Chapter 11: Nightmares and Circles (REMAKE)

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"You worthless fool!" Shadow Shape yelled. "How did you get defeated so easily?"

Whimsy whimpered. "I'm sorry, sir, I really am…" The frightened jester was cowering before him.

Shadow Shape was sitting upon his throne, baring his teeth in an intimidating manner. "Well, I've sent another one above… My favorite…"

"Huh? But… but I thought you were sending him out last?"

"I changed my mind. Now, get inside your cage. I'll decide your punishment later…" Shadow Shape grinned again. "This is going to be be fun… Isn't that right, Sunny?"

Sunny growled deeply, in chains and shackles. "You idiot… Are you planning to destroy all of Paradise?!"

Shadow Shape chuckled "Of course not! I'm not going to destroy all of your hard work. I'm just going to make it better…"

The goddess glared daggers at him, making him laugh more.

"You know, Sunny, I was originally planning to kill you, but I think you deserve front row seats to my project!" Shadow Shape got up from his throne and slowly walked over to her. "You've given me something special…"

Sunny opened her mouth like she was about to say something, but ultimately lowered her head, silent.
Without her magic, she was completely powerless…

Cube was sitting down on the couch, using her claws to barricade almost every entrance in the house. Her and everyone else's wounds were treated properly.

Cyan walked up to her, confused. "Why are you boarding up the house?"

"So no monsters can get in… We'll leave using the backdoor…"

"Uh, alright then… We've found one piece of the tree, the other two must be around here somewhere!"

Jade walked over to him. "We need some rest right now… it's been a long day…"

"Yeah!" Gold added. "Then we'll all progress together!"

Cyan was hesitant for a moment, then nodded. "Right…"

Cube finished barricading everything up and got up. She sighed, thinking about everything that happened so far, then headed to her room to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Gold was woken up by a loud growl. He panicked, then that panic melted into relief once he realized it was just his stomach.

He rolled out of bed and got up, rubbing his tummy. Then he snuck his way to the kitchen.

After a bit of searching, Gold found himself a bag of chips. They were stale, though…

"Eh, beggars can't be choosers…"

Gold carefully opened the bag, then froze once he heard another growl.
That wasn't his stomach…

It was coming from the living room—the growling got louder.
Gold quickly went over to a drawer and pulled out a knife, then slowly approached the noise.

The moment he stepped foot in the living room, someone jumped on him, roaring.
Gold was silent in shock for a moment, then yelled in fear. How the hell did someone get in?!

It was hard to see the intruder because of how dark everything was…

The figure scratched him across the face, making him cry out. Gold finally thrusted the knife forward and stabbed the attacker in several areas.

The corrupted shape groaned, then got more aggressive.

After a bit of wild thrashing and struggling, Gold was finally able to get the beast off him, standing up and running—he dropped the knife, but was too afraid to go back.

Just Death and FEAR (just shapes and beats AU) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat