18 - His Desperation

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She holds her mug in both hands, looking at the half remaining. Miku looked touched by such a statement, softly alarmed as told by her expression.

Laura: "It feels nice, Miku..., to have someone care about you. 'It's true... I meant every single word. Miku's been nothing but nice and hasn't used her Angel on me. I should repay her in time. I'm not the me before where I took things for granted.' "

Elated, Miku gets off her chair and walks over to Laura, giving her a tight and powerful hug to the point where their cheeks touch.

Laura: "'Well, this isn't a bad feeling... I'm actually ha-'

Dreadful quakes rise her spine, instilling a reminder to her of what she has been told to do. She needs the Spirits for power. It was hers to desire, she thought, but it wasn't. How she will do that isn't clear, but she'll find a way, hopefully.

The next thing she knew, tears bleed from her eyes-tears of fear and hunger.

The next thing she knew, tears bleed from her eyes-tears of fear and hunger

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Miku looks back at her, seeing the pale look and tears on her face. She backs off, thinking she brought back a traumatizing memory for Laura, and in a sense she did.

This leaves both Spirits on an awkward note. Miku quietly sits down opposite Laura and discretely drinks her cup.

Miku: "L-Laura-chan, you're alright, right? 'I messed up...' "

Miku cringes her smile in slight confusion at the uncertainty of her actions.

Laura: "I- I need to-"

She suddenly stood up but was met by a daze in her head and a fog in her thoughts. She wavers and nears falling. Her hands cushion her fall, and Miku rushes over to her.

Miku: "Laura...!"

People's eyes drew themselves to what was happening. Miku was supporting and holding onto Laura.

Miku: "Laura, Laura, are you okay?"

Laura: "It's- I'm okay. I just-"

She gags as if something starts climbing her throat.

Laura: "B-Bathroom-!"

Laura became entombed in the bathroom with Miku inside to make sure she was okay. The girls in her troupe guard the entrance to the bathroom. For a while, Laura emptied her stomach contents.

Her stomach finally settled and she was able to breathe again.

Miku: "That's it, Laura-chan. Breathe... Breathe..."

Miku pats Laura's back in an attempt to comfort her.

Miku: "Did... Did I trigger something in you by hugging you?"

Laura: "Haaah... Haaah... N-No. Y-You've... haah... hugged me many times already."

Miku: "Yeah but- is it because I was rubbing my face against yours-"

Date A Live: Red Crown ChaplainUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum