"Ah yes." He says putting down the paper. "You can give it to her yourself." He says scanning the room around for her. I spot her before him. 

I make my way over to her. She looks up to me. Those eyes drive me crazy. I can feel the blood rushing down to my cock. "Can I help you?" She says leaning back in her chair. My eyes slowly move down to her chest. 

I got curious, I wanted to see if she really was that innocent. Last night at the party she was wearing was a perfect color and fit for her. It showed the right amount of skin that could make a man go crazy but just enough covered to show her innocence. Just as I imagined everything was covered. It just proves my point even further.

Yes you can and in many ways. I shake my head. "Yes, I have your check." I say holding it out to her. She looks at me then at the check. I take slow steady breaths, taking in her scent. I would love to see you under my sheets. 

"Oh, Thank you." She says while taking the piece of paper. She goes back to reading her book. I really don't want to leave. I debate on taking her with me when I leave or staying just to watch her. But staying in this class would actually kill me. 


"Iris, I don't see why you can't do a simple job. This is not rocket science." I say through gritted teeth. I worked my jaw out of frustration.

"Sorry I will get it as soon as possible. I won't let you down again." Iris looks at with eyes full of pity.

"Yeah, I know you won't." I say leaning against my desk. "Because your fired. Now get out of my office." I say with a smile. 

Iris stares at me. She looks like she about to cry. I rarely ever maintain a relationship with women because of tears. I don't do tears. I don't cry, I don't understand why people cry. I didn't even cry when my mother died when I was 13. My father told me that crying is for the women and the gays. Real men do not cry. If I ever looked like I was about to cry my father would beat the shit out of me. 

"Iris don't cry it is not that big of a deal." I walk towards her and the door. "I think I told you to leave." I say opening the door for her. 

Once she leaves I walk towards my desk, trying to keep my calm. I sit down and fidget with a pencil. It breaks. Now not only do I have to find a new assistant, but I have to do her work. As if running  a business right out of collage was hard enough. I dial the leader of my marketing team. Probably the only person I can count on these days. I get no answer. I roll my eyes and send him a message. 


My father likes to pretend that we are one big happy family by making me and my brother go to dinner. He even invites my grandparent to try and add some form peacefulness. I don't even know why. My grandparents, the parents of my dead mother. Yeah they are not even my dads parents. He thinks inviting them will make the fact that my mom is gone easier on everyone. In reality it made him a fucking bastard. Once my grandparents left, my father would tell us how much he hated us and that it was my and my brothers fault that mt mother died.

"So how was everyone's day?" My father asks. I stop in my tracks. I hate that he tries to act like everything is ok and that there is nothing going on. I drop my fork and stare at my dad. "Adam, Is everything alright?" 

I couldn't take it anymore. "No. No it isn't." I interlock my fingers in front me. My grandma looks worried. I had about enough of my dads bullshit. "Why do you act like we are fine? Nothing about this is fine. You act like you don't ..." I look over to my grandma, this news would break her. She couldn't handle the truth. So, I shut up and stare at my food. I lean back and try to relax. 

"Adam what are you talking about?" My grandma looks at me and places her hand on my shoulder. "You used to talk to me about everything, you can tell me anything." I couldn't look her in the eyes. I worked my jaw and as she rubbed my back. I tensed as everyone's eyes were on me. 

"Nothing grandma." I said while standing and storming out of the room. I didn't talk to anyone until my grandparents left. My dad walked into the living room and sat down across from me. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I don't listen to him. I can't listen to him. It would make me physically ill if I acknowledge him. His presence was making my anger rise. This is defiantly not what what I needed today. "Are you going to answer me or are you going to sit there and act like you can't hear?" I don't answer, I can't answer. For the first time I don't have anything to say to him. My brother walks in the room making it feel ten times smaller than before. 

"Is he not answering you? He did the same to me yesterday." Jason says  standing behind my father. "I was thinking he was been acting this way for a whole month now." His voice makes my ears ring. I can feel them getting hot. My father stands up  and makes his way behind me. "I think it just his time of the month." My brother says with a grin, earning a small chuckle from my father. 

I had enough of his bullshit, I was tired of him running his mouth all the damn time. I doesn't make sense. How could they be this way, especially this time of the year. Did they forget, how could they? It only happened a year ago. When it happened they both were hurt, broken into pieces. It made me furious. 

I punched him. He ran his mouth too much I had to shut him up. So I got him in the mouth. I punched him so hard his mouth started bleeding. Bastard cut my knuckle with his fake teeth. Jason fell back, he got lucky enough that he caught himself on the wall. Which only made the situation worse. I walked up to him and punched him over and over again. I punched him so many times with the same hand, I had to switch hands. I couldn't tell if the blood was coming his face, or my hands. 

The sad part about this is that my father just watched. He watched while I beat my brothers face into a bloody pulp. My father just left the room without trying to stop me. My brother tried to fight back, but he couldn't. 

That night I shed my very first and last tear.

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