02- Because of you

Start from the beginning

Louis licks his finger covered in grease, humming. "I can't say hello?"

"Louis." She hisses.

The rockstar chuckles. "Okay, okay. So, I was in LA, sold about eighty copies that week. I got about $11,200."

Harry gawks. "You're kidding."

"No, I'll hand you the cash right now, if you want."

She soughs in disbelief, taking a bite of a chili fry like a therapeutic remedy. That's twice as much money she makes at the diner in a month. She doesn't speak, and Louis gives her time to process, staring at her with a glint in his eyes. Finally, she asks, "How much did you sell it for?"


"And.. eighty people bought it?"

"Yeah." Louis confirms.

Harry blinks in surprise. "That's- that's cool." She lamely says.

Louis laughs. "It is. So, if you come into the studio I usually record in, I can maybe see if my record wants to sign a deal with you."

She looks down at her lap nervously, avoiding his watchful eyes. "I don't know.. it seems like a lot." Tomlinson reaches across the table, holding her hand gently. She gnaws on her bottom lip as they just look at each other, long enough that her mind begins to feel hazy and she starts to think of their night -- exactly a week ago. She then starts to doubt herself. Does Louis have the impression that she gives her body up for deals like this, because that is not what happened. Would he have been this kind to her if she hadn't given him the best blowjob ever?

"H, you've got some real talent. I mean, when I played a couple of your songs for those people, they were blown away. I mean, you should've seen their faces. I'm not going to pressure you into it or anything, but you can gain a lot. This is something you have to think about."

"I am," she insists. "that's why I'm hesitant."

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

Harry huffs. "I'm not afraid."

"So, what's wrong?"

She shakes her head. "You wouldn't get it."

"I can try to understand." Louis pushes. Harry lets out an exasperated sigh, throwing her hands up. "Okay, fine. Y'already know I'm trans, but people don't always take that kindly. It's not all rainbows and cupcakes. I get harassed every once in a while on the street, but it ain't gonna get any better when I start to release music. They gon' see me and treat me like a black sheep and I don't have the mental capacity for that. I get enough shit as is."

Louis frowns at her confession. He unknowingly starts to rub circles on her skin, soothing her. "You're right, I won't understand how you feel - but no one even notices. I sure wouldn't have been able to tell if Zayn hadn't told me beforehand, and that doesn't matter, anyway. People are going to appreciate you for your talent, not your gender. Besides, their opinions are flawed if they find a problem with it. Sure, sometimes people are just dumb, invasive shitheads, but you can't let that effect the things you want to do in life. You're an amazing singer, don't let that stop you,"

He looks at her directly. "and if anyone gives you shit, you tell me, I'll handle it."

Harry can't help the tingling she feels between her legs at the thought of Louis defending her, but she quickly shakes it off. Serious conversation, this is a serious conversation. "I'll write the demos," she says. "I already have some written, I and send you those in the meantime."

Louis smiles. "Great."

And there's no remedy for memory, your face is like a melody
It won't leave my head

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