"I can cook," Isabella says 'hiding her smug smile' wanting to take Cora's place at home even though she can't cook,

"I remember your mom couldn't cook in the kitchen," Charlie says recalling a memory, "but Cora can and I know Vallie can whenever you're not trying to sabotage whatever she cooks."

"That's why I don't cook when she's around anymore," Vallie says, "also didn't you also give the family food poisoning three times, except for dad once without dad, Isabella?"

"It's Bella," Isabella corrects, "and it was an accident."

Vallie meets her father's eyes and both know that what Isabella said was a lie.

Isabella looks at Vain and Charlie only for them to ignore her.

Charlie changes the subject, "how was your day Bella?"

"Good," was Bella's simple answer, "do you know the Cullen's?"

"Are people talking about them again?" Charlie asks.

"Kind of," Bella replied.

Charlie groaned, "this town is lucky Mrs. Cullen wanted to live somewhere quiet and small. Dr. Cullen is the best doctor we have and their kids aren't running around wrecking havoc...I just don't like narrow mindedness."

Vallie tunes out until they get home then she goes and sits on the couch as Isabella goes up to her room.

Charlie sits beside her, "what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about two things," Vallie admitted, "want the serious or non-serious first?"

Charlie thinks, "non-serious then serious."

"Is there a place where I can learn self-defense?" Vallie asks, "I wanted to learn, but mom only gave Isabella pepper spray."

"Really Isabelle?" Renée asks, "you were safe with Isabella."

Vallie raises an eyebrow in disbelief not believing that for a second.

Charlie thinks, "I'll see what I can find for you."

"Thank you," Vallie says gratefully

Charlie gets serious, "now onto the serious thing."

Vallie thinks, "I'm not sure how to word it."

"Take your time," Charlie says.

Vallie soon finds the words, "have you ever felt like a part of you is missing and you don't know why?"

Everyone in the theater except for; Regulus, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, and Sirius were confused.

Charlie nods, "I did when Cora and I started dating; I thought that after Renée that no other woman would love me then when you did what you did my heart felt halfway full again and now that I have my girls back my heart is completely full."

"It feels like that and that it's pulling me somewhere that I don't know," Vallie admitted.

"That makes no sense," Isabella scoffs.

"It's her wings," Cygnus finally tells everyone only to see their confusion, "she was destined to be our dad's soulmate so she got her wings as a way to mark her even though she didn't know."

Vallie looks surprised and speechless at that while Chrysta was teasing Orion.

Charlie looks confused along with Cora, "how about we talk about it more this weekend?"

"It's getting late," Cora adds after looking at the time.

Vallie nods and gets up, "goodnight."

"Goodnight," Cora and Charlie say at the same time.

Vallie goes to her room and does her homework before getting a shower only to get changed into her night clothes after she's done then she does her homework and goes to bed.

Night Clothes:

Night Clothes:

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Swan and Windwalker: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now