Chapter 2: Island..?

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Cube wakes up, cyan is by her, sleeping. She tries to move, but..
Cube: !!

Her arm was bloody and broken, her screaming woke cyan upCyan: cu- HOLY SHIT ARE YOU OKAY?! Cube: AAAAAAAH!! M-MmYy AaRmMmmAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! Cyan was panicking

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Her arm was bloody and broken, her screaming woke cyan up
Cyan was panicking

he couldn't do anything

he couldn't help

he had to watch his friend in terrible pain.
Cube: o..okay..i.. i.. im okay now..
Cyan: well u-uh.. this looks exactly like the corrupted island.. but..
Cyan touches the pink water, it doesn't do anything!
Cyan: I don't think we need the boat! C'mon, Cube!
Cube: o..okay..
they swim and swim..

Cyan: this is where I saw cuda I hope he's alright..
Cyan: I mean..
Cyan: he's really strong, he probably is alright!
Cube remembers what she saw while she was falling, Cuda was..melting.
Cyan: I think I see him-......
Cuda is there, but..hes melting, he notices them.
Cube: c..cuda?!
Cyan: holyshitholyshit..
Cuda melts more and more
Cuda:, no, no..
Cuda: EM PLEH!
Cyan and Cube: AAAAAAAAAAA-
Without thinking, they both run away.
Cube: i-im so sorry, cuda...!
Cuda melts more
and more

a n d mo r e
until he turns into a puddle
the puddle follows them.
(Is it wrong to say I was fighting barracuda while making this?)

Edit: Here's the remake.
There was a long period of silence and darkness… and then Cube slowly opened her eyes.

Groggy, Cube looked around… Cyan was beside her, still unconscious and a little roughed up from the fall.

Cube tried to move, but a searing hot pain struck her arm. Her eyes widened, processing the pain for a second—then she screamed.

The noise was loud enough for Cyan to jump up awake. "Huh?!" He looked over at Cube and his panic rose.

Her arm was drenched in blood, completely twisted beyond repair.

"Oh god, Cube!" Cyan went over to her, panicking and shaking. "Shit, shit!"

"M-My arm! It hurts! Please!" Cube sobbed.

Tears pricked at Cyan's invisible eyes as he watched his friend suffer. "I… I don't know what to do! I'm sorry!"

Cube sobbed harder, staring at her shattered arm.

It took a while for the pain to subside. Cube was now just breathing heavily and crying, shakily getting up. Cyan sighed, shaking as well.

"Where… where are we?" Cube looked around.

They were standing in the middle of the island, but things seemed… different.
Everything seemed much darker, more hollow and decayed…

The water was completely black, instead of a pure blue.
Cyan gulped and hesitantly inserted a finger into the water… and nothing happened.

He sighed in relief. "We need to go and find the others…"

Cube nodded. She and Cyan went into the cold, black water and began to swim.
It was difficult for Cube, but she had to handle the pain for now.

After an hour or so, they came to a stop at the entrance of the cave.

"I think this is where I first met Cuda. He has to be around here somewhere…" Cyan said.

"I hope he's alright…" Cube added, staring at the ground.

"Well, he was pretty tough when we fought… I'm sure he can handle a big fall!" Cyan tried to reassure her.

Cube nodded. She was trying to remember what Barracuda transformed into during the fall…

"Hey, I think I sense him over here!" Cyan suddenly started running.

"W-Wha… slow down!" Cube chased.

Cyan came to an abrupt stop, causing Cube to stumble a little.

"Huh? What's wrong…?"

Cyan was completely silent, staring at something.

''Cyan…?" Cube looked over and froze. "Huh…?"

It was Barracuda, but… he was constantly melting, groaning and whining in agony.

"Barracuda?!" Cube snapped out of her shock and ran over to him, crouching down. "What happened to you?!"

Barracuda stared at her with a hollow eye. "Help… me…" his lower half was a puddle.

Cube trembled more, sweating. "Where's Blixer and Lycan?!"

"I can't… stop… no… no…" Barracuda suddenly tried to grab at her. "Help me!"

Cube jumped back, letting out a yelp. "I… I…"

Cyan went over and grabbed her wrist, then ran past the melting mess Barracuda was.

"Ah! Cyan, wait!" Cube looked back, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry!"

Barracuda wanted to chase after them, but he could barely even move.
Finally, his remaining form gave out.

Meanwhile, Cyan and Cube had made it deeper into the cave of the volcano…
Just what was happening here?

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