2 | Game of Deception

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I argued my point vehemently. "Then why force me into a role that doesn't align with my expertise? It feels like I'm being punished for being successful."

His response was swift and unyielding. "Fair or not, it's an order. Consider it an opportunity to showcase your brilliance in a different setting."

The meeting concluded, and I left his office, frustration simmering beneath the surface. This wasn't about showcasing brilliance; it was about control. As the door closed behind me, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being maneuvered, like a pawn on a chessboard.

Once back at my desk, my irritation heightened as the superintendent's assistant scurried over, clutching a set of files. "The head asked me to give these to you," he stammered, his eyes darting nervously.

"What's this about?" I snapped, my patience wearing thin.

"It's about your role as a guest lecturer in the college, and, um, details about the college itself, and, uh, the duration," he explained, almost flinching under my gaze.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, fighting the urge to explode. "Leave it on the table."

He hurriedly deposited the files and practically fled, as if I might pounce on him at any moment.

In a fit of frustration, I kicked my chair weakly, and it toppled over with a loud crash. My eyes scrunching in irritation, I opened them to find the entire office staring at me. I shot a glare at one of them, a silent command to either continue with their work or move along, before crouching to set the chair straight. I resumed my seat, opened the file, barely read anything, and went straight to the duration page.

The first thing that caught my eye was "10 months." I took a deep breath, attempting to cool my rising frustration. Clutching the file, I stormed into the head's office, my irritation barely contained.

"What is the meaning of this?" I near-yelled, thrusting the file toward the superintendent. His eyes flicked to the file on the desk, and he gestured for me to take a seat.

"Samaira, please, let's discuss this calmly," he began, attempting a conciliatory tone that did little to appease my frustration.

"Calmly? You expect me to be calm after seeing this absurdity?" I retorted, my voice sharp.

He sighed, "We've arranged for you to be a guest lecturer at a prestigious college. It's a great opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise."

"Ten months!" I couldn't contain my incredulity. "Are you expecting me to abandon my responsibilities here for that long? Who will handle ongoing excavations if they need my expertise or opinions?"

He leaned back, a trace of annoyance in his expression. "Samaira, we considered your exceptional skills. And currently, there are no ongoing excavations that demand your immediate attention."

"Exceptional skills? Don't give me that nonsense," I shot back. "This is about my records, isn't it? You can't stand the fact that I've achieved more in a shorter time than anyone else in this office."

The superintendent's eyes flashed with irritation. "This isn't about your records. We appreciate your contributions, but we also have to consider the needs of the organization."

I leaned forward, my frustration reaching its peak. "Needs of the organization or your ego? This is a punishment for excelling, for being too brilliant for your comfort."

"That's not the case," he insisted, his tone firm.

The superintendent's office felt like a battleground, tension thick in the air as I stood my ground as my eyes flicked between him and the file.

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