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Rn,I am having my dinner with family means Reemie,mom,dad and Jai. ''How is your online class going, Avni?'' My brother asked as we all silent and it was awkward.But why the hell he has to ask me?. ''It's going well.'' I said with a smile and my dad said something unexpected, ''I should you should get married,Avi?" I chock my food. As mom is next to me, she gives me water to drink. "I think I didn't speak too much.It was just a question.Right? " My dad said and I nervously said 'yes'. "Would you like arranged or love marriage?" My brother ask and without I reply. "No she will do arrange marriage." I look at mom and Reemie. WHAT ABOUT THAT BOY IN THE GARDEN? It's my subconscious mind. About that boy,tomorrow I will see him. "Aman,I have a friend whose son is almost the as Avni" my mom said quickly and she knows i don't LIKE ARRANGE MARRIAGE.She is a mom and she knows what she is saying or doing. I faked a smile and I ate my last bite of bread and went to put the plate and spoon in the sink.

I make my way to my room and Reemie follow me. We reach in my room and sat on the bed together. "Something is not fair" I told her because really NOTHING IS FAIR. IT'S UNFAIR.JAI CAN DO LOVE MARRIAGE BUT WHAT ABOUT ME? ''Mom will see about it.Right?" I sign and shake my head. Sometimes I feel like I got the best dad but sometimes......But I'm not blaming him. Maybe it's for my safety. The boy in the garden. ''Look he hasn't say anything to you-I mean he hasn't chose the boy for you.So why worry?'' Reemie said maybe she thinks I will be ok. I hug her and my mom came. "Reem is right,Avni.He hasn't chose the boy for you then why are you thinking about it too much?" We broke the hug. "I will chose the boy for you. " I smile.

"By the way you have to meet the boy tomorrow. At least be happy. " reemie said while teasing and I blush about it. "If god wants then definitely you both will meet tomorrow" I chuckled as my mom said. And both gave me a kiss on my forehead and went out.I don't know why but I want to talk to that boy. He is handsome and cute. Off!!He is stylist. But I am really scared of dad arranging my marriage right now. I took my murthi ganesh which I have in my room. It's small and whenever i want to pray,I pray in my room. "Ganesh jii..I know you haven't got married but at least let me marry the love of my life. If you want me and that boy together then please make us meet tomorrow." I close my eyes for 2 minutes and went to bed. That boy has something in him that I can't even stop thinking about him.

Hey guys..Hope you loved this chapter. Sorry yesterday I couldn't post because there was an emergency in my family.Please don't forget to vote and comment.Love you all❤.Keep supporting.Byeee

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