The Champion Meeting

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Kyle Narrative

Hello guys I am the Galar Champion, Last time on Izuku the son of the Champion, RED sent all the other Champions a very worrying messages to come to Japan because of the late news that everyone evil team are very quite and thinking of something to hurt the world so that why RED sent that and also Izuku said something to his father that was also worrying about one of Alola Legendary Lunala so that also the reason so let's see what is happening now

In the middle of Japan

A/N: When Lance was flying to the place where all the champions have the meeting in  Tokyo and everyone saw Lance on his Dragonite

RP1: Looks guys its the Johto Champion riding his Dragonite

Lance: Hello there guys how are you all

RP1: I'm fine, I'm just the fan of Dragon Champion of Johto

Lance: Well thank u I will be going see you later

RP1: See you later

A/N: When a random person was talking to Lance their all hear music coming from the sky and Lance knows who it is its the unpredictable Champion of Galar Kyle Murphy

Lance: Oh God not him what is he doing know and why do I here boss music

A/N: When the Music finished a man came off his Rayquaza and walked to Lance

???: Well Hello their Lance long time no see

Lance: *Rub is head* Yes it is Kyle hiw are you and Why do u do that every time

Kyle: Well I also do it that why I'm called the Unpredictable Champion for a reason

A/N: When Lance and Kyle was talking a Blonde woman walked to them and Kyle saw who it was and their both was swamped by their fans and Lance was laughing his ass off

???: Well that for sure

Kyle: Hello to u too Cynthia


Kyle/Cynthia: Well Fuck sake why do this happen to us a lot

Lance: Idk but we need to get going because we both know that RED hates people late

Both: Yes we know but with the Unova, Paldea, Kalos and Alola Champion

Lance: Their coming

RP2: Why is it cold all of a sudden

RP3: It's the Freezing Champion of Unova Frost and u know when you are in danger because Frost always use Hail in his battle with is ace Walrein called Snowy

RP2: Oh God, I also heard that Team Plasma lost so badly to him

???: Well their did and I can also hear u as well so please stop

Kyle: *Laughing* Cold as always eh Frost

Frost: Well someone needs to calm in a fight not line you Mr. Unpredictable

Kyle: Oh Come on Frost lighten up or do I have to call Mystic

Frost: *Frozen* N-N-No Please

Cynthia: How can Unova Champion be scared of their Boyfriend

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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