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At first the doctors said that Jack's injury wasn't fatal but Jack hadn't woken up from his coma since 3 days, 3 hours and 34 minutes. The clock was ticking and Carl didn't know for how long he would be able to stand the sound of it.

Jack's eyes were closed and he was breathing calmly but the air in the room was filled with tension and Carl's wish for Jack to finally wake up. The room wasn't completly quiet though, Jack's sister was in the room with him and together they were sitting around Jack's bed.

"Who did this again?" Ruby, Jack's sister, asked while she looked at her brother with furrowed brows.

Carl swallowed harshly at the memory. "Prescott, he's a student at our school." he answered. He left the part out as to how they landed up in that situation in the first place. The reason why Prescott did it. Even though Carl was sure that the guy didn't mean to harm Jack, it didn't change anything.

Carl suddenly felt a wave of guilt creeping in and it made him shudder, especially under Ruby's gaze.

"Is there anything more to it?" she asked suspiciously.

Carl shook his head and Ruby finally let the subject go for now.

"The doctors said that he'll be fine, so don't worry about it." she said. "My brother is a fighter." A tear rolled down her cheek and all Carl could do is nod.

The doctors did say that Jack will be fine but that didn't change the fact that Jack still wasn't moving an inch. If Carl didn't know better he'd think Jack wasn't breathing anymore.

Carl thought about Jack's mother; her wedding will be soon but instead she's got a sick son now. They didn't tell her anything yet since the doctors told them to not worry but Carl couldn't lie; he was starting to worry about Jack's condition, regardless of what the doctors have said.

It would only be fair to at least tell her but Ruby insisted on not telling their mother since Jack wouldn't want to ruin her current good mood.

So he let the matter go and watched Jack's still face. Carl left Cherry in Debbie's care. At first she didn't want to because according to her she's got better things to do but as Carl explained it to her she stopped complaining.

"He will be fine." Carl said, rather to himself than to Ruby.


It was the first day Carl went to school after the incident. Jack was still stuck in a coma and Carl wanted to visit Jack instead of being taught things he'll never need. But it's been half a week since he last went to school; since the last time he was able to look into Jack's open eyes.

Instead, he had to look into Prescott's eyes. As soon as their eyes met Prescott looked away ashamed and avoided to stumble across Carl all day.

Carl should go to the police and report it but over the years Carl learned that the police wouldn't do shit; they'd favor the rich and accuse Carl of cutting his own boyfriends neck. That's the way things work here.


Carl couldn't stand the sound of the clock anymore. It was terrible and he had to stop counting down the weeks, days, minutes even seconds until Jack would wake up again. The doctors still had hope so Carl tried to keep himself sane by walking with Cherry whenever he's not at school or visiting Jack at the hospital. It was difficult but Carl managed it somehow until Jack finally, finally woke up.

Ruby was at work so she wasn't there as it happened but Carl was and he couldn't be more relieved.

"Jack?" He asked quietly as Jack's eyes slowly flattered open. The window was open so Carl felt kind of cold from the breeze; the timing couldn't have been more right.

Jack squished his eyes shut, almost as if the light hurt him even though the room was pitch black.

"Jack?" Carl asked again. He didn't want to overwhelm Jack but Carl had to make sure that what he was feeling right now wasn't false hope.

Jack slowly moved his hand up and rubbed his eyes. Suddenly, the room seemed to be too bright for Carl as well.

"Wh--" Jack began, but coughed.

"Water?" Carl offered and Jack nodded as eagerly as he could with the state he was in.

"Thank you." Jack said and sighed. He finally had his eyes fully open, even though his sight was still blurry, he could see Carl's face clearly.

There wasn't a certain facial expression on Carl that Jack could pinpoint but he could still tell that Carl was tired.

"I feel like shit." Jack said and Carl laughed for a split second, a slight smile still on his lips.

"You asshole." Carl said. "I was worried." He took Jack's hand onto his own and laid his head onto the bed. "Prescott got you good."

"How's Cherry?" Carl got this head from the bed and looked at Jack amused.

"He's fine, but you know, he was worried about you too." Carl said. "He's with Debbie now."

"Didn't she say that she doesn't want anything to do with Cherry?"

Carl nodded. "She did, but now she's his biggest fan. Even bought him some treats and toys."

The atmosphere changed all of a sudden and Jack let go of Carl's hand.

"What's wrong?" Carl asked.

"For... for how long have I been unconscious?"

Carl shrugged. "Some time." He said. "But not for much. You really didn't miss anything."

This didn't make Jack feel any better. "What happened to Prescott?"

"Do not worry about that asshole." Carl said, angry alone at the thought of him. "His parents are rich, he didn't get what he had coming for doing that to ya." Carl put his thumb onto Jack's chin and stroked his cheek.

"I missed you." Jack said softly and Carl couldn't hold back a smile.

"That's supposed to be my line." He laughed.

"I think I dreamed about you while I was unconcious-- can you even call that a dream?" He stuttered. "Sorry, my mind is kinda foggy, man, I don't know what I am saying."

"It's okay." Carl said and gave Jack a kiss on the forehead. "Are you tired?"

"No, not at all." Jack said. "Mind's just foggy."

"Hungry? I can get you something." Carl said and stood up.

"Wait." Jack took Carl by the wrist who turned around in response.

"Just stay here with me for a little longer. Tell me what happened at school, tell me how you were doing, tell me anything you want."

"Anything? Carl asked.


"Well, you know, I missed you too."


Carl talked, Jack listened and after some time a nurse came in to check on Jack, caughting them mid conversation, and then called a doctor to check Jack.

Carl called Ruby, who couldn't be more eager to drive to the hospital, so that was what she did. As a child Jack had to go to the hospital often, therefore she knew that Jack didn't like the food hospitals had to offer.

Ruby used to call him spoiled because of it but that was what he liked about his little brother. He was never scared of saying what he wanted, she wonders if Jack was the one who asked Carl out. She'll ask them later, but for now she sneaked in some homemade soup with her to the hospital for Jack.


Hii, been a while but I just wanted to finally release this chapter and yay, Jack's all good! (Or is he?) I also wanted to thank you all for the attention you guys have given this fanfiction. It means the world to me and it's definitely one of my goals to finish this story one day, so even if uploads take long, I'll finish this story!! ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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