Chapter 14: Below the Flesh

Start from the beginning

Dot's eyes widened. "Ah..."

"For example, who kept his dreams secret from his friends? You. Who manifested the boss and started the corruption? You. Two of Paradise's greatest heroes are dead, and whose fault is it?" Whimsy paused, grinning widely. "C'mon, whose is it?"

Dot's heart was pounding, but he knew that he had to play along for this to work. "M... mine..." He exhaled between heavy breaths. "It's my fault..."

"Yep! Even though you're a traitor now, you contributed greatly to this project!" Whimsy chuckled dryly.

Hexia observed the scene for a moment, then she slammed the blade of her sword into the ground, causing more blades to burst out of the ground beneath Dot. He let out a wail as it penetrated his legs, falling to his knees and dropping the triangle.

Hexia sauntered over to him, crouching down and picking up the blue triangle. She stared at it silently, her eyes scanning it intensely.

"Oooh! Trying to hide things from us, are ya? Silly Dot, you know you can't do that~" Whimsy teased. "Now, then..." He pulled out a card with an X mark on it. "This talk's been going on for far too long..."

"W-What?!" Dot stuttered. "No!"

"Don't worry, this won't kill you, Mr. Shadow won't allow that... it'll just shut you up for good." With one swift motion, Whimsy threw the card at him.

In the blink of an eye, a pink fist punched the card away before it could hit Dot, making it shatter on impact.

"I knew something was up, you were way too quiet..." Blixer came into view, along with the others.

"Yeah, I knew this would end badly!" Lycanthropy added.

"Seems like I was a bit too late~" Whimsy giggled, scanning each and every one of his enemies. His heart pounded with excitement, eager for battle. "Welcome, my friends! It's so exciting to finally see all of you in the same group..." He paused. "Well, most of you~"

Cyan hissed, immediately figuring out what he was hinting at. "Shut the hell up..."

Hexia only sighed, and went into her fighting position, prepared. "Come on already, let's begin."

With those words, the battle began. Hexia swung her sword with great elegance and beauty, while Barracuda used his snakes.

Cube transformed her arms into claws, and once she aimed them at Whimsy, he used a card to turn the attack around, redirecting it at Cube.

Cube squealed as she barely avoided her own attack, and instead, it hit Lycanthropy.
Lycanthropy stood in shock, processing the blow.

"L-Lycan?!" Cube panicked, her heart rate increasing. "I didn't mean to-"
She let out a shriek as Hexia sliced her chest, thankfully not deep enough to be fatal.

Meanwhile, Whimsy was now busy battling Blixer. The heroic side seemed to be on the losing end, as Cyan and Trian hurriedly avoided the flying projectiles.

Cube took a deep breath, she didn't want to do this again, but she doesn't really have a choice, does she? She closed her eyes and let the corruption enter her bloodline.
Now reawakened, Cubic summoned her saws, throwing them at Hexia-Hexia's eyes widened slightly as she was taken off guard, then her expression quickly changed back to normal again. "Oh? Now this is getting interesting..."

"I still don't know what's going on, but..." Cubic glared. "All I know is that I need to stop you."

With those words, the battle continued: Cubic lunged at Hexia, putting all of her training to use.
Saws and claws flew everywhere, some hitting the metallic walls of the facility.
After several minutes of chaos, the fight finally came to its conclusion. Whimsy and Hexia found themselves worn out and battered-but the heroes were just as bruised.

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