1 1/2//The real ones are here now

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   At about the same time as all that electrical boogaloo was taking place at Kassidy's, life goes on as normal for others. Take note, Cassandra Moran. 

   Cassie starts every day like a normal teenage girl: usually by sleeping in. This is what she wishes, only if her father wasn't a mad scientist always blowing stuff up in the Moran's backyard. She loved her father Frederick, but was he annoying with his special experiments! It also sucked that her older brother, Michael, worked with him. Michael was a college dropout, but a decent person.

   She sighed as yet again, she heard the shouts of the boys from outside. Cassie guessed she should get up instead of lay on her bed, than have to rush to get ready for high school. At least she suffered through it with Luke.

   Speaking of the devil, right as she took hold of her phone Luke had texted her. 'Got my electrical bike finally! Will head over to pick you up, and then ride over to school!' it read. Sounded fun, but that was not Cassie's focus. She got dressed, cleaned up her hair, than walked down the stairs of her house to come face to face with Frederick and Michael walking in covered in ash. 

   Usually, the whole family looked the same. Fairly rosy skin, and light brown hair, but the two men now looked like walking black cat cartoons you see around Halloween. Cassie combed her hands through her hair, thinking of how much she'd hate with all that dust on her. But she was quite curious.

   "What in the name of South Bay happened to you jerks!?" Her tone was either scolding or teasing, mix of both mainly.

   Frederick dusted some ash off his face. "I condensed together a ball of ash from burnt wood!" He stated with a excited tone. "Then I set it on fire! A new type of organic bomb!"

   Cassie just rolled her eyes as she pulled out her phone to look at her hair, just to make sure she didn't get any dust or ash on it. She took a moment to take a photo, then back to her father. "Suggesting you clean that off before you get it on me." Her tone was quite rude.

   Her father went to go change and clean, while Michael took a moment to process what his sister said. He would remove his glasses to clean them a bit, showing a mark around his eyes clean of any dust. 

   "Cassie, you know it's not all about you." He mumbled.

   "At least I'm more responsible than you!" She retorted, frustrated with her brother talking to her in this way out of nowhere.

   "Well..." He looked around in the back of his head for something to combat her claim. "Would you say something like that to...I don't know, Rex?"

   Rex Greene was a good friend of both Michael and Cassie. He ran the local coffee shop in their part of town. She had a lot of respect for him, as he had helped her manage through transitioning. He had the most respect that Cassie had for anyone besides maybe Luke. Michael was right, she wouldn't treat Rex that way. But this just made her more pissed off.

   Without a reply, she continued on with the disasterly morning, waiting for Luke to arrive soon. Luckily, after bored scrolling through her phone, he'd finally show up. Cassie would grab her stuff and leave through the door.

   As obvious, Luke Valentino was her best friend. He usually just sat under Cassie's wing and let her do as she wishes, but that didn't bother him. The pale kid removed his helmet, and brushed his blonde hair down a bit. She didn't see him without his hat usually, as his hair was a mess without anything on it.

   "Bad hair day?" Cassie teased slightly, trying to bring up her own mood.

   Luke put his helmet back on. "You know I always have bad hair days. These bright sun rays upon my head are all over the place! They have no coordination."

   Cassie would take Luke back down to his electrical bike as Luke took the driver's seat. "I'm sure with some shampoo you can fix it." She'd say as she sat down upon the extra seat.

   "Uh, helmet?" Luke passed her a extra helmet.

   "But it'll mess up my hair!"

   He'd shove it onto her light brown hair. "Safety first."

  She'd hold over her friends long sleeve green shirt as he set off. It was actually quite the experience, to race around the streets while on the bike. The quarrel with her family seemed far away now as Cassie rejoiced in seeing the town she loved dearly pass by on the way to a simple school day. 

   The wind rushed pass as the two of them passed some familiar faces. Luke waved at local surfer guy Sunny Wilton, on his way to of course, the beach. They'd also pass by his wife, the local fortune teller Madame Contelstrella, or just Donna as everyone knew her. 

   Both Cassie and Luke shot some dirty smug looks as they passed by the so called 'school bullies', Sandy and Blizzard Compasso. As they passed by, Cassie shot Sandy the middle finger. From what she knew, Sandy was fuming at the attack. 

   Though wishing it lasted forever, Luke finally stopped at their high school. He got off first to remove his helmet and replace it with his backwards green cap. In a teasing way, he got on a knee like a butler helping a queen from a carriage. 

   "My lady?" He'd tease.

   Cassie couldn't help but laugh as she took off the helmet and gave it to Luke. "You sir, are something else with your sense of humor."

   "Is that a joke?" Luke turned his head.

   "No clue, I thought of it off the top of my head." 

   The atmosphere was lively, students ranging from freshmen to seniors all around. Lucky for them, they were sophomores, so much attention wasn't dragged. However the attention was at a particular senior that Cassie just wished Luke could ignore as well. Marco Bruce went to this school, and lived in the area.

    He was almost as famous as the actor Tom-Phan Rose, but his career took him to many sports. Marco was famous for competing in the Olympics only at the age of 17, star of boxing. He even rivaled Brock Seymoun himself! His figure was very recognizable, standing at 6'6 with the dark skin and clumsily combed black hair. He might look like a certain video game star if you drew his small growing mustache to red beanie and overalls all together. Cassie thought he looked stupid, yet Luke always forced Cassie to join the crowd of students who always give him attention when he arrives. 

   Cassie would have to stay with the crowd for a bit until Marco actually told the crowd to let him be. What a attention seeker that Marco! Next year he'll be out of here, and she could take the stage!

   The day was slow, just like any other day. Boring classes, most of which Cassie paid no attention to. Neither did her teachers, as she got away with scrolling through her phone for most of the day. Lunch came up, and of course Luke was to drag her to go watch the eSports team practice. At least she was to say hello to Luke's other friend, Markus Rose.

   Unlike Marco, Markus wasn't popular, even with his parents being the Tom-Phan himself and established writer Franco Rose. He was short, with mid toned skin and almost girly brown hair. He might look normal at front, but with a stupid huge smile, he was nuts. All over the place with zero rest of his energy! Cassie found him somewhat annoying, yet somewhat adorable. 

   After some watching of Markus absolutely crush his teammates in practice, the slow day went on. Cassie just dreaded her math teacher, Mr. Jackson. He should be a PE teacher, as he was a strong built man who was blocky in all ways. Yet he choose to be stern, and yell at a poor math class. Cassie just had so much resentment for his attitude. 

   "Take notice that geometry is quite important for human lives." Jackson stated, Cassie not paying attention. "Since you children can't pay attention, I'll simplify it: Imagine a block tower. If the blocks are not stacked neatly, it will fall. You must pay attention to all parts of each block for it to be steady in a tower."

   The explanation was too boring for her to pay attention, but he'd catch her on her phone for sure. So, Cassie's mind wandered...

   What was that? A spark in the air stream? She perked up, feeling like something was off. Even Jackson stopped talking. Silence.

   And as foretold, the SuperCrash was to crash into all in this area. A flash of blue, and a sense of fast flying and falling. 


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