[Friends with benefits]

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"AHHHH!! THERE'S A SPIDER ON BLUE!!" Lavender shouted out at the top of her lungs, she was on top of a kitchen table.
"No wait its—"
Guest runs up to Blue and hits him on the head with a pan. Blue fell on the floor dizzy. "Bro..what the hell—-"
"Is the spider gone?" Guest asked, still having the pan in his hands. Lavender checked. "OH GOD! IT'S STILL THERE! KILL IT!! GET RID OF IT!!" Lavender pointed out, covering her face with her hands in terror
Guest drops the pan and runs to get the pillow and throws it at Blue.
Blue fainted.
"Is it dead?"
Guest asked picking up the pillow that he thrown at Blue. Lavender checks, "Uhm-" she had an 'oopsies' expression on her face. "That wasn't a spider..that was just a ball of hair." Lavender blushed in embarrassment.
"Damn it Lavender!" Guest puts the pillow back on the couch.
"Anyways, we have to go to school. We're going to be late." Guest says, looking at the clock. Lavender nods agreeing.
"Help Blue out."
Lavender grabs blue foot and drags him outside.
Guest POV: me and my siblings finally arrived at school. Took us a while because Blue was still knocked out from the pillow.
"Gosh! He's so heavy!" Lavender was out of breath. Me though, I didn't do shit since I'm the youngest! (IM JOKING DONT ATTACK ME PLEASE)
"Let's just head to class now!" Lavender drags blue inside the school building, everyone was staring. I smiled goofily. Well, this was embarrassing.
I was walking down the hallways heading my way to english class. Man, I hate english. Worst class to ever be in. A girl with a pizza girl jump in front of me. "HEY THERE!!!"
Oh, it's this girl.
"WATCHAAA DOING~" she asked, walking beside me. "Heading to class?" I responded. What  does she want from me?  "Why the long face?!?" She asked, grabbing my cheeks and squeezing it.
"What the-"
She says, pinching my cheeks and pulling on them. "Ow lady! You're hurting me!" I moved her hands away from my face. "Hmm, do you want a CUPCAKE?!?" She asked, taking a box of cupcakes out of no where. I could go for some sweets right now but..
"No thanks, but thanks for the offer." I smiled. She seems like a pretty nice girl.
The pizza girl becomes sad. "Aww."
We basically were walking in the same direction, "Do you have English too?"
Pizza girl perks up, "NO! I HAVE DRAMA! I used to have Spanish class but they switched it out to drama."
"Is that a bad thing..?"
Oh, that makes sense.
"OH I FORGOT YOU JUST BEEN IN SCHOOL FOR ONLY 3 DAYS!" Pizza girl jumps up in the air.
No, it's not fun. "hey? Did someone talk about cupcakes around her earlier??" Noob walks up to them, kinda. Pizza girl runs in front of Noob, "I DID! I DID!" She held the box of cupcakes out, "DO YOU WANT SOME? I MADE THEM ALLLL BYYY MYSELF!" She happily says. "OFCOURSE!!" noob smiled brightly taking one, "oh, hey guest!" he turns to guest.
"Hey noob." Guest waves.
Pizza girl looks at both Noob and Guest. "Hmm! GOTTA GO I DON'T WANNA BE LATE TO THE FUN CLASS!!"
"It's not fu—"
Too late, she already dashed off. I look at noob, "which class are you heading to?" I questioned. "uhh... English? I think!!" he replies.
Guest raises an eyebrow, "O? I do too! I never knew we had english together."
"that's cool though! At least we have a class together for all we know right now!!" noob smiles.
"Let's walk to class together?" Guest asked, grinning.
he smiles a little more brightly, "sure!!!"
"Alright, let's go." He walked ahead of Noob. Noob thinks of a topic to talk about so it doesnt get boring.
"a few months ago i saw a kitty on the street while it was raining, i was just planning to take care of it for a day and then let it go but i ended up adopting him! That's kinda crazy!"
"What did you name it?" Guest questions. "might sound a lil weird at first but i just named him pumpkin since it was october, spooky season y'know? Which means pumpkins kind of all over the place.." noob replies. Guest eyes sparkles, "PUMPKIN is such a cute name!"
