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Karina slowly open her eyes and had a glimpse of the sun peeking through the window. She's not in the mood to get up yet because she's comfortably hugging the middle pillow and doesn't want to let go.

When she moved her hand to grope for another pillow she was surprised to feel a skin instead of fabric. She opened her eyes fully and found out that it was Winter she was hugging all along, her hand on the latter's exposed abdomen.

Oh my gosh!

Karina parted herself immediately. Winter is still sleeping in a starfish position, mouth slightly opened. Karina searched for the middle pillow and found it kicked out of the bed.

Was I hugging her the entire night?

She brought a hand to her lips, wondering how they end up in that position.

She knew it was her who slept last because she was already hearing tiny snores from Winter before everything went black for her.

She was thankful though that she woke up first. She's not sure how Winter will react if she woke up finding karina hugging her nicely.

Karina scratched her head as she gets off the bed. She prepared her things first and went to the bathroom. She stood under the shower, letting the warm water flow over her body. Her mind is still occupied with the scene she had woken up to.

Calm yourself down, Karina. Calm yourself.

She went out of the bathroom and found Winter, who was just awakened from her deep sleep, currently sitting cross-legged on the bed and still like lost in thoughts; hair is still messy and eyes are half opened.

"Good morning," Winter forced to greet her while struggling to stay out of dreamland.

"Morning," Karina faked a smile. She went to the mirror while drying her hair.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Winter, stretching her arms out.

Karina was looking at Winter's reflection in the mirror. Strangely, although Winter looks like a kid who just woke up, she still looks cute. "Yeah, how about you?"

"It was fine." Winter scratched her rib with a hand while looking for something on the bed. "Where's the middle pillow I put here?"

"I found it on the floor when I woke up."

"Oh, really? I remember I hugged it last night. I guess I might have kicked it out," said Winter, smiling, not having a single idea of what happened. "What time is it now, Rin?"

"It's 9:37."

"What?! It's already nine-thirty?" Winter panicked. She stood up from the bed.

"What time did you get up by the way?"

"About an hour ago."

"Shit, I overslept! Are you hungry now?"

Karina smiled. "A bit."

"Okay. Give me fifteen minutes. I'll just have a quick shower."



Winter went out of the bathroom earlier than what Karina had expected. Karina is sitting on the bed while watching some Disney movie when Winter passed by in front of the TV. Winter's wearing a white crop top and black baggy, making her look simpler but as charming as always.

Karina suddenly wondered how many girls in the office would kilt each other to be in her shoes right now.

Although she doesn't swing that way, Karina knew that she's lucky enough to be with Winter. If any of the fan girls in the office would find out what they are doing, karina knew that they'd surely envy her, and some will even kill her.

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