[Under control]

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Acorn POV: I spun my knife around. Thank gosh I didn't get caught. Hopefully Bacon doesn't-
I dropped my knife and ran to the door and opened it a little. I saw Bacon who was holding on to notebooks in his hands, "I need help with math. What in hell does F(5) even mean?!?" He was always confused with algebra, so he goes up to me for help.
"Uh- just go to your room." I looked behind me, "I'll be there in a few minutes." I closed the door right in his face. Shit, I got to hide the body somewhere but where? Should I just bury it? But how can I take it out without getting caught by my brother? I have to be quick unless I should take the window. Whatever, that's the only choice I have. I opened the window and dragged the dead body out.
Bacon's POV: I threw my notebooks on the ground. I hate math so much, and I wish I was good with it but I'm not because I have no knowledge. I fell face-flatted on my bed. I'm bored, Acorn better hurry up on whatever she's doing. Speaking of Acorn, she's always hanging out in her room and it like she's hiding something from me and I really want to know what. Even if it's something bad I'll love her no matter what. She's my sister so what? I switched on my phone and went to instagram. Well, I guess I'll watch some reels while I wait for Acorn to get here.
While I was watching instagram reels I could hear the bushes move. The fuck? I look outside and spotted Acorn dragging something, but I can't tell what since she's far away. I shrugged it off and continue watching instagram reels.
And I got to tell you.
They're all cringe.
Acorn POV: I wipe the sweat of my face. Well that was exhausting to do even though it only took me ten minutes. I put the shovel down then ran inside the house. Oh! I almost forgot. I need to help my little brother on math. I headed upstairs to his room and jump on his bed to scare him. "BOO HAHA!!" I attacked and tickled him. He was laughing his ass off. "STOP THAT!" He hit me in the face and I released him. "My bad."
Bacon got up from the bed, "took you long enough." He picks up the books off the ground and throws it on his bed. "Now help me with math!"
Bacon POV: "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow!"
I was just talking to blue. I don't know, but he  started to talk to me all of a sudden. Am I really that fun to talk to? Nah, I'm joking. I know that isn't true.  I shoved my backpack in my locker and made my way down to PE.
Acorn POV: I fucking hate math 3. What the actual fuck?!? We have to do 50 pages?!? 50 FUCKING pages? Bullshit.
I sat on a chair near me. I need a break.
Lavender passes by making me jump a little.
What is this girl up to now?
My head started to hurt. I groan in pain. "Make it stop!" I placed my hands on my forehead. It starting to get even worse.
Lavender passes by again, and stops by, "hey are you ok?"
I look up to her and looked away, "I'm fine."
She takes my hands and places it down on my lap. "Are you sick?"
She plants her left hand on my forehead."My head just hurts."
Lavender pulls her hand away from my forehead, she nods understanding, "at least you're not sick. If you were, you shouldn't be in school by now."
I watch her unzip her backpack and search for something. She took a water bottle out and handed it to me. I was surprised, for me?
"Take it."
I stared at her. Not going to lie, she looks very pretty..
"Thank you?" That  was so random, but I'm grateful for what she did.
I took the water bottle and open it up.
"You're welcome!" She zips her backpack up. I chug the whole water bottle up and threw it in the recycling bin.
Lavender was surprised on how fast I drank the water. "You're like my brother but instead he eats food fast."
She giggled.
I smiled. She's interesting. I want to get to know her better.
"So, your name is Lavender right?"
"Yes, and your Acorn?"
"Cool name!"
"I'm Lavender!"
She's stupid, but I like it.
"So, do you have any siblings?" She asked me, smiling. I nodded, "yes. Only one." and he still acts like a baby. (Meaning that he's a brat)
I sat up straight on the chair, "so uh-" I was thinking of another question to ask for this conversation doesn't get awkward, "what's your favorite thing to do?" It's a overused question, but that's the only thing I can think of.
"I love to draw sometimes!"
Interesting. I like that. I used to draw a lot but not anymore. "That's nice, uhh—" I think of ANOTHER question to ask.
"Favorite subject in school?" I questioned, concerned. Lavender rubs her chin,
"hmm a pencil!" She responded.
The amount of stupidity. "No, I meant— your favorite subject in school —like your favorite class—math?"
Lavender stuck her tongue, "I don't like math! Math sucks, but I like science!"
I mean, It's ok..
Science is fun.
This whole entire school day I was hanging out with Lavender. Now I'm wondering where's my brother since I haven't seen him the whole day. I turned to Lavender who was whistling a song. I tap her shoulder and told her that I'm going to go and find my brother. She understood and waved goodbye to me, and I waved goodbye back then headed off.
Twenty minutes later, he wasn't around. I was getting a little worried. I tried texting, and calling him but he didn't answer. I was pacing back and forward in the hallways while trying to contact Bacon.
Come on answer..please
No luck.
He didn't pick up.
