40 Anirudh and Bondita faceoff , moving away from him

Start from the beginning

Proud smile crept up on vinayak face and this made Jagannath and sampoorna feel more jealous and enrage

Anirudh snapped all of them and asked them to come to the point .

Jagannath cleared his throat and had put forward the proposal of buying a commercial complex that  belong to Ratnakar in Delhi which is in prime location affordable for their software company branch which they wanted to start in Delhi. They are ready to pay the market rate but they want the complex  soon. They wanted  to renovate the building as per their needs and start their branch for their upcoming project

Before Ratnakar respond Anirudh only replied firmly: Sorry!  Ratnkar sir is not ready to sell that building to you

Ratnakar is also equally shocked alongwith Vinayak and co for Anirudh's spontaneous and harsh reply

Sampoorna thought that ANIRUDH is taking revenge on them for years of insults and discrimination they have done  him by rejecting the proposal. Even Jagannath also felt the same and fumed with Angry 

He was already disturbed with Mini behaviour towards his grandson chandu . She is not at all  doing her duties towards him but roaming with her friends for weekend parties. And chandu is highly irked with this . Out of frustration chandu had recently blurted in phone what all he did to marry  her and   but now he realised that he himself got trapped in this Unnecessarily marriage . There his grandson is suffering and here his grandson step brother,  this Anirudh is progressing in life after mini walked away from his life as if misfortune left him.

Vinayak: RATNAKAR! We want that location at any cost . I am ready to pay as much as you demand but deal should be done immediately. 

Ratnakar: ANIRUDH! I think we should

Anirudh immediately kept video call in mute and started speaking: Ratnakar! I understand what you are going to tell but no ..this deal won't be beneficial for you and your image

Ratnakar: They are ready to pay us the market rate. Even we can demand more as they are in hurry.

Anirudh  :  Ratnakar! This proposal is beneficial in terms of money  but not  beneficial for your political career

Ratnakar: what ?

Anirudh: Did you forget how you raised in your polictical party?

Ratnakar furrowed his eyebrows and looking at Anirudh who explained that the complex which vinayak is asking is already given by you for lease to Middle class people to start their small scale business for shops and  textile businesses for reasonable lease charges  and their businesses are growing exponentially in that area.

They all look at you as their god and with that reputation only you have gained fame. Now if you accept Mr. VINAYAK proposal these people  will occupy that complex and renovate as per their business needs.

Then where will these middle class and small scale business owners will go ? What will they think of you ! You , collaborating with one business man will spoil your reputation in nearly 2-3k middle class common people and from them mouth publicity will be done and it will project you as selfish and commerical oriented person and it not only  tarnish your image but also your party image in common people perspective. .  And you are the key person in your party and one wrong step will spoil everything. All these months of hard work will go in vain. Do you want that to happen?

Ratnakar: I understand...but we need friendship with high society business tycoons also . Mr. Vinayak is share holder of reputed software company firm. They have lot of branches in south India And now expanding in north India too .

Anirudh: I know and I haven't asked you  not to  collaborate with them  . I have solution for that also and suggested a solution.

Ratnakar is impressed with his idea and thanked Anirudh and then came back into video conference call.

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