The Final Chapter: I Love You

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Nick knelt beside Cheum, comforting her as she sobbed. "Cheum, how long will you dwell on the 'what ifs' of the past? Isn't it time to let Ray rest? He wouldn't want you to be miserable, nor would he want to see Sand suffer. Longtae's resemblance to Ray ends there; Tae is a unique individual," Nick consoled her.

I understood Cheum needed time to process. Boston held me close, apologizing for what I had heard and assuring me that everything would be okay. Clinging to Boston, comforted by his embrace and whispered reassurances, we lost track of time amidst the quieting sobs in the room.

Eventually, Cheum approached me, expressing regret. "Tae, I'm sorry for causing you pain. Perhaps it's my own guilt speaking, making me feel sorry for Ray. But I know he's gone, and Sand is a good person deserving of moving on. You're also a good person... I might not have mentioned it before, but I recall all those times I vented my frustrations towards you. Thank you for allowing me to speak. It lightened the burden in my heart. I'll work through my remaining regrets, I promise, and I'll support Sand and your happiness," she pledged.

We embraced, tears flowing freely. Boston and Nick, too, held each other, both visibly moved.

Healing isn't a straightforward journey; it requires acceptance and acknowledgment of pain. These five newfound friends of mine have their paths ahead, filled with challenges to overcome. Yet, witnessing their steps towards acceptance reassured me that they were on the right track, and that's what truly mattered.


"What's up, Mew?" I asked as he eventually stopped in a secluded part of the hotel's garden. Top had also stopped not too far away, giving us enough space for a private conversation. I want to head back to Longtae. I'm worried he might feel bad about this situation or, worse, hear things from Cheum. Knowing Boston will be there for Tae gives me a little relief.

"Sand, seriously? You don't see it? You claim to have moved on, yet you bring us a new boyfriend who's basically a clone of Ray! Doesn't it seem like you're using Longtae as a replacement for Ray? I like Longtae, he's a great guy and he doesn't deserve that kind of love. He deserves to be loved for who he is. You've said it yourself, you hate being someone's second choice. Are you doing that to Longtae?" Mew's voice rose louder than usual.

"Mew, I understand how it looks, but that's not what's happening. I met Longtae three years ago, but we decided to go our separate ways so I could sort out my feelings for Ray properly before committing to Longtae. It was a difficult journey, but I worked through it. It took almost eight years to get here. Please, trust me. I'd never do that to anyone, especially not Longtae. I'll always love Ray, and Longtae knows that. But that love is reserved for Ray alone. Longtae is his own person. I might have mistaken him for Ray initially, but I appreciate him for who he is. Tae, with his beautiful smile, pulled me out of darkness. Tae isn't Ray, Mew. I see and love him for his innocence, his selflessness, and his bravery in forging a better life despite a past eerily similar to Ray's. It took time for me to accept that Ray is gone, but he is, and it's okay for us to move forward. Can't you trust that I'm happy and have moved on?" I pleaded with Mew.

Sobbing, he hugged me tightly, "I'm sorry, Sand. I've always felt sorry for you. Ray never admitted it, but we all knew he loved you. He stubbornly claimed I was the one he loved, and we all knew that was the biggest lie. He loved me, yes, but as his best friend. I just don't want you stuck in the past with Ray anymore. I want you to finally be happy. I got scared that was the case when you said you're dating Longtae."

Patting his back gently, I reassured him, "I understand, Mew. Longtae is my fresh start. He's not a replacement for Ray. My story with Ray ended that night, and in a way, Ray said goodbye when he apologized and told me he loved me. So, please, don't feel sorry for the past anymore, alright?"

Little Sprout 🌱 A SandLongtae Story.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum