3//Zapping Zig-Zagging Ziggies

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   The sheer amount of joy that was expressed by Beep-0 after Cassie's reply was surprising for a robot. She usually knew robots to be, well, robots! But he was just so joyful as he shook the hands of both her and Luke.

   "Why, I haven't even asked your names! If we're going to be a team, we must know each other, right?" Beep-0 said, a bounce in his step.

   Luke would chuckle as he was to adjust to the company of the bot. "Well, I'm Luke Valentino!" He'd say.

    "And I'm Cassie Moran." Cassie said, knowing sure he might know her last name.

   She was right. "Moran? Is your father Frederick Moran then? He's a good friend to the Vale's, right?"

   "Whatever you say buddy." Cassie shrugged. 

   "Well then, let me lay on the scoop. Our first task is to catch up to those Ziggies, and get you two set up with weapons. Then we'll catch up to Spawny in no time!" Beep-0 explained, beginning to lead the way towards were the Ziggies ran away in the first place.

   Cassie knew that the idea of weapons would make Luke nervous, but he seemed okay with the idea. 

   "So, how do we fight with weapons? Can't we just, you know." Luke would make punching motions with his hands.

   "Well, sometimes, you can't get up close without getting hurt. Our main worry is being able to defend ourselves from hostiles in the are." Beep-0 explained. "I'll lend the weapons in due-"

   They didn't see it coming, but right out from behind a solid rock block, Cyan rushed in and swept Beep-0's legs from under him. Luke pulled Cassie behind one of the rocks as they heard the voice of Purple shout.

   "Light em' up boys!" 

   Beep-0 would duck and dodge blasts from all three Ziggies who had been hiding along this battlefield behind blocks of stone. It almost looked like he was dancing, which Cassie couldn't help but record. He'd finally duck and roll to cover with the two, frustrated.

   "Guess that was helpful!" He'd snap before sitting himself down with the other two as the Ziggies taunted them from the battlefield. "As I was going to say, I'll just....lend the weapons now."

   He'd take time to start going through his code or inventory, whatever it was, pulling up virtual looking holograms of keyboards and screens. Cassie couldn't help but notice how more and more desperate his gesticulations were getting. Luke was started to get the feeling in the air, as the Ziggies continued to taunt and cackle. What a dumb bunch of idiots! 

   "Oh....where are they!?" Beep-0 sounded frustrated in the dire situation. "Come on!"

   The screen of the robot would suddenly flash as the two saw a letter appear up on his hologram screens. It had to be a letter of some sort...

   Beep-0 was quick to pull it up and read it. 

   "To my dearest Beep-0, whose bravery, intelligence, and compassion stand as beacon of hope for all of us. If my timing is correct, you are in dire need of help. No, you do not have weapons installed into your drive as of now, but I will do it for you! Take the things that should go into your pockets, they'll work for now until more upgrades.

"Signed, your biggest fan.

   "Who the hell is talking here?" Cassie was quick to say. "Sounds like phishing I say."

   Before Cassie said anything else, Beep-0 suddenly grabbed hold of about four strange looking rings, each with it's own color and white button in the middle. The three would just stare for a moment, before Beep-0 shoved two of the four into the hands of Luke and Cassie.

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