First Day of School

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-Next Day-

Vallie woke up and smelled food being cooked so she went and got a shower before doing the rest of her morning routine only to go downstairs after grabbing her backpack. (Her outfit is in the picture up top)

"Is it always cold there?" Hildegard asks.

Vallie nods, "it either almost always rains or snows, but we have good weather from time to time."

Cora sees Vallie come down first and smiles, "morning Vallie."

Vallie smiles back, "morning mom."

"How did you sleep?" Cora asks.

"I slept well," Vallie replied getting her plate which had two pumpkin crepes on it, "how did you and dad sleep?"

Pumpkin Crepes:

"That looks really good," Sofia comments with others agreeing with her

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"That looks really good," Sofia comments with others agreeing with her.

"It is," Vallie confirms.

Cora smiles gratefully, "although Vallie's food is just as good."

"We slept well," Cora said with a blush on her cheeks.

Vallie smirked at that, but before she could say anything Isabella came downstairs and the smirk fell off her face.

"Good morning Bells," Charlie said.

Isabella grabs an apple, "good morning Char-dad."

"She almost called you by his name," Amber pointed out to Charlie.

Charlie shrugs, "according to Vallie she calls me by name in Arizona."

Bella looks at Vallie, "you weren't supposed to tell him."

Charlie doesn't react to her almost calling him by his name which clearly annoys Isabella, "are you hungry?"

"I'm fine," Isabella says then looks at her sister to see what she was wearing, "what are you wearing?"

Vallie raises an eyebrow after seeing her twin make a face, "clothes."

"What happened to the clothes mom and I got you?" Isabella asked getting even more annoyed.

"I wore the last outfit yesterday," was Vallie's reply before she ate her breakfast only to get up and wash her dirty dishes once she was done only to grab her keys and head to the door.

Isabella hurries after her and gets down the steps only to trip and by the time she got up Valora was already in the station wagon and driving off while the dull-haired girl thought that it wasn't fair that she wasn't aloud to ride with her (Vallie).

Vallie sees dad look at her, "she received whatever she wanted from mother."

Vallie arrived at school before parking her car then getting out and shutting the door only to put the keys in her pocket while ignoring the stares of all the other students.

Swan and Windwalker: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now