Steve looked at him and whistled then walked away. 

"Oh, it's like that now, is it?" 

Bucky bent down, grabbed a fistful of snow, rolled it in a ball, and launched it at the back of Steve's head. 

"Ow!" Steve rubbed his head, and everyone laughed. 

"It's on!" 

You don't know who threw the first snowball, but they started flying as you hid behind your largest snowman you made earlier. Bucky was hiding behind a smaller one next to you while snowballs flew all around. 

 "Hurry Bucky!" you called. 

He was forming the balls at a record pace while you launched them at everyone, working as a team.

"That's for making me sit in on your boring ass meeting last week Sam!" you chucked a snowball at Sam's thigh, and he screamed like a little girl and flopped down in the snow. 

You rolled over laughing at his over-reaction when you saw a large snowball come down on you then break apart. Bucky looked at you sheepishly. 

"Wasn't me doll" he winked. 

Oh really? 

You had an evil thought run through your mind knowing how much Bucky cares for you.

"Owe, it hurts Bucky!" 

Bucky was instantly at your side. 

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" he inspected you all over when you shoved a fistful of snow on his face and then you launched yourself up and grabbed another handful of snow, stuffing it inside his jacket and smearing it around with his body heat. 

"That's evil!" Bucky chuckled. 

"I know!" you cackled. 

You giggled like a maniac while Bucky whimpered and gave you puppy dog eyes to help him. 

"Nope, not gonna help you Buck. I know you. You're gonna pull me in and shove snow in my face." You shook your head no. 

"Awe, come on, I'm not that mean" he teased, sending you an evil smirk.

The fun eventually died off and everyone went inside the compound to warm up. You had some hot cocoa and smiled at the new memories you had. 

"Hot tub?" Tony called from the kitchen, and you nodded excitedly. 

He snuck out early from the snowball fight mumbling something about having children live with him but came back for cocoa. 

"Absolutely" Nat winked at you.

You gave her a funny look but shrugged. Everyone was smirking and looking at each other. 

"I'll see everyone there" you called over your shoulder and scampered off to your room to change.

You grabbed your bathing suit and looked at it before putting it on. For someone who didn't exactly have an amazingly fit body, you let out a huff. It was a one-piece, red suit, basic but it had a deep v-neck and a low back to it making your curves pop. You had other bathing suits in your drawers, even a two-piece for when you were feeling brave, but this one was one of your favourites simply because you felt amazing in it. You put it on and threw on a sheer black cover-up and proceeded to head to the hot tub in the pool room to warm up.

You saw Bucky waiting outside the pool room doors. He had on black swimming shorts and a grey hoodie and looked delicious. You shook your head and cursed the blush you had forming on your cheeks. Thankfully you could blame your rosy cheeks from being outside and not you lusting over your friend and mission partner. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now