second - warm coffee.

Start from the beginning

Jay looks to the counter and at the blushing mess his co-worker is. "Sunghoon, I need your help. Can you come over?", he yells at him. It was a blatant lie, but he knows him good enough that he needs this way out right now. Maybe he has a thing for Jake too, but he's a little too shy for the type of aggressive flirting Jake tried.

"It's nothing personal and I would love to talk to you a little more", Jay admits. "But Sunghoon isn't that good with these things... I'm sorry..."

"Oh! I get it, no problem. Just let me help you with this poor guy here", Jungwon replies with a warm smile and grabs the book out of Jays hands. "I put it on the right shelve on my way out, alright? Bye Jay!"

With that he waves like the last time and leaves a stunned Jay behind.

Warm. Not just his fingertips. His whole hand. It spreads from the tip of his middle finger to his wrist. Everywhere were Jungwon left his imprint with his soft skin, it is so warm.

"Thank y- wait Jay? Are you okay?", Sunghoon asks concerned.

"I guess? My hand is warm."

Sunghoon looks at Jay like he's completely out of his mind, but he also never saw that smile on his face, so he just hums and doesn't question it any further.


Work is now not just the mundane thing in his daily routine he had to do. Not just another task to survive. It reminds him of the encounters with Jungwon and how they affected him. And every time the bell above the entry door rings he secretly hopes it's the boy with the cute dimples. It's been three days since Jay last saw him and even if he hopes, he's also not delusional. He knows that people usually don't need books every day, not even every week. So he waits and hopes. What a strange thing to do.

His shift is almost over when a completely drenched person enters the store. Their olive green jacket is almost black on the shoulders because of how wet it is, their hair leave droplets of water on the oakwood floor and their shoes leave a squelching sound with every step.

Jay pities the person, but also a little himself, because he has to clean the floor afterwards.

"Jay, Hi! Good, you're here!", the person smiles brightly.


Immediately Jay gets going and drags Jungwon by his hand in the staff room. Before Jungwon can say anything, Jay grabs a towel out of the cabinet and dries his hair.

"I can do it by myself, you know?", Jungwon chimes in and Jay stops in his tracks. He stares in shock at Jungwon who just grins, then takes both of Jays hands and continues his movements.

"Thank you", he whispers in the silence.

Jay nods dumbly and gets lost in the sparkling obsidian eyes which look amused and still tinted with fondness at him. It's so quiet in the small room, you can hear their breathing. Slow and steady, Jungwons interrupted with small shivers. This sets Jay in motion, he shucks off his hoodie and hands it Jungwon, who refuses to take it.

"What? No! I- I can't-"

"Why not?", Jay wants to know with a raised eyebrow.

"B-because then you're cold", Jungwon states earnest.

Jay wants to scoff, however suppresses the impulse and shoves the fabric literally in Jungwons face. "You're the only one who can keep me warm." It's gladly just a whisper, because definitely not for Jungwons ears destined.

never knew I could feel like this. - JAYWONWhere stories live. Discover now