Chapter 1: Left Alone.

Start from the beginning

*Archons he hated that smile, always such a slick fox wasn't she?*

In reality, she was doing it to spare Scaramouche from another meltdown. She knew how Ei's words could get to him.

[He would've died of mortification if he knew she knew that.]

They both went quiet for a moment before Yae broke the silence. " You haven't touched your food, is it not to your taste?"

He looked down at his food, in all honestly, he didn't know. He just knew he didn't like what his Mother did. Dango milk and the like. *And on top of that, he was a puppet, what need did he have for food? None, but he had to keep up appearances, what it his Mother say again? Oh yeah, "For the sake of the family's reputation.". What did she care for family, none in his opinion, all she cares for is her ridiculous idea of perfection and that damn kitsune.*

He was broken out of his musing by an expectant look from Miko. "It's fine, but I don't have much of an appetite today."

Yae and Ei exchanged a look.

"Must be all those princely duties you're so busy with hmm?" She asked with a smirk, not giving him time to respond she continued. "Speaking of which, how is your catalyst training going? You have to be ready for the competition you know."

*Is she bringing up that stupid competition again? Some inane "Prince choosing ceremony",* Where royals would compete to gain favor in the sight of other royal families and their kin to make alliances and more importantly, marriage arrangements. *Don't you know I could care less Miko? I don't see why it matters, Makoto isn't participating and she's the one who's going to rule. What use do you have for me?*

[He hurt at this thought, but right now all he wanted was to get to his room and sleep, so he tried his best to be "polite", not show his pain and get this dinner over with.]

He sighed, *Just get this over with Kunikuzushi* "Well you already know since you're overseeing it, but not that bad actually." Ei and Yae looked at each other in surprise before he continued. "It was fun 'cause I got to beat Kokomi again, seems like she gets stronger every time but I still beat her so I don't see why she even tries." He finished the statement with a scoff and a slight smile.

He loved winning in battle, whether it was practice or not. At least he wasn't that crazy Snezhnayan Prince Ajax who seemed to get high off of battle whether or not he lost. Scaramouche loved it because of the control, because with control comes power and vice versa.

Ei looked concerned, it wouldn't be good if he caused a problem with the Sanganomiya family.

"Is she hurt?"

"Not too bad, I could've done worse"

"Kuni, you know what happens if a divide is caused with the other royal families, it's already rocky as is. Is she seriously injured?"

"No, she. is. fine." He stated, enunciating each word out of annoyance. *What did she think he was going to do, kill a princess in a sparing match? He was violent yeah, but not stupid. If he was going to kill Kokomi, he would have fun with it. Not that he would give his energy to that, she's not worth his time.*

Miko elaborated, she could see Ei was getting ticked off. "Ei she's ok, they're having a practice next week and as far I know she holds nothing against him. He is training to get better, yes?"

Ei sighed, she had a point "Yes Miko, I suppose you're right. But be careful Kuni, I'm not having you in the news and gossip columns again for your violent tendencies."

*Oh that's it, his violent tendencies? What about hers?! Where does she think he got them? Yeah, cause she was always the kind and caring twin when her sister was around. Please.*

Breakdowns and Tea Time {Scaramouche x Autistic Reader}Where stories live. Discover now