Snow Fight

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The girls sat in front of the TV watching Nightmare Before Christmas, "This is the only good thing to come out of Christmas, Tim Burton," Tara said, "Nah, Christmas cookies are the bomb," Eva stated, smiling, "Ooo, and free stuff!" Maddie said, "Honestly, I just love Christmas in general...the presents, the music, the movies...but I mostly like the fact that everyone gets together and just...does something fun. Even if that something fun is Tom getting drunk, Edd and Matt having to keep him and Tara from falling off the roof. The rest of us just do our own thing," Tara rolled her eyes, "We do something once a week, dude," then Holly shrugged, "Yeah, but still, it's nice," then Edd butted in, "Actually, we have an actual plan for Christmas," the girls all had their attention on Edd, "What?" Maddie asked, "We're going sledding. Managed to convince Tom to actually come and celebrate with us," Both Tara and Holly got excited, "Hell yeah, sledding!" Tara said, but Holly was excited for a different reason, "Hailey's going sledding this year too!" Tara huffed, "What's so cool about Hailey?" Eva shrugged, "Well for starters, she calls Ellie out on her bull," Tara was about to retaliate, but then agreed, "I mean yeah, she does, but-" then Maddie spoke, "She's also kinda the reason why Tessa has some backbone," then Holly, "She's genuinely nicer than Ellie, Tessa, and Millie combined," then Tara huffed, crossing her arms, "Well I still don't like her, she's up to something..." Holly rolled her eyes. They continued watching until the movie was over, "Let's watch Coraline," then there was a unanimous agreement with Eva.

"YEAH!" Eva shouted, shooting down a hill, "Last one down gets pelted with snow!" Tara shouted at Holly, before zooming down the hill, "You're on!" Holly shouted, zipping to Tara down the hill, then passing her with the help of her drone, hooked to her back and pulling her faster, "Oh, c'mon! You're cheating!" then Holly laughed, "Never said there were any rules!" Maddie was building a snowman, "There!" then it was plowed down by Tara and Holly, "C'mon, guys!" she shouted, "Sorry!" and Eva turned her board, skidding to a stop, "Need help?" Maddie nodded, somewhat sadly. Eva got off her board and began rebuilding the snowman with her. Soon, Tom and Edd passed Tara, "Oh c'mon!" she shouted, "Haha!" Tom taunted. Tara leaned forward, trying to catch up, before losing control and rolling down the mountain, "WhOaOaOaOaOa-!" she shouted, getting wrapped up in the snow. She managed to pass Tom, then Edd, then Holly, and by the time she was a the bottom, she was wrapped in a big snowball, "Halp, please-" Holly fell over laughing, "Y-You look- You look like-" Holly said through laughter, "Holly, c'mon, dude, I'm freezing, get me out!" Holly nodded, still laughing as she tried to release Tara from her snow prison. Instead, Holly got engulfed by the snow, "HAH!" Tara shouted, starting to laugh, before noticing Holly's struggle to get out, "Oh shit-" Tara shimmied herself over, pulling Holly's head to the surface, "You ok?" Holly sighed, "Yeah, I'm fine..." she seemed upset now, "You just wanna chill?" Tara said before immediately sighing in disappointment, "That was a pun..." Holly started laughing, "It's snow problem dude," Tara then left, "Nope," this made Holly laugh. They went back to the top, sledding down again, hollering loudly, "Yeah!" before they got plowed by snow by a familiar voice, "Get out of my way!" it shouted, sledding past them with laughter, then two others, following suit with the mean act. The snow knocked Holly and Tara over, "Ellie..." Holly grumbled. One of the sledders stopped, shouting at the group, "Guys, c'mon, it's Christmas!" then she hopped over on her board, "Hey, you guys good?" Holly stood with Hailey's help, "Yeah, thanks Hailey," Hailey was a tall, Dutch girl, with a tomboy appearance, minus the short hair. Her hair was very, very red. She held a hand out to help Tara up, but Tara just got up before rudely saying, "Yeah...thanks..." Hailey sighed, then got nervous, "So, wanna hang out?" Holly was about to say something before Tara grabbed Holly's hand, "No, bye," but Holly yanked her hand away, "Dude, why are you being such an ass?" Tara just huffed, "I don't trust her dude, let's go," Holly crossed her arms, "No, dude, she's my friend. If you're gonna be rude then I'm gonna hang out with her," Tara got somewhat offended, "Wha- dude, seriously?! We're-" Holly stopped her, "I don't care if we're friends, Tara, she's my friend too," then Holly turned away, "Let's go, Hailey," but Hailey tried to stop her, "You can hang out with her if you want. I don't want to make you feel like you have to hang with me," Holly continued forward, "No, I need a break from Tara anyway," and Tara watched as Holly left with Hailey before angrily going down the hill. She soon went to her dad, taking her sled off her feet, "What's wrong?" Tom asked, but the only answer he got was her plopping herself onto a bench seat, "C'mon kid, what's wrong?" Tara sighed angerily, "Holly's hanging out with her new best friend Hailey, apparently," she huffed, and Tom sighed, "You and that Hailey kid...why do you hate her so much?" Tara shrugged, "She's up to something, I know it...she doesn't act like a normal kid and...I don't know...something's off..." Tom sighed, "You don't have to like her, but you have to accept the fact that the other girls do. Give Holly some time," Tara nodded.

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