💛Chapter thirteen💛

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Chapter thirteenReality

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Chapter thirteen

"Am I in wattpad?"

2nd person pov:

You stared at the man in shock, "What a lovely world this is." He commented, 'That voice...' You eye widen in recognition as he took a step forward making you step back. Though, your body wouldn't listen to your mind, you couldn't ran away, why is he here.. No. How is he here?

He extend his hand to grab you when you felt a sudden gush of wind running pass you. A familiar orange fur monkey harshly grabbed the man hand. To be specific; Sun Wukong grabbed The 'Not' Mayor hand pushing him away from you.

Both of them weren't a Lego Figured, they were both real, with hand and human eye, 'How...' You thought. Just then, you felt a gentle hand cover your eye, "Calm yourself, Child." A familiar voice from behind you spoke, 'That voice... Could it be...?'

You felt an arm wrapped around your stomach pulling you away, and within a second you found yourself back to the world of Lego. Tha hand on your eye was now remove, in front of you was Sun Wukong while behind you was standing is none other than Ne Zha.

"That was a weird dream you got there! Why do we look like that?" Wukong asked with a cheeky smile, though his smile disappear seeing your face. You look at your hand. "Dream...? It was all a dream?" You asked looking at both of them.

You frown in disappointment before chuckling weakly, "Hah... What did I expect.... There's no way to go back... Now way home." You muttered, not even hiding your disappointment.

A hand was placed on your shoulder making you look up to see Ne Zha with his usual stern expression, "It seems like you need to tell us something. But for now rest, young one. Your body still need recovery." He stated making me confused, "Recover from what?" I asked.

"Do you remember what happened before you become unconscious?" Ne Zha asked, I thought for a moment before nodding.


He told be to sit on the couch which was a Lotus couch. Not surprised there. Wukong sat besides me, "First. Before we tell you everything. Tell us everything. About your so called world." He demanded with a cross arm.

You thought for a few seconds, before telling them. You didn't told them everything though, you only told them you are from another world and how you almost drown before waking up here, but you never tell them that they are part of a show.

"Then, how about your ability to see the future. Wukong told me about it. Do you have it all this time in your world?" He asked.

"No... I just got it when I woke up here." You lied, "Now, can you explain to me, whatever you guys are gonna explain?" You requested.

Ne Zha hum, "You pass out because of your power." "Pardon what?" "It seems like you have an ability sealed inside you. And the sealed broke for some reason, something probably triggered it or something. Do you have an idea on what might the reason be?" He asked.

'Now that I think about it... I suddenly felt like my heart was about to explode after Mei and MK came back from chasing after Redson to retrieve the key... Could it be? No. Please don't make me related to that woman. Of all people.' You thought.

Realizing you zoned out you shook your head and replied to Ne Zha question, "No. I don't." "I see. Anyway, the reason you pass out was because the power was too much for your body to handle. But, that's fine. You'll learn how to control, you just need a proper training." He explained before continuing, "Since, that kind of power is too much, I can't let Wukong be your Mentor. He's already irresponsible enough to his protege." "Hey!"

You chuckled a little at the two while Wukong scoffed, "For your information, I am the best mentor in the world!" He defended, "Right." Ne Zha replied sarcastically before turning to you, "While you recover I'll help you control your ability." He told.

'Hold up, WHAT?! NE ZHA?! THE Third Lotus prince becoming my mentor? Heck ya!'

You cough composing yourself, "Sure, thank you." I said making Wukong pout.

"Hmp! Whatever, I'll also help." He commented.

"No, thanks, we don't need it." Ne Zha replied creating an irk mark from Wukong. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but smile, Ne Zha will be teaching you from now on!

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