"RIGHT!! especially since hes a ginger cat!" he states. "I used to have a cat of my own, but it died." Guest looks down sadly. noob turns his head to guest and frowns a little, "oh.. I'm sorry that happened.. But if you want today you can come to my house and see my cat, I'm sure he would LOOVE you!!!"
"Really? YES PLEASE!"
Guests really loves cats :3
"ill tell you my address when class is done though- since i just realized we're here.." Noob says looking at the classroom door.
"Oh." Guest opens the door and heads right in,
and noob follows along.
Guest runs to sit on the tables, "Hot pocketsss!!"
"dude! there you are!!" Noob spots guest, "i had to catch up on something sorry I didnt spot you earlier when we got out of class, but hey!!"
Guest took a bite of his hot pocket and his mouth was full, "Hi Noob!"
its only been like a day but noobs already used to seeing guest take ginasupermegabormous bites. "HEYHI!!!" noob sits down, "here's my address like i promised- well i didnt promise but you get point pinky-promised or not its like a sealed contract or something!" he jokes.
Guest looked at Noobs Address and writes it down, "okay, thank you."
"no problem!" Noob just eats his lunch, "oh, did you hear the new words that.. erm. Got added to the dictionary a while ago this year?..." Guest throws his trash away, "oh, yeah."
"dude.. Why would they even add a bunch of internet slangs and just call it a day.. Like, bussin. Why bussin. People stopped using that like 7 lightyears ago!!!" noob rambles.
Guest shrugs, "I don't know, the internet is weird."
"the dictionaries weirder after that though."
Guest nods agreeing, "I guess."
"how did first days of school go so far by the way?" noob questions, pretty curious.
"Horrible." Guest responds. "People kept on hovering all over me and my siblings at this point it got so uncomfortable." Guest wraps his arms around his body. he frowns, "im sorry thats happening. Happens in the first few days since you werent here right when school started, people usually go all over new classmates even if they arent from their class so.. It goes away after a week or so if that helps, but for now there's kinda just nothing we can do, I'll help you if you need though!" noob goes back to smiling.
"Thank you noob." Guest smiles at him.
Guest is starting to get comfortable around Noob a little.
Lavender walks up to her brother and taps his shoulder, "hi brother uhm.."
Guest turns around, "yes?"
"I kind of—uhm— uh—left Blue—somewhere—I—uh-Uh—and now he's uh—"
Come on lady just spit it out. Stop with the 'uh'
"Never mind!! It was a dare!!" Lavender says, running away giggling goofily. What kind of  dare was that? Guest had a blank expression. "What the hell?" He was so confused on what his sister just did.
"oh, it was probably some dare to prank you but i guess that failed. you know what they say, She's a chicken now!" Noob munches his lunch.
"Hey Brother!" Lavender came running back. "What now?" He asked ignored. Lavender looks up to his head. "Noth— GOT YOUR HAT!" Lavender laughed out loud and puts his hat on top of her head. "I'M GUEST! BLA BLA BLA BLAAA!!" She tried mimicking his voice.
"I DO not sound like that..!" Guest whispered-shouted, snatching the hat and putting it back on his head. Lavender frowns, "awee..you're noo fun!!"
noob decided to joke a little, "i guess, but at least he's cooler"
"NUH UH IM COOOOOLERER! BUT OOOH? YOU GUYS ARE FRIENDS NOW?!?" Lavender shakes Guest shoulders crazy.
Guest slaps Lavender hands away,"Isn't Acorn your friend?
"I WOULDN'T SAY SHES MY FRIEND—- Wait—who's Acorn?" Lavender rubs her chin, trying to remember who Acorn was and how'd they met. Guest facepalms. "Dumbass."
"uhh... That one girl.. with the red bandana i think?" noob replies unsure.
