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How you met:


My brother Sebastiano introduced me while my dad and brothers lived in England. (I live with Mauricio Pochettino and Maurizio and Sebastiano). Tio (Sebastiano) and Izio (Maurizio) had played soccer with Jude and other England players in a scrimmage and this time they invited me. I came in late and Jude made fun of me along with the other boys. Jude and I made eye contact and then I shyly looked away. After practice I helped clean up. I was picking up some hurdles when I looked up to see Jude grabbing the cones. "Hey, I thought you needed help, I hope you don't mind." "No, I don't mind." Jude helped me put away the stuff and we continued talking. He walked me out to my brother Sebastiano's car, and then we exchanged numbers and said bye.


My girlfriend y/gbff's/n and I were walking in Barcelona on the beach when a beach soccer ball rolled into my feet. I looked up to see the hottest boy I had ever seen asking for it. I kicked it back and he looked impressed. He then asked me to play beach football with him and his friends, amnd I happily obliged. Y/gbff's/n decided not to play (it was her time of the month if you get what I mean 😉). Héctor and his friends were very shocked at my skill and they got me an ice cream after our game. (My team won of course and Hector was even on it!!)


I was accepted into the La Masia school in Barcelona when I was 16 years old. On my first day my alarm didn't go off because I forgot to change the time. I rushed to get ready and ran to school. I ran up two flights of stairs and to my first class, English.  Even though I already know English, this was a course I needed and there were no other language classes. I quietly walked in and took the only open seat. I kept my head down and the teacher acknowledge that I was here. She kept teaching and I had to ask the boy next to me where we were in the book. I had missed the introduction, and after I asked he pointed somewhere in the Policies and Procedures packet that was handed out. When I looked up to ask him, though, I realized that he was very good looking. He went back to paying attention to the teacher, but then glanced over at me. He then grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something down. He passed the paper to me and I read "My name is Pablo Gavira, what about you?" I wrote back, "y/n y/l/n" I then waited for the teacher to look away to give the note back. Pablo looked at it and then looked at me with a smile on his face. "Lunch together?' Is what he wrote next and I wrote back saying that I would love to. I didn't know where we ate lunch, but Pablo had asked what class I had beforehand and waited for me there. We then walked to lunch together, me telling him my story.


Besties is how we started, but after meeting up again at my family's house would change that. There I was working at a café in Portugal when I got a text from my mãe. It read, "Christmas. Out house. Stay awhile." It was brief, but I was glad she reached out. I work on the other side of Portugal from my family's home, so this was going to be the first year I could come to Christmas. Last year I quit my job that prevented me from seeing my family. They came down a few times, but couldn't afford anything other than the two times they came. I took a week off (My boss at the café I really nice) and flew to my family's house. It was the house I grew up in, so seeing it brought back so many great memories. I walked in the door and the family dog came running. Being it was my sobrinha and my sobrinho. I hugged them and continued walking in. I got to my living room and hugged my me, my pai, and my irmã. My irmã was a single mother with two jobs who couldn't see me because her time was distributed between her jobs and children. I then saw that not only was my family there, but also my tia and my tio who were just family friends, but they were really close to my family.I hugged them and then saw my childhood best friend walk in from the kitchen. I ran over and jumped into his outstretched arms. It had been so long since I had seen him. He lived in England for a while and then he moved to Spain where he currently lives. He kissed my cheek and my favorite memories with him came flooding back.

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