Me: acting all innocent for IG

Me: I know the real you now, Norris😉

Lando x: I seem to recall you begging me to? Not that im complaining 

Me: semantics 💅

Lando x: Now that i have aaalll your free time, i'm taking you out tomorrow. Wear something to play golf in😘

Me: GOLF?! I wanna be wined, dined and sixty nined

Me: especially the last one😈

Lando x: you'll get all of that too my little high maintenance princess🩷

Me: I'm not high maintenence!..... right?

Lando x: your vagina is. My jaw is locked atm 🫠

Me: you think thats bad, i've been walking like john wayne

Me: I had to tell my team i must have strained something on stage when in actual fact its because you have me in all sorts of positions🥵

***   ***   ***

"Oh my god, I just cannot get this right!" Lottie whines again and I shake my head and laugh at her fake dramatics and terrible acting.

"Hey!" she shouts as she points at me with her cub, "why are you laughing?" she accuses with an arch of her brow, but I can see her fighting a smile.

"I've already showed you how its done, Charlotte" I quip back as I lean against my golf club, we've been here forever now because Lottie keeps insisting she doesn't know how to play.

"Come show me again" she husks with that devilish grin and I'm a sucker for it every time.

I leave my club against the caddy and make my way up the little hill that she's stood at. Once again, for the fifth time on this date, I place myself behind her, guiding her into the correct stance. She pushes herself back against me and it stirs in me that now all too familiar pleasure. She knows exactly what she's doing.

I press my hand against her hip as I lean forward to whisper in her ear, "you don't have to pretend you cant play just to get close to me."

Lottie adjusts her stance and husks back "no, I don't"

She winks and then proceeds to take the most impressive swing I've seen, the ball nearly in the furthest hold on the course. I stare in absolute shock as she turns in my arms, leaning in.

"But it makes is so much more fun for me"

She gives me a quick peck on the lips and walks away, hips swaying.

"You're fucking joking!" I shout in astonishment as she blows grass off her club and shoots me a sly smile. I look back to where the ball landed, thinking of the precision she hit it with, then back to her just casually stood by the car.

Dumb Love- Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now