December 4

410 34 24

A/N: I may have forgotten so say it... this is a collab with Greenightronix3400

Please be patient with the updates here... we have different time zones and I tend to forget that a lot... sorry partner 😅

In class group chat:


Shoto: Isn't it obvious?

Pomeranian: NO!

Pomeranian: WHO WAS THIS?

Mina: It ain't me!

Pomeranian: I don't care who this fucking was, you better change it back NOW!

Pomeranian: ASAP!

Izuku changed Pomeranian to Dandelion

Iida: Izuku, this was not what he meant.

Izuku: I know but it is Christmas season.... so a bit of forgiveness can be shown

Momo: He is kinda right.

Sero: Yup!

Ojiro: Christmas, the time to meet family and spend some time together.

Kirishima: Or in our case, spend time together!

Kaminari: Why do we have to be in school over christmas again?

Jiro: Because our parents did sign this dormitory thing.

Aoyama: Isn't it nice though?

Izuku: I agree.

Dandelion: I disagree.

Mina: Why though?

Izuku chanded Dandelion to Grinch

Mineta: Deserved.

Tokoyami: Agree.

Izuku: Kacchan, no need to be this stubborn about Christmas! 

Izuku: Besides you like us all.

Grinch: Who said that?

Izuku: The cookies you are making for us.

Shoto: Don't they say fuck off, please go die, die in a ditch and what was the last one again?

Iida:  No one likes you.

Izuku: Yeah but he also screams die at us.

Mina: He is right!

Kirishima: He likes us!

Kaminari: He just doesn't want to show us.

Sero: And we love him for that.

Momo: You guys really found each other... huh.

Jiro: They did.

Tokoyami: Let's keep the name then.

Grinch tried to rename himself but doesn't have privileges 

Grinch what the fuck is that supposed to man?

Izuku: That, I am the admin here and no one can rename people besides me.

Grinch: Who did that?

Momo: He asked and I gave it to him.

Iida: He asked me too and I said yes.

Grinch: Why the fuck would you all give it to the one person who is the most dangerous out of us all?

Shoto: He is a cinnamon roll.

Grinch: HE IS NOT!

Izuku: Whelp, live with it Kacchan cause it fits you.

Grinch: FUCK OFF! 

Grinch: Just wait when I get you!

Izuku: You are welcome to try

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