Ch. 3: The Same Coin

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"Tonight?" I turn down the street towards the headquarters of CJ Piers, one of New England's wealthiest and premier investment banks. If they're so rich, why not spring for an office on Wall Street? Fishy fishy. "I can't tonight. Today's Friday, Mom, remember? I have a Spanish class in the city?" Liar, liar, pencil skirt on fire. "Umm... what about Sunday?"

"Right, I forgot about that," she says as I pull into the parkade of my office building. "How are those classes coming along?"

The sensation of being under the bright stage lights at Lux sparks a jolt of excitement and anticipation in my spine, and the heart in my chest beats faster. I'm not sure if it's mine or theirs. On Friday nights, it doesn't matter though. Friday nights, nothing is real. Nothing.

"Classes are great," I say, grabbing a folder from the backseat and grinning as I catch the sparkling shimmer of the thigh-high boots I'll be wearing tonight. I smirk, mentally starting a countdown until I'm not me anymore. "So uh— Sunday then?"

"I'll talk to your father and let you know," she says. "Have a good day at work, Emery. Say hello to Thomas for us."

"Will do," I hum, rushing out of my vehicle and towards the elevator. "Bye."

A hoard of blue and black suits pack into the elevator, and I shimmy inside, blending in perfectly with the corporate coked-out zombies and bushy-tailed interns. Two sides of the same coin. I catch one intern gazing admirably at a managing partner. I inwardly scoff. Don't worry, kid. That's your future. All you gotta do is wait twenty years and you'll also be divorced and addicted to high-end strippers. You'll also be as flaccid as a senile dog. I snort.

"Emily." Mr. Kenneth stops me as we pour out the doors. "Did Mark send you the—"

"Expense reports from last quarter?" I ask, gripping my purse tight. He still doesn't know my name? That's outrageous. Fucker's probably early onset. "I'll have it reviewed by next week."

"Lovely." He flashes me his purchased smile and pats me on the shoulder as he walks away. "Enjoy your day."

"Likewise," I say, rolling my eyes in annoyance. If he wants to touch me, he'll have to pay. Just like the others. He already did, remember? I shudder. That was a long night. I round the corner towards my office, and like clockwork, Tom jogs up beside me, holding two coffees in his hand. "Thanks."

"You look beautiful this morning," Tom whispers as I take the tumbler from him and sip on the overly sweet and creamy beverage. I give him a grateful smile like I always do. "Good, huh? I asked for a little vanilla this time."

"Vanilla? Really?" I perk up a brow. "How scandalous."

Tom grins, shrugging coyly. "Figured it's good to shake things up occasionally, you know?"

"Don't shake too hard now, wouldn't wanna overexert yourself," I say, continuing the walk to my corner of the floor. Tom follows behind me like a loyal puppy. Aren't puppies supposed to be cute? He's more of a rescue that you can't help but feel bad for. Stop it. "Is my computer fixed?"

"Yup. Came in early to double-check that all the programs are running smoothly." He tosses me a wink that barely makes it past his rimless glasses. "You're all set."

"Great." Tom pulls my office door open for me and follows me inside. What is he doing? He knows the rules. No one at the office must know that we're an item. Yeah, a clearance item. He paces around nervously as I settle in. "Tom?" He jerks his head in my direction and swallows. "Is everything alright?" I fake-check my calendar. "I have a meeting in—"

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