[The guests]

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Bacon POV: I was playing with my toy cars. I wonder where my big sister acorn is? She promised me she'll play toys with me today, but she's taking FOREVER. I should go and checked up on her to see if she's doing ok. I put my toys cars down and walked out my room to go find my big sister.
[Meanwhile with acorn]
"That's what you get for laying your hands on my brother you sick bastard." Acorn kicks the dead body that was on the floor. It looked like Acorn murdered someone who was being weird with her brother. Bacon walks into the scene, not even noticing the body at first. Acorn immediately hides the knife behind her back, "Hey bacon!" She greeted, trying her best to make everything look innocent. Bacon waves at his sister, "hi big sister! What are you doing? Aren't we supposed to be playing cars by now?" Bacon asked, putting his hands on his hips. Acorn looks down at the dead body then looks up at Bacon who had his eyebrows raised, "u-uh yeah!" She stuttered. She kicked the body under a table, "let's go!" She walked up to the door to exit, but bacon stopped her before she could leave. Acorn looks down at him, "what is it?"
Bacon points at the dead body, "why is there a guy under the table?" He asked, looking up at his big sister and pointing at the dead guy.
Acorn kept her mouth zip for a couple of seconds, "uh.." she scratches the back of her neck. She decides to change the subject, "let's go play cars shall we?" Acorn says, pushing Bacon out.
"Okay!" He says happily, running upstairs to his room.
Bacon threw his cars everywhere in the floor, "I don't want to play this anymore!" He stomps his foot on the ground in anger. Acorn sighs, "alright..you should probably go to bed right now." She looks at the clock and it getting near midnight, "it's getting late."
Bacon crosses his arms. "No!" He turns his head away from his big sister, refusing to go to bed. Acorn put her hands on both of Bacon shoulders. "It's 11:59am.. it's time to go to BED."
Bacon looks straight at her red eyes, "No!" then turns his head away again.
Acorn didn't want to do this, but she picks Bacon up and throws him on his bed. "NO!!" Bacon quickly gets up. Before Bacon big sister could leave his room, he grabs her shirt and extracted her back. "Stay!" He puts his arms around his big sister waist and dug his face on her stomach.
Acorn sighs of exhaustion and put her arms around her little brother. "I have something important to do.."
"Nuh uh!" Bacon hugs his big sister tighter, nearly choking her. "Okay, fine. I'll stay here..ONLY FOR FIVE MINUTES" Acorn close the door behind her. "Yay!"
Bacon and Acorn stayed like that for 5 minutes. Acorn pulls away from the hug, "Okay, I really have to go-"
"OK BYE!" Bacon pushes Acorn out of his room.
Acorn yawns and heads downstairs to her room.
[10 years later]
Acorn POV: I was in math class. My least favorite subject in the whole world. I looked to the right. My brother was asleep. I roll my eyes and threw my pencil  at him to wake him up. Bacon quickly puts his head up. "Who's there?" He says out loud, looking around the classroom with blurry eyes. Everyone in the classroom looks at him then laughs. My brother turns red in embarrassment. He puts his head down to hide his face.
The teacher (Ms. Barbie) sits on her chair and takes a small sip of her coffee. "Alright guys-" She clears her throat before she can announce something to us, "we have three new students joining us for today."
Everybody stares at her with a blank expression. "Ok.. where are they?"  Cnp asked, who had her legs up on a random student desk.
I watch as Ms Barbie walks up to the door and opens it, "Please introduce yourselves!"she said, then took a step back to let the new students in.
A Lavender haired, A blue haired, and- a bald- one? (I couldn't tell since he had a cap on top of his head) stands in the front of us. The blue haired was the first one to speak. "Hello, my name is Blue."
"I'm Lavender!"
"And I'm- guest."
Ms Barbie smiles, "nice names! You guys can sit wherever you want."
The blue haired nods.
Bacon POV:  New students..? I look to my right. Is that one of them?  He had blue hair, an black t-shirt, and black pants. I couldn't help it but stare. What is wrong with me? He turns his head to me and we made eye contact.
I turn my head away from him immediately. That was weird.