Lavender gasps at Noob's response, "YOU'RE RIGHT!" She said in realization. "YAY!!" he (noob) cheers in victory since he got it right, silly billy. Who does that. (/j)
"Okay then. Bye Lavender." Guest waved goodbye before she leaves. noob also waves a lil, "buh bye!" -and finished his lunch. Guest looks at noob, "sorry about her. She's a little crazy." He said with a little stress in his voice. "I think thats a good thing! She's really uhh... Super-duper-wuper-fancy-fantastic!!!" Noob compliments, he has no issue with 'crazy' type of people at all. Guest smiles a little, "I mean..I guess she's super—-duper—uhmm luuperr..??..fantastic..? whatever you just said."
noob smiles back, "same thing it doesn't matter, stays the same either way!!"
Guest looks around the cafeteria, "Jeez..what's going on over there at the table?" He pointed at an table in the corner, "are they trying to do that—we will we will rock you thingys?"
"you mean that one song? we will rock you?" noob questions, a lil confused.
"in the cafeteria...?" noob mutters looking over to where guest pointed earlier, "HUH??"
Guest glances over to the table who was doing the "We will rock you song." They were stomping their feet while they were hitting their hands on the table. "It's kind of noisy." Guest said sounding annoyed. Eventually, it got stopped by the teacher. "oh thank god.." noob said the moment that stopped, sure he might be a lil loud himself but when classes do those we will rock you choirs with table hitting its a really different thing. "oh by the way, since you're coming over to see my cat what kinda games do you play? I could buy some, like i have a ps4
if you're interested!"
"A STREETS CAT TALE!!" Guest said without hesitation. "YOU KNOW THAT GAME?! LETS PLAY IT RIGHT AFTER EATING!!- if you wanna eat anything! I mean i have a lot of food so.. Free food i guess?!" noob grins at guest. "hmmm!! Can we play and then eat?" Guest said with a big smile in his face.
noob throws away his trash from when he finished his lunch, "ofcourse!!" he replies—
"oh- lunch's over.. well ill see you later guest!! BUH-BYE!!" noob waves. "Bye!" Guest waves back.
Guest I knocks on Noob's door, Aaand noob opens the door, cheerful as always: "HEY!! Sorry i took a bit!"
Guest puts his hands behind his back, "that's ok you don't have to apologize!" Guest enters right in. "pumpkins on the couch by the way!" noob reminds guest of the cat. "KITTY!!" Guest rushes to the couch to see pumpkin. "HES SO CUTE!!" He pets pumpkin gently. the ginger cat kind of rolls over, in a happy way of course. Silly lil willy milly billy smchmillie billie pumpkin.
"AWWW!!!" Guest picks up the cat and hugs, "WHOS A CUTE KITTY WHOS A CUTE KITTTY AHHH!!! SO SOFTTT!!"
"yeah, pumpkin genuinely has LOTS of fur! I mean it isnt too good since it goes everywhere but worth it, he's such a cutie!!" noob smiles, "the games ready by the way!"
"Oh yay!" Guest puts pumpkin down on the floor and walks up to noob, "let's play!"
[after awhile of playing im lazy]
"man this game takes some patience.. And it makes me a lil emotional.. but its still really good!! You hungry yet though?" noob asks guest turning to him.
Guest shreds a tear a little, "yes, really hungry."
noob stretches, "alright, ill go see whats there to eat or make- I mean I'm good at cooking and baking so if you want i dunno, I can make something like cake!!" he gets up.
Guest stands up right away, "Cake? I LOVE CAKE! Yes please."
"what flavor?!" noob asks happily,
"Chocolate!" Guest responded.
"okay! Do whatever in the time, I dont mind!!" noob goes to the kitchen. "Okay!" Guest looks down at pumpkin and pets him once again. pumpkin lays in guests lap comfortably,
Guest starts to have a cuteness attack, "I WANT A CAT AGAIN."
the kitchen is near the living room so noob heard that, he feels a little bad. "hey guest?"
"what if i bought you a cat?"
Guest was surprised by Noob offer, "uhm, are you sure? You don't have to.."
"well i wanna if you want one!"
"I do but I don't wanna be salty about it..I'll think about it..!"
"im okay with whatever!! Take your time thinking!!!" noob continues making the cake.
Guests lays on the couch, and lets out a long depressing sigh.
