Chapter 1 - The start

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02/06/2021 (Wednesday)

|| Jake's POV ||

We've played against many schools these past months, however, the one everyone seemed to care about the most was the yearly match against Thorn Land High. Not only because both schools have a great reputation, but also because for many years, they've had this long-lasting rivalry. Even though many students are neutral, many of them, specially from Thorn Land, are overly competitive and won't hesitate to rub useless things in front of our faces.

That's why we refuse to lose this match, winning two trophies in a row would devastate Throne Land, and by two, I mean the music competition one, even though it happened seven months ago, many of their students hold a strong grudge against the club and I.

And talking about the club, Luke, Sean, Zander and I ended up in the football team, and both Hailey and Milly ended up in the cheer team, although, after many hours of begging the principal, Milly and Zander managed to convince her in order to change spots, due to Milly's fear of heights and Zander's fear of... Ball related sports?

"How would someone word this right..." I thought out loud.

I felt someone nudge my arm with their fist, "Word what? Jake, you're thinking out loud again" It was Drew, standing next to me, holding up a bottle in front of me with his other hand, "Milly refiled everyone's water bottles, you should drink yours before you dehydrate" He added handing it to me. "Thanks" I smiled, he didn't answer anything, he just smiled back at me.

"Alright boys, we have 26 days till the competition!" Milly exclaimed, clapping her hands together in excitement. "Don't tell me we'll also practise during weekends..." Liam groaned, laying on his back as he covered his face with his hands. "Quit being such a wuss, it's embarrassing" Milly sassed. And as usual, both started arguing. Thankfully, Sean, our captain, managed to stop Milly from taking things further.

Luke laughed to himself, "This is going to be a long month, huh?" Elliot nodded and smiled, at first, he was pretty quiet, but he slowly warmed up to us, which was actually really nice considering the fact that he wouldn't talk much to us, and he'd only open up to Milly and sometimes Sean.

|| Hailey's POV ||

"Zander! Stop messing your hair! We all need to look good!" Stacy scolded, trying to stop my brother from touching his hair. "I don't even look like myself!" He took off the star hair clips adorning his head. "STACY, I DON'T LOOK GOOD, I LOOK LIKE A TEEN JUSTIN BIEBER WANNABE" Zander criticized, fluffing his hair again to look back to its usual state.

"Hey Justin Bieber wannabe" I joked, sitting next to him, "So funny Hailey" He rolled his eyes and softly punched my shoulder. "How are things going? Do you regret joining?" I asked, even though I knew how happy he was with his decision, but I always enjoyed making fun of him. "You know how much I hate ball sports, I definitely don't regret this" He smiled, "But I don't see Luke as often though" He added.ㅤ

"Please don't keep talking! We all know you got your little boyfriend!" Stacy yelled as she fixed her fishnets. Zander clenched his fists and headed towards her, it was obvious they'd keep bickering, even though it doesn't seem like it, they managed to be good friends, but as all of us can see, they won't stop acting like little kids whenever they're around the other.

"Hi Hailey" It was Sadie, I'm still unsure about the reason she joined our team, even though she said she'd tell us, according to her, she still hasn't found the right moment yet, but Sadie is really nice actually, at least there's one more calm person in our team.

I smiled, "Hi Sadie! Don't mind those two" I giggled, pointing at the two fighting and chasing each other around the unused field, the one the football team wasn't using. She chuckled, "It's fun to watch them" I nodded, we both talked for a while as Zander and Stacy were having their playful argument, and we also waited for Daisy to show up.

It wasn't usual for her to show up late, but even if she does, none of us complains, after all, she's the captain and she's pretty busy.

"It's been 15 minutes since she texted us she'd be back in a few minutes, where is she?" I groaned, checking my phone for the 5th time in a row, waiting for a sign of Daisy. "Maybe she bought us cupcakes? Or she made them with her mom! Those cupcakes were so sweet" Stacy said, delighted by the thought of homemade cupcakes. "Not today, maybe at some point of this week I'll get you some!" A voice answered from afar, it was daisy walking over to where we were sitting as she held a bunch of papers.

"What happened? I thought we already filled all the papers we needed" Sadie asked, tilting her head "Just some rules and helpful things I guess, sorry I took so long, the principal got too serious" Daisy sighed, handing me a transparent folder with a many colourful papers "Hails, you're in charge of the uniforms, so keep these with you, the school is paying anything cheer related" I smiled as she kept talking about the rest of papers, I chuckled to myself, already thinking about what new material would be helpful.

|| Narrator's POV ||

Both teams had already started their training, just as usual, two hours of training every Monday, Wednesday and Friday though the cheer team often helped out cheering in different events to help out different organizations, sometimes even other teams such as the basketball and baseball ones.

"Are you sure that's all?" Zander asked as he handed his teammates their bags, "I'm not sure whether we did enough or not compared to other days" The purple haired boy added, waiting for the others to either agree or disagree.

However, their captain shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her things "It's enough for today, I'm the one who was late today, so I'm not going to make you guys train for the missed time" She smiled.

"We should head home already, I'm pretty sure it will rain today" Sadie suggested, already heading towards the exit, Stacy following behind.

"You girls go, Hailey and I have to wait for Luke" Zander said, looking at the football team, they often finished half an hour later than them, so it was common for the two siblings to wait for Luke.

"Zander?" He glanced at Hailey, who was sitting on the ground as she searched in her bag, "Did you grab an umbrella?" Zander laughed nervously and looked away, "Seriously!? I thought you brought one with yourself!" She yelled, it was obvious it would rain at any minute.

"As long as Luke has an umbrella, we're safe"

"Bold of you to assume I'll third wheel under an umbrella with you two"


Since Luke didn't have an umbrella neither, the three of them ran home covering their heads with their bags, screaming at each other to run faster.

"Zander! Hurry up! We can't risk getting sick!" Hailey yelled, Luke standing next to her, seeing the purple haired boy struggle to keep the same pace as them.

"I know! But you two are too fast!" He said between pants, running behind the two, who refused to leave him behind even if he insisted multiple times.

As expected, they arrived home soaking wet, trapped under the house's porch, waiting for Shannon to get them some towels.


"I still can't believe you three forgot your umbrellas! It might be summer but check the weather before leaving!" Shannon scolded, "What if one of you slipped while running? A broken bone won't fix in less than a month" Referring to the football match, even though she still had many reasons to scold them for, Shannon sighed and left the living room, before opening the kitchen's door she looked back at the three of them, "I'll start making dinner, let me know if any of you feels sick" She softly smiled as they nodded.

The three of them were covered in a thick blanket, Zander sitting in the middle as always, he really didn't have a choice since he was the shortest out of the three.

Zander suddenly groaned, trying to stretch his back and shoulders, and failing at the attempt.

"My shoulders are going numb, can you two stop laying your heads on my shoulders?" Zander complained, "It's very comfortable, we're not moving" Luke giggled, looking at his boyfriend who was not having it.

"It reminds me of when we were kids, we would always hide under this same blanket whenever we were cold" Hailey smiled, she was always bringing up fun memories she had with them as kids. She could go on and on about everything they've done in the past years.

A Cheerleader's Triumph || The Music Freaks Cheerleader AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin