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Chapter 2 ; Zeerah's POV

I arrived home later than usual, using my classic excuse of helping tutor some kids at school. My mother, always vigilant, eyed me suspiciously as I entered our modest home.

"Nazeera, you've been working too hard. You should rest a little," she advised, concern etched on her face.

I nodded and headed straight for my room. The truth was, Fauzan begged me to wait for him so he could escort me home
Well...he lives in the next street

After a quick change into something simple, I grabbed the bag of groceries my mother had prepared to deliver to a friend. As I was about to leave, she stopped me.

"Nazeera, don't forget to wear your scarf," she reminded me sternly.

I reluctantly wrapped the scarf around my head, knowing that she wouldn't let me leave without it. As soon as I was out of her sight, though, I yanked it off. I wasn't particularly fond of wearing it, and today, I needed to feel the wind in my hair.

I made my way to Gentry estate....the estate where you could find only the rich and wealthy ,I got to my mom's friend house ,or rather a massive mansion with a grand gate. As I knocked on the gate, I couldn't help but wonder what my mother saw in her friend. Well , I can't consider her a friend sef ,she's more of a customer with her rude , narcissistic and egoistic character and her adulterous husband

When the gate swung open, I was taken aback by the sight that greeted me. It was Daniel, my best friend's boyfriend. He looked incredibly hot, shirtless, and his toned muscles glistened in the sunlight. My heart skipped a beat, and I tried not to stare.

I wasn't a fan of light skinned igbo boys but damn!!!!

"Heyyy" he said with a friendly smile as he collected the bag of groceries from me. "Thanks for bringing these."

I stammered out a reply, feeling a rush of shivers down my spine. I couldn't even feel my leg ....Why was he here? And why did he look so irresistible?and why was he my friend's boyfriend sef

"Are you okay"he asked,it was then I noticed I had not blinked since I saw him

"I guess"

I lied,I was not okay ,how could I,why is he this hot?


"Daniel love bia"a voice called out was Mrs okeke ..the woman that's always elegantly dressed and always stinks of money ..not literally though

"Ohhh ,Temi you're here"I rolled my eyes because she had just called me the name of my late sister...for real this woman knows how to push my buttons

"Tell your mummy thank you for me ...... Daniel here will see you off "

"Okay ma"I forced a smile

Dan kept staring at me making me uncomfortable

"You don't need to escort me yunno, especially when you're shirtless" he laughed and laughed and kept laughing making me feel awkward as fuck

Like what I said wasn't even that funny to warrant that much laughter

"Is it distracting you from walking?"he asked raising a brow

"Eeeew ,no " I replied blushing my ass off


Goshhhhhhhh ...what dah

"Don't worry I'll not go out like that... just wait, I'll be back"

"No , you don't have to escort me...I'll be on my way now mum needs me with kitchen chores"

"And my mum will kill me if I don't do what she ask "

"Okay fine"

He went inside and came back out in less than 2 minutes"

"Let's go chef"


"Lola said you cook very well... infact,i'll like to taste your food one of these days"

I smiled not knowing what to say

"Why not taste my lips" don't panic I didn't say that out loud

"You're shy..."

"I'm not,I'm just tired"

"Ohhh sorry "


"Lola said you're a very bold and daring person that's why I was wondering"

"Huh,I am...but wait o,do you spend your whole time talking about me??"I asked with a questioning brow

"Noooo, it's not like that...sometimes we just run out of things to say"

"Couple thingi I guess?"


"We say our goodbyes here ...... for now"

"Bye Dan".

"Daniel you mean?"I couldn't help but start laughing

"I'm sorry, I forgot only your girlfriend calls you D-A-N " I teased

As he stood there, casually, he asked, "Do you mind if I have your number?


" You know, just in case my mom needs to reach you about deliveries,or other things sha ."


I hesitated for a moment, unsure if it was right to give him my number.

But then, my hand moved almost on its own accord, and I found myself sharing my contact information with him.

"Will you like text me?"I asked and immediately regretted asking

"Should I"his reply made me more embarrassed and I knew he asked on purpose

"If you want"and with that we went our seprerate ways

The strange mix of attraction and confusion continued to swirl within me.

And I kept asking myself and the universe

"Why the fuck is he my best friend's boyfriend?"

A_N : heyyyy lovies
Please don't be bored ..... please 😩😩😩

I love y'all

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Sha Sha

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