[13 years ago when Guest was 5 years old]
"awww Skittles..you scratched me.."
Guest covers his scratched finger, "I need a bandage—" Blue enters Guest's room, "Hey brother, we need to go to school now!!" Guest frowns, "I don't want too! I wanna stay here and play with Skittles!!" He held Skittles in his arms. Blue crosses his arms, "we have to go!!"
Guest hugs Skittles close to his chest, "I DON'T WANT TO!!"
Blue looks behind Lavender and gives her a confuse look. "What..?" He brushes it off and turns to his brother who still has Skittles in his arms. "Get ready! We'll be outside." Blue closes the doir. "Hmph!" Guest puts Skittles down, "I don't want to leave you skittles.." he sits on his bed thinking of a plan, "hmmm.. OH I KNOW!" He stands up and walks up to his backpack. "I'LL BRING YOU TO SCHOOL AND SHOW YOU TO EVERYONE! THEY WILL BE SOOO SOO JEALOUS!!" Guest puts Skittles in his backpack. Of course, he left it open for the cat can breath. Hopefully his siblings won't find out.
Guest manage to bring Skittles to school without getting caught by the teacher or his siblings. He holds on to Skittles and slide down the slide with him, "That was fun—" at the end, Blue was there. He had his hands on his hips, "Why is Skittles here?" He asked with a concerned look. "B-because.. I DON'T WANNA LEAVE SKITTLES LONLEY! WHAT IF HE GETS KIDNAP?" Guest cried out.
Blue facepalms, "he's inside the house and the doors are locked! Nobody will get him unless they're some sort of a crazy person whatever.."
"Well boo ho! I don't care! I will take Skittles with me everyday to school!!"
Guests hops off the slide and walks away from blue.
"Happy birthday brother!!" Lavender jumps on Guest from behind and hugs him. Blue just smiles, "yeah, happy birthday bro! You should open your—"
"I'm going to go play with Skittles!!"
"Wait, but Guest—we—"
"I'll open the gifts tomorrow."
Guest walks over to his room. "Guest, you barely spend time with us—"
Lavender puts a hand on Blues shoulder, "just let him."
"SKITTLES!!" Guest picks Skittles up happily. "WHAT YOU WANNA DO?"
Guest walks in the living room where his siblings were, "hey guys have you seen Skittles anywhere..?" He asked, holding a bowl of cat food. Blue shrugs, "No I haven't seen him anywhere..but mom said she'll take Skittles out for a walk."
Guest puts the bowl of cat food down on a table, "but Skittles doesn't like walks."
Blue gets off the couch and so did Lavender. "Do you think maybe..." Lavender looks straight in Guest's eyes, "she kicked him out of the house..?"
"No! She would never..!" Guest runs to the front door.
"Stupid cat! GET OUT!"
The cat meowed sadly, "I DON'T NEED YOU SCRAM!!"
The cat runs away scared.
Guest runs after Skittles, "SKITTLES WAIT!" He steps outside and runs for Skittles.
Blue ran after him, "GUEST WATCH OUT A CAR!" He yelled out.
Guest still ran for Skittles, "SKITTLES-" he ended up getting ran over by a car and Guest stood there traumatized. Blue covers his mouth, "oh no.."
Lavender runs outside and gasps, "WHAT HAPPENED?!?"
Guest breaks down to tears, "SKITTLES GOT RAN OVER! ITS ALL MOMS FAULT!"
"Guest..!" Blues runs over to his brother and hugs him, "it's ok—"
"NO its not ok he was my only friend!"
Lavender was crying too, "Skittles is dead..?"
The mom walks away not caring at all. "I HATE YOU MOM I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" Guest shouted out.
Guest POV: I don't know why I'm still crying over this, it was 12 years ago. Why haven't I gone over it? Me and Skittles had a strong connection together, and every night I would see him in my dreams.
No ones POV:
"well the cakes in the oven, we just gotta wait a few minutes now!" noob comes out of the kitchen. "Thank you Noob. You are the best." Guest says giving a thumbs up.
noob smiles, "you too guest!!!–" "hey, who the hell is this??"
