Issue #46: Unexpected Surprise!

Start from the beginning

Silver: At least you're always super nice about it afterwards! I'm surprised Gotuce didn't fight you when you two first met.

Sonic: Yeah! If that happened I don't think I would've survived.

Amy: I've got stories about him throwing down with Knuckles and Shadow for days.....

Surge: Have any of your friends not tried to waste you?

Sonic: Look, once you get to know me. I'm very likable.

Surge: So since I fought him, does that mean I'm and honorary Restoration mook like you two?

Blaze: We are not affiliated with the movement.

Silver: We just like to help out!

Amy: The Restoration is a volunteer movement. Everyone is free to come and go bas they please. If this place doesn't suit you. You're welcome to leave anytime.

Surge: Trying to get rid of me already?

Amy: I'm making it clear it's YOUR. No one will force you to do anything you don't want to here.

Surge: You really mean that.......

Just then the area starts to shake.

Surge: What the heck is going on!

Then it just stops.

Amy: Hmmm that must be Gotuce training as we speak. Guess that's our next stop.
They all made it to a sort that was heavily damaged which once opened and inside had found the same white spacious room.

Surge: Huh. So this is that training room.

Amy: Yep! We had it installed in case anyone wanted to get their training in but it is mostly used by Gotuce.

Just then multiple shock waves were felt.

Kit: Wah! S-Surge stay behind me!

Surge: Stop being a cry baby! I can handle my self!

Suddenly Gotuce flew by in Super Saiyan as Trunks tries to catch up.

Gotuce: Come on Trunks! Is that all you got?!

Trunks: Not one bit, Gotuce!

Trunks managed to catch up and punch Gotuce who counterd it with a kick as they both flew around at high speeds.

Surge: Wow! That seems like a lot of fun! Can't wait to join them!

Amy: U-Um Id advise you to actually join.

Surge: And why's that, Pinkie.

Amy: Well, Gotuce told me that Saiyan's take fights very serious thus not letting anyone else join except for those who exceed their own power level.

Surge:..........The Hecks a Saiyan?

Before Amy could respond, a sudden explosion interrupts her as Gotuce and Trunks fall to the ground exhausted but still able to move.

Gotuce: Phew! That........was some fight Trunks!

Trunks: Heh. You said it. But next time let's go all out.

Gotuce: Looking forward to it!

They both got up as Gotuce notices Amy.

Gotuce: Hey Amy! What brings you here?

Amy: I'm just giving a tour for our newest additions to the Restoration!

She moves out of the way to present Surge and Kit who the latter zoom past and clings onto Gotuce into a hug.

Gotuce: Oof! Oh hey Kit! So glad to see you here!

Kit: Mhh-Hmm! Now I can by your side!

Gotuce then sees Surge avoiding eye contact which prompted him to get close to her and pat her head.

Surge stiffs up and just plants her head onto Gotuce's bear chest who smiles contently.
After that reunion, Gotuce and Trunks had a change of clothes as he also joined the tour which later led to the machine shop where They got introduced to Belle and picked up Whispers repaired wispon to deliver.

This leads us into he Diamond Cutters HQ Room where they all sat in silence before Surge broke the silence by nudging Sonic.

Surge: Go On Mr. Big Shot. Say something.

Sonic: Your not helping. Look, I know there's some bad blood here, and for good reason. But if we give them a chance, they'd be awesome in the Diamond Cutters.

Amy: Yes, but only if they want to join.

Sonic: Why wouldn't they want to kick butt?

Gotuce: Hey Sonic, they are in the same room as you, so I think they would have different thoughts and opinions of they're own.

Duo: I think it's a great idea! The team gave me a chance and Im a nobod—

Duo stops before feeling a very cold chill as Gotuce was looking at him with a dead and serious look as well as Trunks.

Duo stops before feeling a very cold chill as Gotuce was looking at him with a dead and serious look as well as Trunks

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Lanolin: Duo? You were saying?

Duo looked at Lanolin before reporting back into his seat.

Duo: I-Its nothing.....

Lanolin: Well......I have my concerns, but if they're coming on the recommendation of former commander Rose and my hubby, I won't object.

Amy: Lanolin.....We've been through this.......

Gotuce blushes from the nickname that Lanolin gave him which Trunks giggles a bit.

Tangle: I believe in Whatever Gotuce told them. I'm willing to give them a chance.

Whisper: No.

Gotuce: Whisper.....C'mon.

Whisper: 'No. You can choose to trust her. I don't. I won't.'

Suddenly Surge began to laugh.

Surge: Finally!

Surge swipe the wispon off of Belle and points the handle to Whisper.

Surge: You're the first to show any sense around here besides your man. I can tell you want to take me out here and now. I like you.

Gotuce: Hey! No one is taking anyone out when me and Trunks are here and besides anyone deserves a second chance if shown the slightest of good. Right Trunks?

Trunks: Right!

Whisper: 'Gotty! You can't be serious!'

Gotuce: Hey, if Trunks dad can be good, then that can be said for Surge and Kit. Besides I'll be with them to stir them in the right direction.

He smiles to Kit and Surge who Kit beams with happiness and Surge tries to play it cool is also shaking in excitement.

Kit: If Mister Gotuce is here, then me and Surge will join as well!

Gotuce: Then it's settled! Welcome to the Restoration!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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