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Edgar made the same pathway again that morning, dressed up in at least three layers to fight the cold and headphones to pass the time until he reached school. That morning was hard to wake up to, it was colder than the day before, the day was darker, greyer than usual and his humour wasn't the greatest. He didn't sleep really well that night, turning over and over again, only able to sleep a few hours later, at four in the morning.

So he reached the gates of his high school and prepared himself for a new wave of classes and short interactions. Today was one of those days, when he didn't want to speak a word and he didn't want to do anything other than bury his face into his books and study.

He walked towards his classroom and sighed loudly, putting his backpack on the floor and sitting next to Leo, who was reading a book in his designed seat. Edgar placed his head on top of the desk and pretended to sleep for a few minutes, he just rested his eyes for a little bit, feeling the throbbing pain of lack of sleep behind his eyes.

Leo hummed a bit, loudly and then placed a hand on his back, to which Edgar lifted his head and turned to him. “Ah,” he started. “Hello.” he didn't continue as he laid his head back again into his arms.

“Did you sleep well?” Leo asked, his tone was gentler than the regular and he was looking at him with softer eyes. Edgar turned his head, still laid on his arms and looked at him, shaking his head in a single motion, his lips twitched. “Not well then.”

From there, Edgar could notice the slight tint of dark under eyes on Leo, he looked tired, not too tired, but tired enough for someone who usually has a perfect appearance for anything and everything. Edgar has caught him putting concealer before when getting pimples, he didn't care. But he looked particularly tired that day.

“You too.” He spoke, Leo looked at him for a bit and then sighed, nodding along. “You look tired.”

“I am.” Edgar lifted an eyebrow but didn't receive a response. In turn, the teacher entered the classroom and everyone opened up their bags and notebooks. Both of them sighed and continued the class.

After class, they spent the entire lunch break inside of the library, as it was too cold outside for them to stay there, not even the little bit of sunlight was enough to help them as it was too cold to handle. They sat down on one of the tables and spread their things there, staying silent. Sitting next to each other, their shoulders were practically touching and Edgar was enjoying the slight warm he got from his friend's body temperature, he would never say that, but having his friend close by was always enjoyable.

As they were reading their books, Edgar felt a bit bothered. Almost like an energy lifting up in the air, something was bothering him a bit, not enough to make him mad, but slightly uncomfortable. He stopped reading as he couldn't really pay attention to the words in front of him and Leo moved a little bit by his side.

He lifted his head and looked at Leo, but he was staring at his book, eventually writing down a couple of things, turning the page in and staying still as he read the words. Edgar turned his head around, looking at the space inside of the library, , looking towards the people, eventually finding someone looking in their direction.

Her eyes were staring intensely in their direction, big brown eyes, adorned with eyelashes and she had lipstick on her lips. She was staring at them and it took a minute for Edgar to figure she was staring at Leo. She wore a long beige coat and boots on her feet, she was sitting in one of the large couches spread inside the school library and she had a book in her hand, seemingly pretending to be reading it, as she looked in their direction.

Edgar didn't know what to feel, at first he didn't think about it, but figuring she was staring at Leo, his heart stopped a bit for a slight second. He obviously couldn't point it out but a thought crossed his mind as he started envisioning things. His thoughts were a bit rearranged and the girl stopped looking at them once she realized Edgar was staring back.

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