Chapter 8

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Heyyy sweethearts 😉

HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎉🎈🎈🥰❤️🥰🤭🙃😙

Are you ready????
Let's goooooo

**Lola's POV:**

I woke up very late and had less than an hour to get prepared for school. I hurried to take my bath and get ready to go to the second hell to be created; "School."

I wore my school skirt, pulling it to my abdomen to make it shorter as usual. I left some buttons on my shirt open, but then I remembered the horrible lines that refused to leave the top of my breast. They were so many and ugly; no amount of soaps and creams I've used on it made them fade. Stretch marks are supposed to stretch, right? But no, the stretch marks on my breast were just there to ruin my skin, while my breasts remained small, almost as small as a tennis ball. In fact, the only things puberty gave me are stubborn acne, menstrual cramps, and pubic hair.

"Good morning, ma," I greeted my mother who was dressing up for work. She ignored me and handed my food money to me; that was the only reason I greeted her in the first place.

"What were you doing at Gentry Estate?" My heart skipped when she asked. How did she know I was at Dan's estate? "I'm late for school." "Okay." And with that, I ignored her question and went to school.


I got to school after assembly, and my head boy boyfriend was not on duty, meaning I was going to face punishment. Many of his female classmates hated my guts because "how can an SSS1 girl be dating our classmate," as they put it.

"Omolola Williams... you're late," one of the queen bees of SS3 said, stating an already obvious fact.

"Get on your knees," another one commanded. As I was about to carry out her command, we were interrupted by a voice.

"Lola baby, I've missed you," she said and gave me a bone-crushing hug. It was Queen.

"Queen, she's on punishment."

"Let's go..." She pulled me away from the girls, and someone pulled us back.

"A prefect is punishing a student, and you're taking her away."

"Ohhh, I'm sorry... my bad. So, Miss Prefect, I want to release her."

"Queen, don't start." I was beginning to have a headache; I wished Queen could just allow me to do their punishment and go to my class in peace.

"I shouldn't start what exactly? It's like you've forgotten that I'm Punctuality Prefect, and it's my job to punish latecomers, not you," her words cut through the air.

"Adeleke, I'm disciplinary prefect, so shut up," she called Queen by her surname, and I knew the girl was ready for a fight.

"Senior Queen, I'll just kneel down, please." I quickly knelt down because I didn't want them fighting because of me.

"No, you would not."

This time it was not Queen; it was Damipe, our ruthless head girl. She was feared by literally all the students, including her classmates.

"Damipe, don't interfere; it doesn't concern you."

"She's the only latecomer, so let her be... Modupe, it's past time for the first period, and you haven't rung the bell. Joy, the classes have not been sanitized, and you too Deemah, you have a literature test now, and you all are wasting your time on one student... let her be."

"No, I won't."

"Don't test me, Rahmah," her name was just too beautiful for someone like her.

"I don't even understand your obsession with this thing," I wanted to correct her that I wasn't a thing but a person. I was already the cause of all these, so I decided against it.

"She's a person... a girl," I guess she was inside my head.

"I am the head girl of this school; whatever I say is final unless a teacher says otherwise. So, my love, go to your class; my brother told me you have a test this morning... run because you're more than thirty minutes late already."

"Thank you so much," I thanked and laughed inwardly at the fuming dark-skinned Fulani babe and her minions.


"Lola, why are you late?" What could I have said was my reason? I just kept staring at my maths teacher without answering her.

"Who was by the gate?"


"Rahmah? You these SS1 students have lost your manners; I hope she dealt with you for daring to come to school by this time. This is just a few minutes to the second period. You missed my test; it was..." I stopped listening; I was tired of hearing her nag. I just kept watching her lips move. Times like these, I wished Zeerah was in her school to finish teachers like this.

"Can I have my seat, ma?"

"GET OUT OF MY CLASS, YOU SPOILT THING!" I chuckled and left the class. Not like I was interested in writing the maths test from the start.

I strolled to the music room , hoping to find Dan, but he wasn't there. I didn't leave; instead, I sat surfing the internet.

Someone started playing the piano; the person played so well I started to feel tears in my eyes. It was soul-lifting and heartwarming. It sounded too perfect to be real.

"You like it?" the mysterious pianist inquired.

"Like? Are you kidding me?" I responded, my words filled with awe and appreciation.

"Huh?" The pianist seemed taken aback.

"Fuck, I love it." The music had become a living entity, stirring emotions and evoking a profound connection.

"Can you play a Labrinth's song?" I requested, eager to prolong this enchanting experience.


"Any." And so began a soul-stirring rendition of "Jealous," the piano and voice harmonizing seamlessly. The music created an ethereal atmosphere, sending shivers down my spine and igniting a symphony of emotions within me.

The room became a sanctuary, the pianist a magician conjuring emotions with each keystroke. In that moment, I was lost in the beauty of the music, my surroundings fading away as the melody painted vivid emotions in the canvas of my soul.

"David," the pianist was interrupted by a cold voice... it was Dan's.

"What?" The pianist turned to face my boyfriend. He looked so much like his voice, so perfect to be true... how come I've never seen him before.
I loved his confidence; nobody in this school has ever responded rudely to my boyfriend... maybe they're classmates.

"Go out," Dan commanded, but the darker boy ignored and continued tapping on the piano... oh wow.

"I just finished my maths test, Mrs. Bumi sent me out so I won't disturb the rest. The music teacher asked me to come here." Wait... the same Mrs. Bumi that was in my class?

Is he my classmate?

"Lola, let's go."

"Okay..." Label me confused because I'm confused as fuck.

What was that... 🤔

A/N:What was that? 😩😩 Your thoughts on this chapter? 🙃 Please don't forget to click on the orange button 😩🤲🏾 Till we meet... 🤭

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