The Gallery ✈︎

Start from the beginning

"It doesn't look like we'll have to amputate it." Marinette's eyes were mesmerizing as she looked up at him with a smile that reflected in her eyes. "That's a good thing." She seemed to only smile more as she examined him further for any more injuries, which there were only a few graze wounds which could be bandaged and he would be good to go on his way in a few days. "Will you return to England after your injuries are healed?" Adrien's eyes seemed to widen as she inquired about him returning home, he was surprised she would even be willing to ask him such a question.
"I'm not sure if they'll let me return alive, but I would like to." Adrien could only hope he would return to England alive, that maybe he would get to go home and start a family with Marinette, if she would have him.
"I leave on a ship to France for an arranged marriage in 3 weeks." Marinette spoke, Adriens smile morphed into a frown, this girl would be married soon.

Once he was all patched up she asked him to stand and check for any pain in his leg, standing up he was substantially taller thank her, and she was even cuter from his normal hight than his hunched over stance, looking down at her, she looked up to meet his gaze, his heart feeling like it was beating in the same rhythm as all the rushed footsteps they could hear outside the room, taking off his soldiers jacket he was only in a white undershirt reaching to grab her hand gently in his, they hadn't known each other more than a few hours, but he knew she was the one. If he'd known he would feel this way about a girl he just met after seeking help, he would've stayed on that battlefield and allowed himself to join them in the afterlife, but now, he was ensnared in her beautiful blue eyes. In love with an engaged woman.

"Don't return, stay, and marry me." He requested, not knowing in that moment he was committing treason to his country, he would never return to England if it meant he could have Marinette. The woman of his dreams, his savior.
"We've only just met, how do I know you're not some kind of kings pet that intends to take me as a prisoner?" She was right, she couldn't know that, he was a soldier of the king of England a servant to his cause of regaining the Americas under his control.
Adrien took a step towards her to fight for his cause. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and you saved my life on top of it, I only wish to repay you with the rest of my existence." Adrien vowed, he knew she wasn't supposed to help him, and that she risked her life in doing so, however he was grateful for her, and wanted to spend the rest of his life repaying the kindness and her beautiful soul that had decided to save him.

Marinette visibly hesitated, he knew it was a long shot her just accepting his out of nowhere proposal, but if she didn't want to be in an arranged marriage she would do it. Adrien watched her in anticipation, sitting down as the wound in his leg began to hurt from standing. Looking up at her with pleading eyes, Adrien only wished to take this woman as his own, claim her as a medic from the British empire, and take her home with him, he could focus on getting to know her during the journey, learning about the woman he would take as his wife. The woman he hoped would accept him in his current state, and then get to know him and become his wife and the mother of his future offspring. She seemed to stare off into the distance as the gears turned in her head, watching her he waited impatiently.

"Give me a few days to think on it, I'm needed at another medic camp, and I'll return in 3 days time." Adrien was worried as he didn't know what would become of him in 3 days time, he would spend that time healing, but he didn't know if doctors would tend to him as a British soldier or if they would report him to the American army and he'd be taken as a prisoner.
"Can you promise I'll be safe if I remain here?" Adrien asked, worried for his own safety as he had no for sure way to tell he would be safe, or that he would be taken care of in his time of weakness.
"I'll make sure you're well taken care of, I have a friend who's also a nurse here, and she has a partner who's currently wounded, I'm sure they'd love to get to know you." Marinette spoke before leaving the room, returning later with a brunette woman. "This is Alya, she will care for your injuries until I return." Marinette introduced the young woman, a man on crutches following them into the room.
"So you're the brit stitches wasn't supposed to save." The young man spoke looking at Adrien, the blonde tilting his head the nickname confusing him not knowing if the dark skinned man was talking about Marinette.
Adrien opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the beautiful girl he'd asked to marry him. "It's my nickname, I was a designer before they needed women to serve as nurses during the war." Marinette explained, Adrien nodding as he now understood the nickname.

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