An Unexpected Meeting

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Shin was getting restless, he had been reading countless books about the crystals, about their history, their powers, Universal phenomenon's that may create a strange energy source, he had searched galaxies upon galaxies but couldn't find anything close to what he felt. All he found out was Zephyr's height. He was stuck with Zephyr's description and a book, with nowhere to go.

"This doesn't do us any good." Shin sighed.

He decided to contact Beerus and Whis, considering they are the only other ones who had sensed the same energy as he did, even if Beerus was going to be a pain about it...

"Whis, I need to speak with you, can you hear me?"

Whis looked at his staff and saw Shin looking to him,

"Why, hello Supreme Kai. What seems to be the problem?" Whis asked.

"Oh no. What now?" Beerus asked annoyed.

"I need you both to come to my planet right away." Shin said sternly, but quietly.

"What! No way Kai, why would I?" Beerus asked.

"Please Beerus, this is important." Shin pleaded.

Meanwhile the others at the party overheard the conversation and sensed something was wrong. Piccolo walked over to Goku and said,

"Goku, what's going on? We all know you're hiding something."

"Hmm? I'm not hiding anything. What do you mean?" Goku said innocently.

"Right..." Vegeta said sarcastically,

"So, you're gone for an hour on Supreme Kai's planet, come back acting strange, and now the Supreme Kai himself, is asking for Beerus' help, of all people! and you expect me to believe that nothing's wrong?!"

"Alright fine." Goku sighed.

"Supreme Kai wasn't acting normal, so I checked on him. He told me that he feels out of place around us, so he left and asked me to keep it a secret from you all." Goku said sternly, hoping they'd buy it.

"How does that explain him contacting Whis?" Piccolo asked.

Goku sighed and said,

"Look, I don't know why he needs Whis or Beerus. Maybe something about the Gods came up that he needs Beerus for. Now would all of you stop jumping to conclusions please?"

All of a sudden they heard a loud shout coming from Beerus,

"Are you kidding me Kai! I have better things to do than listening to you talk!"

"Now lord Beerus, your position as the God of Destruction requires you to attend any and all meetings the Supreme Kai sets up with you. Do you want me to go over the rules again lord Beerus?" Whis informed.

"Ugh, spare me the lecture. Fine let's go." Beerus said angrily.

Beerus stood up and placed a hand on Whis' shoulder, and in a flash, they were gone, making the others even more suspicious about Goku and the Supreme Kai.


On the Sacred world of the Kais,


"Thank you for coming, lord Beerus, Whis." Shin said bowing respectfully.

"Yeah yeah, what do you need." Beerus said impatiently.

Shin looked over at his palace and didn't want to risk their conversation being overheard, he didn't want to worry Kibito or his ancestor.

"May we take this matter to your planet lord Beerus?" Shin asked bowing again.

"Alright. But you're taking us there." Beerus said looking down at the Kai.

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