Goddess Girl- Chapter I

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"I am as wild as the horses, as free as the sea. No one can claim me, no one but the goddess in me!" 

As we spun around on light airy feet, I began to wonder how we got here. Once again, my mind stung with the pain of trying to remember the past few weeks. A blur of thoughts came thundering through my mind- bringing a buzzing sensation into my thudding temples. I scampered to keep up with her quick lithe pace. Her vibrant twirling skirts caught my eye, and suddenly the bagpipes and flutes in the background faded away. Her almond shaped eyes were glinting with a catlike glow, capturing my mind again. We spun, her hair whipping around in the bittersweet fall wind. Once I remembered everything, it is a story that I shall now tell- that I shall never forget.


It began the day I saw a small girl at school- no taller than five feet- with several braids in her long lion mane of hair. It was light brown, with some odd colored streaks woven in here and there. Her small frame was adorned by a flowing blue green dress, very unusual attire for our school- I must say. Her jewelry consisted of multiple carved bead necklaces, and a clip in her tangled hair that looked like the skull of a bird. Her dark brows furrowed in frustration- she had been asking a teacher for directions to her next class. She must be new. Her wax face was hidden once again as she turned and her hair spilled over her cheek- obstructing my veiw.

 "Hello!" I called out through the crowded halls. She turned my way, her large eyes taking in every detail. I was suddenly very aware of her presence, I longed to touch her, to know her.

"Good day." She said to me, in such a small voice I had to strain hear. Her words flowed like someone from an ancient land- she had a light brogue- I noticed with a start.

I looked away- someone was trying to get my attention. Probably Sarah, my current "girlfriend." Her and I were qouted as being the perfect couple, but right now it sure didn't feel like it. I looked down at her and impatiently snapped "What?"  

"Jeez hunny, what's up with you?" She snapped her gum at me. I hated it when she did that.

"I gotta go... late to...erm, class." I attemted to turn and look for the girl, but she had dissapeared down the filled hallway. Damn.

"But sweetie, I realllly wanna kiss!" She whined beside me. Sarah reached up to my face, her candy pink nails lightly digging into my cheek.

I glanced across the corridor, and from around the corner I could've sworn a pair of green cat eyes look my way. I was suddenly dazed, my mind spinning in circles. Sarah whined again, cooing some stupid hollow words in my ear.

I leaned down, and she attempted to make out with me- right here in the middle of the hallway. I flinched away, walking in the opppsite direction, towards class. All of math I couldn't understand any of the now dizzying eqautions, I could only think about her. Her eyes, those softly burning sea green eyes. 

Two hours later I was walking down the hallway with some of my friends, when I spotted her. The mass of curly locks caught my attention, and she looked directly at me. I noticed that her bag had slipped from her shoulder. It was woven, with small keys and other little trinkets sewn into it's outer layer. An odd assortment of books were in various arrays around her- one title was "The Common Toadstool."  I glimpsed a star chart, a poisonus plants guide, and even a small inkwell that looks as if it were made for a quill. Why did she have all of this stuff?

I was intregued, as she slid all of her things back into her bag again- which seemed to be full to the brim with even more odd articles. 

I sauntered over towards her, "Hey, need some help?" I smiled down at her.

Goddess GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora