Chapter 1: Left Alone.

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{Transcribed from ao3, so if the lining is strange that's why}


Hi! Zara here, So since this is an Autistic reader story, I know that how Y/N's Autism is portrayed will not match every Autistic person's experience. Everybody is different when it comes to being Autistic, and if you don't relate to Y/N, I hope you can still enjoy the story. I am Autistic, so I will be writing mainly from my own experiences.
Warning there will be mentions of very heavy emotions and traumatic experiences.
Also, a note about Scaramouche and Autism correlation because the breakdown will be at the end when I write this later or tomorrow. If the last part didn't make sense, it doesn't to me either lol, I'm running on five hours of sleep rn. Anyway, Enjoy!
All caps and lowercase are intended.

Also as I have annoyingly found out, Wattpad does not allow Ig? words that are crossed out, which means, it is much more difficult to get things across the way I'd like them. So due to this, any sentences, internal dialogue or otherwise that is meant to have a line through it for story telling purposes, will now be within these: "[ ]". If you wish to read it the way its originally written, you can check it out by the same name on ao3, thank you for your understanding, and have a good day. -Z

Scaramouche is the son of the royal family, his mother is Ei, Shogun and Empress of Inazuma.
Scaramouche doesn't like her, or his duties as prince of Inazuma... or life.
He also doesn't like the constant breakdowns he has at least once a week.

Ei finds out,

And so our tale begins.

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Scaramouche His Royal Highness is sitting at dinner with his Mother and her Co-regent Yae Miko.

"So, how did your violin lessons go Kuni?" Ei asked. He didn't respond, his mind elsewhere. She tried again, frustrated at his lack of response.

"Kuni," she said a bit more harshly. Yae nudged her side, quietly telling her to give him a minute.

"It went fine," He responded after a couple of seconds. "Although I don't see why you care" He glared up at her, and seeing her disapproving look, turned his head to the side and looked down.[Sadness in his eyes]

"I care because I am your Mother Kuni, you expressed an interest in the instrument, so I let you take lessons."

"No, you are my caregiver, you made that more than clear a while ago." He spat back.

*Oh, she looked guilty at that.

Good. She should be.* He thought.

"That's not what I said and you know that-" Yae cut her off, receiving an annoyed look from Ei. "But let's not talk about that topic right now, you both know it's a sensitive thing for the both of you and it's best not to spoil dinner," Yae said with her typical smile.

Breakdowns and Tea Time {Scaramouche x Autistic Reader}Where stories live. Discover now