karina turned to Winter with a gapped mouth.

She told me earlier that there is something important that she wants to tell me, could it be that?

She closed her eyes and knitted her brows for a second.

Why are you thinking that way, Karina? Maybe she said that because she wants to drive Minju away!

"Winter can be really sweet at times. That's what I like about her." Minju added.

"Yeah." Karina agreed. Her mind is still lingering on what Minju had told her.

Whatever the reason might be, she is relieved to know that Winter is still sticking to the plan even though she's wasted. "Do you still love her?"

"There's no doubt that I love Minho with all my heart..." Minju paused for a second to take in some air, "but I think I need to talk to Winter about this, about us."

Karina felt nervous at that.

"The reason I wanted Winter to come here is because I want to talk to her. I should've done this earlier but I can't find time for it. The last time I had was when I saw you two in her apartment. The moment I saw you, I knew it, Rin , I knew there's something going on between the two of you, and so I left right away."

"But we're not together that time yet."

"Yeah, I believe you." Minju nodded. "It's just that you two look good together.

I was right. See? You're an adorable couple now."

Karina felt shy and guilty at the same time. She had to break her eyes from Minju's.

"I'd like to ask for your.. permission..." Minju said hesitantly. "Minho will have a photo shoot tomorrow morning until noon. I think that's the perfect time for Winter and me to talk... Only if you'll allow it."

Karina glanced at Winter one more time. She knows that she has no right to hinder this talk. I'm fact, this is the main reason they went there.

"Don't worry, I won't snatch her from you," said Minju, letting out a soft chuckle. "Winter loves you, okay? I just want to straighten things with her. I can see it in her. She's troubled as much as I am. We really need to settle things up for ourselves."

Karina took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll leave you two alone tomorrow."

Minju couldn't control herself this time. She came close to Karina, bent over to give her a hug. "Thanks, Rin. Thank you."

Karina couldn't react anymore. She felt Minju's eagerness to have this talk.

She rubbed Minju's back with a hand to acknowledge her sincerity.

It's all up to you now, Winter.


"Karina!" Winter called. There was an excitement in her voice. She saw Karina sitting on the rooftop bench of her apartment.

Karina turned around having that usual sweet smile on her face. "Winter..."

"Have you been waiting long?"

"Not really, I just got here." karina pats on the chair. "Don't just stand there."

"Ah, yeah..." Winter sat down next to karina. "Uhm.. hey.."


"-uh... I have a confession to make."

"Really? What is it?"

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