"I'm guest..! Nice to meet you!" Guest waves at the random girl. "well looks like the guest you brang is guest," the girl jokes "im preppy! Sorry for the interruption on whatever.."
Guests laughs awkwardly, "that's ok!"
preppy just walks away, not bothered or anything, just cause she didnt have anything else to say. "uh- sorry about that, that's like my... Roommate i guess? We split rent by living together so!" noob turns to guest. "It's okay! Don't apologize." Guest says looking at Noob. Noob smiles in return, "dude, have you heard one of the teachers is pregnant and might be cheating on her husband?!"
"Really?" Guest eyes widen in shocked, "who told you that..?"
"i dunno, it's kind of a rumour by now but it's not that catched up as other certain ones still.." noob replies shrugging a little. "Thats crazy." Guest lays on the couch again, "Can't believe that I never heard of that rumor before."
noob smiles, "nothing to worry about anyway, youre kinda new so its normal to not hear about rumours for about now!"
"You're right!" Guest looks up to the ceiling. "oh, the poptarts you gave me today were really good by the way! Thanks for that a LOT!! You already know I've never tried them before so that was a huge favor!" noob thanks him.
"No problem! Let me know if you want me to bring pop tarts to you! I have plenty!"
"ohh dont worry about that!"
"Anyways, can we watch a movie??" Guest sat up. noob smiled brightly, "sure!!!" he replies. "Let's watch a...SCARY MOVIE!!" Guest suggested, smiling evilly. noob flinched, he's brave with most stuff but one of them is not scary movies. "YEAH! Scary movie!" -he tries to sound like he isn't scared though.
Guest raises his eyebrow, "are you ok noob?" He asked. "why wouldn't i be?" noob asks still enthusiastic, swinging his legs. "Well, you seem scared! We can watch something that's not scary!" Guest says smiling. "i'm not!! Even if i would be that can make the movie funnier to watch, right?!" noob smiles back. "Hm.." guest thinks about for a minute, "ok..let's watch....banana splits—or or SLENDERMAN..!"
noob looks at guest, "wait- wait, slenderman's a movie...?" he asks confused. Guest nods, "Yes! It came out like.. six years ago! So are you up on watching it?"
"OFCOURSE!!" noob used to really like that creepypasta stuff, so he agreed immediately.
[they began to watch it]
noob was practically shaking.
"That movie was amazing wasn't it noob—" guest noticed that noob was shaking, "are you ok noob!!?" guest asked, worried.
noob sits up, "y-YEAH!! Ofcourse I am-"
Suddenly, the lights turn off.
"WHO TURNED OFF THE LIGHTS?!?" Guest says panicking.
"RIGHT AFTER A SCARY MOVIE?!? THIS ISNT FUNNY!!" Noob joins along. "WHeres the light switch?!?" Guest says swinging his hands in the dark. "I DUNNO- ILL HELP!" noob replies,
Guest hit the walls, "oh! I found it."
noob cheers, "YAY!"
"And it's not turning on." Guest says. "WHAT!? HUH???" Noob replies confused. Guest flips the light switch multiple times, "it won't turn on..! Aw man.."
noob thinks for a moment, "is this a blackout!?"
"I guess! AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN BLACKOUTS? A SCARY PERSON WILL POP UP AND KILL US! Guest sarcastically says. "But seriously, though..I can't see anything. I CAN'T SEE YOU WHERE ARE YOU?!?"
Guest touches Noob shoulder, "found you!"
"AAH- OH it's just you!! YAY!!!" noob immediately tries to hug guest, but he misses... awfully.
Guest squealed, "noob-"
oops. Noob pulls back. "WHAT- what the hell was that-" he was kind of confused at first.
"NOOB WE ACCIDENTALLY KISSED!" Guest started to blush like crazy. Noob stopped for like, 5 seconds, "WHQJET-IM SO SO SO SOSOSOERYY GUEST AAA-"
"NO NOT FOR THAT! FOR THIS!" Noob kisses guest on the cheek.
Guest gasps and faints.
"OH MY GOD GUEST!!!" Noob gets down.
