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(Y/N) Jackson is the son of Sally Jackson, and, unbeknownst to him, the Goddess of Magic, Hecate. He's Percy's half-brother, and while people believe he's the son of Smelly Gabe, he's not.

After being expelled from yet another school, him, Percy, and their mother go to their favorite beach house for a vacation.

He's on a fallen tree, while Sally and Percy talk a few feet away. Percy was upset about what had happened, but at that point, (Y/N) was used to it. Instead of paying attention to the conversation, he grabs a stick, drawing someone in the sand. It was a woman he always saw in his dreams. She seemed oddly familiar, but he never could talk to her. She always had a comforting presence around her, though.

Out of nowhere, rain begins pouring down from the sky, followed by thunder. The three run into the beach house, deciding to wait out the storm. Something about the storm didn't feel right to (Y/N), and it wasn't just the suddenness of it.

A few moments later, a knock is heard on the door. Sally answers it, only to be met with the sight of Grover. However, he looked different. In that moment, (Y/N) notices his goat legs. His eyes widen in shock.

Percy speaks first, confused, "Grover, why do you have half a goat in your pants?"

(Y/N) rolls his eyes in exasperation. He couldn't help but wonder what went through his brother's head sometimes.

"He doesn't," (Y/N) replies. He looks at Grover. "You're a satyr, aren't you? Half goat, half human?"

"Yep. But, that's not important right now," Grover says, turning to Sally. "Percy is in danger. He fought a Fury at school today, and now there's something else after him."

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow, waving a hand. "Umm, hello? He fought a Fury, with my help." He puts emphasis on the last part. Grover paid him no mind, though. He seemed to panicked to be paying attention to (Y/N).

'Typical,' (Y/N) thought, slightly annoyed. 'No one pays attention to the younger brother.' (Y/N) just sits on the couch, pulling out his notebook to continue drawing.

(Y/N) tunes out the rest of the conversation. Next thing he knows, he's in the car, him, Percy, Grover, and Sally speeding down the road. He hears his mom going on about something about Greek gods.

Hearing Sally tell Percy about being a demigod, (Y/N) looks at her curiously. "If Percy is a demigod, does that mean I am, too?" He questions. "I know I'm not Smelly Gabe's son, because I don't look like him."

Sally nods. "Yes, you are, That situation, however, is more complicated."

"What do you mean?" Percy asks.

"Well, you see. You weren't born of normal circumstances, (Y/N). A few years after I had Percy, I wanted another child. I didn't want the child to be Gabe's, though. So, I consulted the Goddess of Magic. Thanks to her, you were born."

"What's so complicated about that?" (Y/N) asks. "That just sounds like the plot to a fanfiction or something."

"Well, the complicated part is, since Hecate is the one who used her magic, that makes her your mother. Which means, you have two mothers, technically."

'But, I wasn't born due to love between you and someone else. I was born from magic. Which is why you have always been closer to Percy,' (Y/N) thinks, a twinge of bitterness in his heart. However, in that moment, things begin to make sense. He looks at Grover.

"Grover, have you ever met Hecate, or seen what she looks like before?"

"Yes, I have. Why?" Grover tilts his head curiously.

(Y/N) holds out his notebook, showing Grover the drawings of the woman from his dreams. "Does she look familiar?"

"That's Hecate. Have you met her before?"

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