50. Let Him Go, Immediately, or I Will Break All Your Bones

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[Jason Todd]

Like Oswald Cobblepot, Jason was born here in Gotham. In poverty to a drug dealer and an addict. He was pulled from the streets by Batman.

Recently Jason promised Batman he would never kill in Gotham again. He promised Blue he'd dial it down so their child could have a father that they were proud of. Turns out "promise" is too strong a word.

It's early December and a heavy snow is falling around Red Hood as he looms threateningly over the Penguin. "Stand up or I will kill you where you're kneeling."

He is beyond angry. Jason never visited his father in prison. Or his grave. Unmarked except for a metal plate the size of a credit card. A whole life reduced to a number. Jason knew where it was. He just never had anything to tell him. Jason has hated his father everyday since he left. Since he wasn't around to stop his mom. As sick as it sounds, he was thrilled the day he heard Wills Todd died in prison.

Cobblepot is the reason he wasn't there.

"What the hell is this about, kid." Cobblepot rubs his swollen jaw and spits into the snow. Blood stains it red.

"It is about Wills Todd." Red Hood bleeds just to say the words to hear the words, to think it, to remember his mom, the guilt leaving a crater in his chest. Blood, red as his name and red as his hands. Shame is a red feeling, a hot one, just like guilt and anger. So, he doesn't think it, or remember.

"Fine," says Cobblepot. "I'll bite. Who in God's name is Wills Todd?" A nasty look crosses his face. "Let me guess; he was the chump you were looking for in the empty grave at Potter's Field last night? Why doesn't it surprise me you know a bum from those grounds."

"He was my father, you sadistic toad. One of your hired goons. He worked for you and every other costumed clown in this city."

Red Hood removes his helmet, letting the cold air sting his face. He doesn't who sees. Doesn't care how many cameras are on him.

"Yes, he sucked as a dad. Even harder as a person. But he didn't have to go away to prison taking the heat for something you did. He lost everything because of you. And I lost him."

"Oh my God. Whaaahahaha. This is too rich. You tossed away your secret identity - Batman's too, by association - for a nobody. Whaaagh. For less than a nobody."

Red Hood sees red. He hates the sound of laughter. "Do you know how sick I am of this merry-go-round? The catch and release?" he snarls.

"A little late in the game for recriminations, kid."

"It's not a game, yutz. Every life you destroy ruins five others."

"So I'm prolific. Should I apologize for that?"

Red Hood shoves his helmet back over his furious face. "I didn't come here to listen to you say you're sorry. To hear you beg for your life. I'm not going to arrest you just so some corrupt judge lets you walk out of jail an hour later. I'm here to end this. Tonight. To end you."

He draws his gun, pointing it right at the Penguin's face, years of repressed rage bubbling to the surface.

"Put you gun away. No one here believes you have the stones to pull the trigger. You can play at being one of the bad guys all you want, but at the end of the day you're just a kid playing dress-up."

Red Hood can see himself reflected in the Penguin's monocle before he presses his gun to it. He's vaguely aware several police officers and a cameraman are now surrounding him.

"I'll let you in on a secret, Cobblepot. I'm my father's son."

Red Hood pulls the trigger.

No guilt.

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