the last part and the entire room erupted in a chatter.

" Shut up you guys, she's literally in the next dorm." Wathoni cautioned.

" Joy are you crazy, we can't meddle in her life like that." Anita says.

" Come on guys, do you want us to graduate and leave her hear slaving for the students her entire life?" Joy asked.

" I think she has a point. Ms Bella doesn't seem to have any interest in men, she's been here for some years now and I think it'll be cute." Ivy said.

" That is someone's life we're going to be interfering with so why don't we put that thought on hold until further notice?" Anita suggested and they all agreed.

" We're in deep trouble already as is." Praise agrees.

" Hey, you guys heard anything from Kweiba and Heather?" Beullah asked and Faye rolled her eyes.

" I'll call Kweiba tomorrow." Ciarra suggests.

" No one answers Zara's phone lately." Ashanti informs them referring to Heather's older sister.

The new alert system, a sirene, played Beethoven's Für Elise to alert them of dinner.

The next day right after their chores, on the way to the dining hall for breakfast, Ciarra exited her group of friends and snuck into the phonebooths far off and dialled in Kweiba's phone number from her journal. It rung three times and it was picked up. After several breaks and muffled voices a tiny voice responds.

" Hello?"

" Hello, this is Kweiba's friend can I speak to her?"

" Sister Kweiba is not here."

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