I guess I have to find him on my own.
I walked out of the school and headed to the garden. All of the flowers were dead and hadn't been watered for months now. I don't know why they never water them. I went behind of the school. I bet Bacon is there since me and him would always hang out around here after school.
I look around the area, no sigh for him at all.
This is getting too impenetrable. Now I'm getting even more worried.
I walk back at the front of the school and met noodle hair who was selling hot chocolate for five dollars.
She yelled out.
I walk up to her and handed her exactly five dollars.
"Thank you!" She poured me a cup and handed me it. I took a sip.
It tasted ok I guess.
"So Noodle hair, uhm. Have you seen bacon around?"
I asked her with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh I—"
Before she could tell me anything, Cnp walks up in front of me and slams her hands on in front of Noodle haired, "Hey there pretty girl. I'll give you ten dollars for free for being the most GORGEOUS person in the school~" she winked. Here we go again.
"Ten dollars?!? For free?!? Pay up!" Noodle haired cuffs her hands together. Cnp put her hands behind her back, "uh the thing is that—-I'm broke."
Noodle haired puts her hands down, "than what is the point on coming up to me in the first place?!?"
Cnp had a huge smirk in her face, "because I wanted to hear you speak. You sound so cute—"
"JUST LEAVE!!" Noodle haired was blushing. She pushes Cnp away and continued to sell hot chocolate. (It would be better if she added marshmallows)
"Uhm, noodle-haired." I haven't finish asking my question yet, because SOMEONE had to interrupt. I look directly at Cnp who was digging in her pockets trying to find money.
"Yeah what is it?"
"Have you seen Bacon around?"
"Oh! I had."
"Where?" I leaned forward to her. Noodle haired was pouring herself a cup of hot chocolate.
"I'm pretty sure he's near the washrooms in the school building."
She answered my question, but the thing is that I already had checked there.
"Oh and!" She took one quick sip of her hot chocolate, "I saw him with this one girl!"
"One girl?" Who might this girl be? Does he have a girlfriend or something?
"She said something about dra—"
I cut her off, "Ok! Ok! That's all the information I needed. Thank you so much for your help!" I ran back inside the school building. I basically searched outside for nothing.
No ones POV:
- ? "What is this drawing supposed to be? You and your sister?"
"Well..yeah..? Can you give it back to me please?" Bacon sniffled, and tried to reach for the drawing that he made for Acorn.
"Oh sure." The person who had Bacon's drawing rips it into pieces.
Bacon eyes widens in shock.
"Here you go." The person threw the pieces at Bacon then laughs. "You idiot.." tears started to form in Bacons eyes. He wanted to fight back but he can't.
Acorn saw everything. She was in the corner giving the person who ripped Bacon's drawing a death stare. She had her fists clenched.
She walks up to her brother and patted his back for comfort. "Be right back ok?" She smiles at him and walks away while taking something sharp out of her pocket.
She was hiding behind the corner near the washroom door. She looked to her right and her left to make sure no one was watching her. Everything was cleared, so she entered the washroom and spotted the person who dares to hurt her brother washing their hands. Acorn approaches them very slowly. She held her knife out getting ready for action to stab the living hell out of the person.
But somebody from behind puts their arms around her waist. "Hey Acorn!"
It was pizza girl.
Acorn sneakily puts her knife in her pocket.
The person who bullied Bacon turned around and noticed acorn was in front of them. The person gives her a weird look, and walks away.
If pizza girl hadn't popped up, the person would of been dead by now.
"What were you doing?" Pizza girl asked, looking up, still having her arms wrapped around Acorns waist. Acorn didn't say anything so she thinks of a lie to tell pizza girl, "I had to wash my hands." Acorn laughed out nervously. Pizza raises her eyebrows suspiciously at Acorn, "ok then!" She pulls away from her and enters one of the bathroom stall. Acorn sighs in relief. She almost got caught by pizza girl. Acorn walks out of the washroom and started to rethink things. "Why am I doing this? What's wrong with me?" Acorn wanted to know so badly on why is she doing these kind of bad things. She walks to Bacon and hugs him, "quit crying crybaby."
Bacon sniffled, "They ruined the gift I made fir you. It took me two hours to make!" Wow, that bully really tore him apart. Acorn sighs, she was still piss about that and was still thinking to get revenge by killing the person but she decided not too.
IF it happen again than maybe.
"It's ok Bacon." Acorn held her brother tight close to her. "Do you want me to buy you bob—"
"YES!" That made Bacon stopped crying right away.
Acorn rolls her eyes, "spoiled brat." She mumbled under her breath.
When they were about to walk out of the school. Acorn saw the same person that hurt her brother and held the middle finger up at her.
"Let's go hurry! Hurry!" Bacon grabs Acorn wrist and pulls on her.
"Okay, Jeez. I'm coming damn." Acorn chuckled. She's happy.

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