The lights turn back on, "GUYS?" Preppy shouts from the garage. #preppytheheroarmy!
Guest gets up immediately, "did I faint..?"
"I THOUGHT YOU DIED!!!" noob hugs Guest, not messing this time luckily.. "WHAT?!" Preppy says confused.
"Oh nothing preppy..THANKS FOR TURNING ON THE LIGHTS THOUGH I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW'D THE BLACKOUT HAPPENED!" Guest hugs noob back. "NO PROBLEM! ...I just turned on too many things while cooking.." she whispers the last part under her breath. "HEY- WAIT THE CAKE-" Noob says worried, "oh dont worry i took that out in time actually!" Preppy replies happily. "CAKE!!" Guest runs to the kitchen, "COME ON GUYS LETS EAT THE CAKE TOGETHER!"
"YEAYAYAHHHH!" Noob runs along, "alright calm down! It's all yours since Noob made it!" Preppy goes to continue her own food, she didn't make it in time cause of the blackout so she still had to keep making it. "you can have some too if you want!!!" Noob suggests happily, Preppy shook her head with a smile still, she wasnt in the mood for cake at the moment.
Guest searches for a knife, "I'll cut the cake for us noob!!"
"THANKS!!" noob nobs sitting down. Preppy hands guest a knife and goes back to cooking.
"Thanks Preppy!" Guest cuts the cake into slices. Noob stares at the cake being cut, "uhm.. Is it ok to do what I did earlier? Like do friends do that more than one time?" he fidgets a little. Guest blushes, "well...uhm..sometimes not all the time..but I will give you permission to!"
Noob leans over to give guest a kiss on the cheek, "mwa! Thanks for cutting the cake!!!" he takes a slice.
Guest cuff his cheek, "n-no problem!" He says smiling.
Noob thinks, "did you make a decision? Like, for the cat thing?!" he asks happily.
Guest pauses for a moment, "uhm well.." he started to get flashbacks again. "I..guess? It doesn't hurt to have another one..!" He says looking over at noob. "I bet you'll treat it super good! Like SUPER DUPER WUPER LIKE ITS A SUPER-BEST-FANTASTIC-FRIEND!" Noob grins and takes a bite out of his slice.
"Yeah!" Guest grabbed a slice of cake and took of a bite of it. "Yum!"
"er.. I tried the recipe that i used as a kid.." Noob blushes a little, cause he didn't really think it was all that good.
"Really?!?" Guest took another bite, "this taste so good! Way to go noob!" He took more bites of the cake.
"really?! THANKS!!" Noob smiles real brightly and also takes another bite. "hm, about the cat... er, You can come to the pet store with me when were done with the cake if you want! Like, choose which one you want!! I pay like I said ofcourse!!!" he says excited. "Oh yeah! The pet store—! Let's go after eating this cake." Guest says already finishing the piece. "yeah!!!" noob agrees along.
"Off to the pet store we go!" Guest was excited on getting a new cat. noob immediately gets up, "LETS GOO!!" he grins brightly.
"Yeah!" Guest runs outside.
Once they arrive to the pet store, Noob holds guests hand and practically barges in.
Guest runs to the cat area, "OH MY GAWD!! SO MANY MEOWS MEOWS!!!"
"RAHH!! KITTIES!!!" Noob joins along, "oh man.. This MIGHT take a while.. Which one do you like the most!?" he asks looking at the cats.
"well..I want all of them!" guest says jokingly. "Just kidding but—" guest looks at each cat. "Man they're all so cute.."
Noob nods, and thinks... ...... ... "YOU'D PROBABLY LIKE A TUXEDO CAT!!" he says brightly, excited.
Guest looks at the tuxedo cat, "oh it looks exactly like skittles.."
"I want the tuxedo cat."
"Tuxedo cat IT IS!!!" Noob smiles, "ill go pay at the register! You wait here!!" he adds happily.
"Alright.." Guest waits patiently for noob to be done. Noob comes back with a grin still on his face, "I PAID!! C'mon open the cageeee!!!" he was real excited for this. Guest opens the cage, "here kitty kitty.."