I was munching on pepperoni pizza that Acorn bought for me for only FIVE DOLLARS! It was so Cheesy—I couldn't help it but-
I snapped back to reality. Acorn was waving her hand in front of my face,
"quit daydreaming! Look what's happening over there!" She pointed at a crowd of people who were surrounding the new students.
"OH MY GAWD! RAHAHHA YOU GUYS ARE SO COOL!!" A blonde-noodle haired girl says shaking on one of the guests shoulders, and it turns out to be Blue (I think that was his name?)
"Oh- thanks lady- but can you please-"
A girl with a pizza shirt taps his shoulder. "Can we be friends?!?" She asked, looking up at him with sparkles in her eyes. Blue uncomfortably took a step back,
"OH! Uhmm-"
A cnp grabs his shirt and pulls him close to her. "You look cute, can I get your number?" She said, winking. Is she trying to rizz him up? I swear she does this every time she sees a cute guy. I been there.
Blue pushes her away, "nah I'm fine.." he turns to his siblings, "I think it's our time to go guys..."
"Nonsense! We are famous!" Lavender says with a big smile.
I turn to my sister Acorn, "uh- I have to go to the bathroom! Be right back ok?" I got up and ran to the washroomz
After I took a—
Shit! I accidentally bump into someone who-
"Oh I'm sorry.."
The guy who I accidentally bump into turns out to be Blue. The new guy.
I look up at him, "No- it's alright!"
He held a hand out, "here, let me help you."
I hesitated at first, but  a couple of seconds later I took his hand. "Sorry about that." He apologizes, scratching the back of his neck.
I smile at him in forgiveness , "No worries! You don't have to apologize!"
He looks right in my eyes, making my heart skip a beat a little.
"It's crazy out there. Those people—- I don't know."  He was scared on what happened to him with the crowd of people hovering all over him and the other two.
I chuckled, "You'll get used to it."
"Hopefully.." I mumbled.
It had become silent for a couple of seconds.
"So, uh-What's your name?" Blue questioned.
"My name is Bacon!" I told him. "What a weird name." He sarcastically says. I stuck my tongue out, "shut up dude!" Is my name that bad?
He continues to blabber,
"bacon? Heh. Sounds like what I would have for breakfast."
"Dude, you're name is literally a color. You can't be talking." I crossed my arms. He stopped talking right  away when I pointed that out.
That gotten him to shut up. Hah.
"LOOK THERE HE IS!" A pizza girl shouted from the distance that was pointing at blue. My eyes widened. Here we go again.
"GOT TO GO—-!" Blue was about to run away until
cnp pops out of nowhere and grabs his shirt. "Hey there Blue..or should I call you mine?" She winked. What. the. fuck?
"That was horrible rizz." Blue says, shoving her head and running away. The pizza girl came running after him. I look at CNP— who—who was on her knees?
"NOOOO!!! HEART BROKEN..." she had her hands on her chest like one of those cartoons—shows?....eRRm never mind! "I'll come back for you mi amor.." she says in a dramatic tone. I roll my eyes on how stupid she was acting.
She looks up to me, and I know exactly what will happen next. She gets up and places her hands on my shoulders, "look over there."
I narrowed an eyebrow, "Why?"
"Just look." She demanded. I look where she wanted me to look at and there was nothing. I'm so confused- then I felt her finger turn my head around to look at her.
"WHY-" How did not know that was coming? Her slender friend came along and grabbed her wrist, "dude Cnp. We got to go to class."
She turns her head slowly to Slender, "alright, alright! Let's go! Wait." She had something in her pockets. She handed me a piece of folded paper and winks. "Call me later." Then walks away to class with her Slender friend. I was shocked on what just happened.
I unfolded the piece of paper and it had her number on it. "You got to be fucking kidding me.." I shoved the paper in my pockets. I'll find someone to give this to.
[Meanwhile with Acorn]
Acorn POV: Fucking hell! My back hurts. I had to help my brother carry his OVERSIZED BACKPACK. WHAT THE FUCK DID HE EVEN PUT IN THIS THING? I slid the backpack off my back and fell on the floor. Well, I'm hungry. I'm going to cook myself some bac— I MEAN- pasta.

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