2//Journeys Beginning!

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   Luke's heartbeat drowned out most of everything else, yet he made out the shout of Cassie. His panicked gazed searched around the collection of falling objects big and small. He was falling, and oh how he hated heights! It was almost as if his sweat was going upwards of how fast he fell with everything else. He took in a gasp of air, hard as air molecules were brushing up against him very quickly.

   "Cassie!?" He shouted, trying to swim through the air. "Cassie!?" 

   He'd finally catch a eye her pink top and swaying brown hair from lower below him. She was trying to avoid a absolutely humongous toy block from the sky. Worry for her gaze of absolute terror drove Luke to rush his fall down to her. Once Cassie saw him, she reached out for his hand. The two connected.

   "What the hell is happening!?" Cassie cried as she held on for dear life.

   Luke couldn't give a clear answer. Below them...far below them....sat a whole world, new perhaps? Green fields, lush forests, beautiful streams, it looked like magic to him. But in that awe was terror. Where was home now? 

   A flying object split up the two as they shouted for each other. Beep-0 was coming down like a rocket, but he hit the back of a falling chair, flipping over to somehow sit into it. This allowed him to assess his situation.

   "I'm...real?" He felt all over his usually digital form, now a physical body.

   He was indeed, real. Beep-0 wasn't worried about himself too much, well, maybe besides the fact he had weird looking rabbit ears floating above his head. Those ears mentioned before were existent in wherever he was now. Again, he was worried about another thing: Spawny.

   "Why do I have ears-wait, Spawny!?" He called out. "Spawny!!"

   A zap of cyan light nearly hit him as he ducked out of the flying chair to go back into freefall. He crashed into Spawny, still ahold of the SupaMerge headset. Rage at the child filled the AI to the brim.

   "SPAWNY!! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!" He pointed at all the falling objects in the air. "YOU'RE GOING TO HURT SOMEBODY!!"

   The headset started to glitch out madly upon Spawny's face. In a flash of light, to Beep-0's horror, Spawny somehow merged with the headset! The set now was a shiny white coat, with two screens that looked like his eyes. And just like Beep-0, the strange floating ears. The child was more confused than scared as he looked around. Then the eyes of the set betrayed a childish joy.

   "Hey look! I'm a superhero-" He was cut off as the headset again glitched out, and he began to shoot those merging energy blasts everywhere. 

   Beep-0 lost sight of where Spawny went, which he knew was a terrible thing. No time to worry about him, the ground was within range! He actually let out a scream of terror right before Cassie crashed into him, sending both of them into a bush shaped like a couch right upon the ground.

   Cassie took a look at who she crashed into, and backed way off right away. 

   "What in the-uh hell are you!?" She would shout at Beep-0, but she was soon worried about something else. "Wait, Luke!? Luke!? Where are-"

   The green clothed shape of Luke hit a nearby tree, and fell face first upon the grass. Both Cassie and the robot ran to his aid. Luke's vision was all blurry, but he saw two shapes over him.

   "Luke! You good man?" Cassie's voice was worried for him.

   Luke rubbed his head right before his hat finally came down from the tree onto his face. He took it off, and got himself to his rear. The world was spinning before him, but luckily he was on the ground. But before him, lay a vast green landscape, full of hills, cliffs, flowers and sea. Bright greens, bright blues, and many odd shapes of flowers and shrubs dotted nearby land. The wind was warm as well. To Luke, it was magical.

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