4. Dick Grayson is my Samwise Gamgee

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I'll feel no pain, I tell myself, I'll never be afraid.

I explain the rest of the story to the best of my abilities, where I'm from and who they are, without breaking out the personal information. I tell why I broke into Arkham – the Lazarus Pit, promising I didn't tell a soul his identity. It is starting to feel really invasive; I've seen Bruce's greatest fears. I've watched Jason die. I've seen Dick struggling with not wanting to become the Batman.

"We'll find a way to get you home," Dick says and places a hand on my shoulder. "In the meantime, Bruce'll contact Mr. Terrific to make you something to keep you stable in this dimension."

I need one of those watches Miguel O'Hara has.

"Am I the only one that finds this strange?" Damian interrupts with his arms crossed. "That she's already managed to seduce Grayson? Not that it isn't hard." He shoots a sidelong glance at Dick.

"Hey," Dick complains with a frown. "I'm not that thirsty."

"And that's not what's happening here," I add.

"That's enough," Bruce says sternly. "Gita, I'll have Alfred make up a spare room for you to stay in while you're stuck here. It's late and you should get some rest."

"Thank you, Mr. Wayne," I say as the lift to the Batcave opens and Alfred steps out.

"Another one sir?" He says with one eyebrow raised as he looks at me. Dick stifles a laugh. I grin. Batman's weakness is children. Throw a child his way with no parents, he'll take them. Hell, sometimes he'll take them with parents. Are they a mole? Are they meta? Who knows, Batman didn't check and he's already signing the adoption papers.

Bruce just glared at the old man. "She won't be staying long."

"Whatever you say Master Bruce." Alfred beckons me towards the lift, and I follow him inside.

"Thanks again, Mr. Wayne," I say as I step into the elevator. Damian's face is passive but Dick waves.

"Call me Bruce." I hear him say gruffly as the doors close. I smile slightly, but soon my face grows passive. Whatever I said about Bruce and kids – forget it. If I know anything from the movies, TV shows, and comics; he is not just gonna let me run around unsupervised if there is even the slightest chance I'm might to double cross him. He's going to monitor me.

Not to mention Damian – he mightn't be trying to kill me anymore, but that doesn't mean he trusts me. If there's one thing for certain, I'm going to have a little ninja tailing me for the foreseeable future.

The lift doors open, and Alfred and I step out into the hallway. The floor is mahogany, probably some sort of hardwood, and there is a small table at the other end of the hall with a vase on it.

"Your room is right this way Miss Gita," Alfred states, turning left. I don't pay the closest attention as Alfred guides me through the manor. I feel as if I've been spun around fifty time then released into the middle of a circus and told to have fun.

"Here we are," Alfred says, pulling me from my thoughts. "I hope you find it spacious enough for your liking."

Alfred stops at one door and holds it open for me. I step inside and my jaw hits the floor. The room was nicer than any place I'd ever lived, nicer than any place I'd visited, including my aunts place in Melbourne.

"You're pulling my leg, right? Alfred, this is more than I could ever ask for." I turn in a slow circle. Despite the size, the room is spare and simple: there is a queen-size bed with beige covers and fluffy looking pillows; a nightstand on one side with a lamp. Across from the bed is a flat screen TV on a cabinet that my backpack is propped up against it. There's a large sliding door that leads to a walk-in wardrobe and a door opposite it that must lead to a personal bathroom or something. Heavy brown curtains hang over the window.

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