Start from the beginning

"What do you want with us?", Elena questioned, her eyes glancing at Alex briefly as she spoke to the woman, "Oh my god, you look just like her.", the woman spoke softly, her expression awed slightly at the resemblance to who Aex assumed to be Katherine.

"But I'm not. Please, whatever you-", Elena pleaded but was cut off when the woman raised her voice, "Be quiet!", Elena didn't listen and continued speaking, "But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this.", the doppelganger pleaded with the older vampire in the room. Alex reached out and grasped Elena's hand and shook her head to get her to stop, she didn't know what the woman was capable of at the moment and didn't want Elena to get hurt.

"I know who you are, I said be quiet.", the woman spoke, her tone showing how irritated she was with how much Elena was speaking, "What do you want?", Elena asked anyway, ignoring both her cousin and the woman's instructions. The woman speeds forward and whips her hand across Elena's face in a backhand, Alex lunged forward and grabbed her cousin so she didn't fall off the couch. She turned back to the woman only to be met with a pointed glare, "Don't or I'll snap your neck again.", the woman threatened before she walked out of the room. Alex rolled her eyes with a huff, she felt entirely useless against the obviously older vampires and knew they would be able to get to her before her magic could do anything.

Alex decided to snoop around the room while she waited for Elena to wake up, she ended up finding a really old-looking book and snagged it from the bookcase it was on. She walked back over to the couch Elena was on and sat in the opposite corner to her cousin with the book splayed in her lap. An hour later, Alex heard her cousin wake up with a soft moan leaving her lips as she sat up. Alex lifted her eyes from the book in her lap and looked at her cousin, "Sleep well?", she asked sarcastically as she shut the book and tossed it aside.

"Have you just been sitting here?", Elena asked with a slightly irritated expression, "What else did you expect me to do? Those two would rip me to shreds before I could do any magic and I'm still new to being a vampire, El.", Alex told her in a hushed tone so the two vampires who kidnapped them wouldn't walk in. Elena seemed to accept this response before she stood to her feet, she made a small gesture for Alex to follow her which she reluctantly did. They made their way towards the opening of the large room and down the hallway towards the staircase, they silently made their way up the steps to where they heard Trevor and the woman's voice coming from.

"So that's it, Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait.", The woman spoke, her tone showing her growing irritation and what Alex thought may have been fear, "Look, it's not too late. We can leave it here. We don't have to go through with this.", Trevor suggested, his tone displayed a level of fear Alex couldn't quite understand but knew it only meant trouble.

"I'm sick of running!", The woman raises her voice at Trevor, she seems irritated with the thought of running, "Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying.", Trevor retorted back. Alex and Elena watched their argument through a crack in the door, if anyone were to see them, it would be comical the way they looked.

"Elijah's old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free.", the woman told him, Alex felt her body tense up at the name and the familiarity of the way it was said but chose to ignore it for now as the two vampires seemed to be getting closer to the door as they spoke so Alex grasped Elena's elbow and pulled her away from the door but her cousin's foot landed on a loose floorboard causing it to let out a creak. The woman seems to spot the door and growls out, "You!", she stomps forward and opens the door completely, "There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?", She spoke with a finger pointed at the two.

"Who's Elijah?", Alex asked, her eyes switching between Trevor and the woman as she waited for one of them to answer her question.

"Your worst nightmare.", the woman responded before she brushed passed Alex and Elena, the two stared after the woman as she stomped away from them. Alex looked at Elena with a frown before she gave her cousin's arm a slight nudge to follow after the woman.

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