"AAAEEE its so CUTE!!" Noob sparks at the cat,
the cat backs up.
"It's scared." Guest kneeled down on his knees and reaches his hand out to the cat. "It's ok."
"I dunno, maybe its not used to hear stuff like uh.. loud noise?" Noob says, also backing up a little like the cat did.
Guest lowers his voice a little, "don't worry kitty..you'll be ok." he slowly approaches his hand to the cat.
"meow.." the cat bit guests hand. "Ow!" he quickly pulls his hand away.
the cat stays in his cage and sleeps.
"we could ask the worker to uh, put it in some... bag? Yeah, bag!  No idea what they out these in!" Noob look at the cat, "uhm.. To make it more comfortable.. er... I mean my cat gets more comfortable with stuff by being with other cats, I dont know if that works with this one? But we could try bringing it to my house first to see?" he suggests to Guest.
"Let's bring the cat to your house first I guess." Guest picks the cage up.
"alright!" Noob answers smiling.
Guest places the cage down on the floor, "here we are:"
"let me go get pumpkin! You make yourself at home!" Noob says, walking away to search for his ginger cat.
Guest opens the cage for his new cat, "ok little one, you can get out of cage now. Roam around free!" He says smiling. "Meoowww..." the cat slowly gets out of his cage. not too long later, Noob comes back with his familiar super-amazing cat pumpkin! That was easy! "he was trying to lick a plastic bag.." Noob sighed with a small smile still. He sets pumpkin down.
"Meow." The tuxedo cat approaches Pumpkin.
"mgaow!!!!!" pumpkin meows back at the tuxedo cat, it seemed to be positive. Guest sits on the couch, "let's see what should I name him..hm" he thinks for a few seconds.
"Sparky, or sparkles, sunny."
"POTATO!!" Guest shouted out perking up. "YAY!!! POTATO IS SO CUTE!!" Noob joins. Pumpkin got closer to potato like he did earlier. Potato licks his own paw, "meow."
the other kitty simply sits happily, "mew!"
Noobs eyes were pretty sparkly right now, "they're so cute..." he cuffs his own cheeks.
Potato jumps on the couch and rolls around on it. "Meow."
Guest approaches Potato, "aww Potato—"
Potato runs under a table away from Guest. "Huh?" Guest was confused. "dont worry!! maybe he just isn't used to you yet!" Noob smiles. Pumpkin rolls over, he probably wanted cuddles or something like that, Noob kneels down to pick up pumpkin and while holding him tight, pat him. Guest frowns,  "awee.."
Guest phones rings. He takes his phone out off his pocket and answers the call. "Hello?" He puts his phone over to his ear.
"Hey brotha!" It was Lavender. Guest sighs, "what do you want?"
"I WANTED TO CHECK UP ON YOU! ARE YOU DOING OK?!? I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU ALL DAY!" Lavender yelled. She sounded bored. "I'm fine uh.."
"Well can you come home now?!? Please?!? Por favor?!?"
"Okay..!  I have to tell Noob." Guest hangs up and looks at Noob, "hey sorry man I got go. My sibling is worried and wants me to go home early."
"oh! Dont worry!!!" Noob gets up, "make sure they just dont freak out about you suddenly having a cat though..."
"Righttt!!" Guest hugs noob, "Anyways, I have a fun time hanging out with you! Thank you so much for buying me cat.. thank you for everything actually!"
Noob hugs him back tighter, "NO PROBLEM!!!" he immediately mumbles an 'uhm' after saying that, giving guest once again you guessed it a kiss on the cheek.
Guest blushes, "alright, see you soon at school.."
Guest picks the cage up, "Come on Potato! Let's go home."
Potato stays in under the table not moving at all.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. I guess I just have to do it the hard way." Guest reaches for Potato but he backs away quickly and runs inside the cage. Good time for Guest to make a move. Guest quickly closes the cage and locks it. "Got you!" He says proudly, and walks outside with the cage and waves goodbye to noob. "See you Noob!" Noob giggles to whatever the hell just happened, thats how to catch a cat for him i guess, "SEEYOU!!" he waves back.

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