The conversation slash argument was cut short when Cassie was to take notice of a tall and skinny guy with glasses leave the building, wearing the same thing he was this morning, that a lot cleaner. For the first time in a good bit, she was overjoyed to see the nervous wreak that was Michael Moran. With a squeak of delight and relief, she pushed Beep-0 out of the way and jumped right into her older brother, him almost tumbling from impact.

   "What what? Cassie?" He'd sound astonished before a smile of joy reached him. "Cassie! I'm so glad your okay!"

   Cassie would jump back from him, shaking in delight. "I'm fine! We were the ones who sent those dummies here, probably. Is Dad also here?"

   Michael nods. "Me and him created this base camp with the little help of Kassidy Vale. She's been struggling to reach us, but she was able to send some supplies."

   With the mention of Kassidy, Beep-0 would make his presence known. "Shall we meet with Dr. Moran? I would probably have stuff to discuss with him."

   With Beep-0 just appearing from behind Cassie, Michael seemed a bit reluctant. He was always a bit timid. Alast, he responded.

   "Whatever the robot says. He's working inside."

   They would call Luke over as Michael lead the heroes into the building. The inside was a cluster of stuff. Cassie swore that it would fall sometime. Anyways, they found Frederick inside, organising papers while working many self-built computers at once. When he heard the footsteps of them, he'd turn around, and his gaze brightened almost with the force of the sun. 

   "Cassie!" He started to cry right away.

   Like Cassie with her brother, her father threw himself into a hug with her, yet he was crying with the sheer amount of joy he was experiencing. 

   "I was so worried!" He would let go to take a good look at his daughter. "You hurt at all?"

   "Dad, I'm fine." Cassie would say, somewhat amused at his overtly joyous state. 

   Frederick would get himself back up, wiping tears off his face. "Nice to see you too Luke, and I believe this is Kassidy's creation?" His gaze turned to Beep-0.

   "Why yes! I am Beep-0, AI assistant to Kassidy Vale. " Beep-0 would try to rehearse. "I've been with Cassie and Luke since we got knocked out of the sky from the crashing of SupaMerge technology. Right now, we have to find Spawny, and stop him from creating more chaos than there already is!"

   "Indeed." Frederick grew serious, and walked over to his monitors with the group following. "I'm calling the sudden blast from Kassidy's creation a 'SupaCrash'. She was doing research on alternate realities with it, which must have been the cause of this whole new world we are in."

   Beep-0 stepped up to his desk. "There was a bug. It caused this to all happen. Now we're chasing a child who's chasing a digital rabbit!" He sounded frustrated before he sighed. "Luckily I have a tracker on Spawny. Though it isn't easy to reach him, as enemies with weapons keep popping up."

   "Speaking of the latter, I heard Luke and Cassie got some weapons on them." Frederick said, looking back to the two of them. "Might I take a look?"

   Luke picked the weapon ring off of his friend, and putting it with his to give to the doctor. Frederick took hold of them, analyzing each before activating them into their bigger weapon forms. Then, we would grab tools. 

   "Let me make some upgrades!" He'd say out of joy at the new tech. "Kassidy has some fine tech, but from looks of this world, your antagonists will just grow stronger and stronger. You'll need them stronger."

   As Frederick began work, Beep-0 would go back to Cassie and Luke. "I didn't see it mentioned in the email, but the last one had more attachments."

   He pulled bands out of digital dust, similar to the rings but much larger.

   "...Um, what are those?" Luke asked first. 

   "Barriers!" Beep-0 cheered. "Those Hoppers could use them, so should we!" He continued to speak as he handed one of each of them. "For Cassie, yours will block out most damage from weapon attacks, but it won't work for physical attacks. Don't worry, I perceive that as long as you don't tell your enemies, they'll fall for it. As for Luke, yours protects you from super effects, meaning that with it up, you will not fall to any special stuff."

   Luke looked excited while he tested the new shield. "But what even is a super effect?" He'd say.

   "From my readings, a majority of enemies have built in effects for their weapons that will sometimes effect the one being fired at in many ways. Some will cause you to be pushed or bounced, others frozen or on fire! They're affective but also dangerous." He would explain like a video game guide. "But a majority of enemies around this area aren't smart enough to work with them."

   "Sick..." Luke was to play with the shield a little bit as Frederick returned with their weapons.

   He'd give them back to Cassie and Luke. "Good timing that Beep-0 was just explaining super effects, as I gave your weapons a variety of some! Cassie, yours will switch from honey damage to push damage. Luke, yours takes on many, with mainly burn, but also push, freeze, and vamp."

   "Vamp?" Luke found that one very odd, but he just shrugged it off. 

   For a good bit, the five would chat, but Beep-0 was to check Spawny's position. "We ought to 'sploing' back into action. Spawny's on his way to the forest, and hopefully it will slow him down enough for us to catch him." 

   Everybody said goodbye for the heroes to go back to their mission, even with all the worry the Moran's felt for Cassie and her friend. Beep-0 sploinged, bringing them back to where the disk was, and back into action our heroes went!

KINGDOM BATTLE//AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें