"What are you talking about" Jill asks

"Your cousin" Kirby answers like we were supposed to know she was talking about Sydney.

I sink into my seat a bit unsure of how Jill would answer this. Sydney and I were always super close Jake and Jill not so much. I don't know Sydney always understood me in ways no one else did. She was the first person I came out to and she's never been ashamed of me.

"She's the reason I love horror movies" Kirby smiles making me smile softly to myself remembering all the times she used to make me watch them with her even though I wasn't much of a fan, being with her always made them less scary.

"I'm sure she'd love to hear that. If I knew her, she usually just hangs out with Jc when we see her" Jill answers truthfully.

"Well wherever she went people died. Other people. It was never her." Liv says making me slap her arm. "Careful with your words liv" I warn.

"Damn Jc that was kinda hot" Kirby says looking in the rearview again.

"Oh my god you think I'm hot" I say running my hand down her arm, I guess that was too much because she quickly snatched her arm away from me but not before I missed the faint blush on her cheek.

"I think how you said that was hot not you- shut up" she interrupts as I open my mouth to cut her off.

Out of no where Jill's phone starts ringing, which is usually the case when your phone rings; and she picks it up, asking who it was, making us go quiet. She puts it on speaker so we can all hear.

"I said who is this?" She asks again.

"I asked you a question. What's your favorite scary movie?" The voice behind the phone says giving me chills all down my body. I lean into Jake who runs his hand up and down my arm in another to calm me.

Liv motions to hang up and Jill does exactly that when she looks over to see the terrified look on my face.

"That was original. I got a call like that this morning from Marnie the carny." Liv says making Kirby turn around to look at her.

"What?" She questions running a stop sign almost ramming into a truck passing by.

"Watch out" I scream making her slam on the brakes inches away from running into the truck.

She turns around to ask if everyones okay then we continue on our way to school safely this time changing the subject to something that wouldn't distract Kirby seeing as she barely knows the rules of the road.

When we get to school I push Jake out the way so I can open the door for my Kirby as I usually do.

"My lady" I say grabbing her hand to help her out.

"You're such a sweetheart"she smiles keeping hold on my hand interlocking our fingers.

I look back to Jake who just gives me a thumbs up walking off to meet up with his friends, this is the first time she didn't let go.

"Ohh this is hall pass with Robbie Mercer, here with the luscious Olivia "don't look at my tits, I have a mind" morris. Here is my woodsboro massacre anniversary question: what is your favorite scary movie?"

"Is that all you got? Some stupid douche question?" Liv remarks as Kirby's secret admirer Charlie walker walks up to us.

Okay now I get it, hey if that's the only reason she'll hold my hand then this guy needs to come around more often.

I wrap my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me throwing a sly smirk in Charlie's direction. If looks could kill I'd be 6 feet under...

"You're a genre nut Kirby. What's your favorite scary movie?" Robbie continues his pestering.

"Bambi... dork" Kirby responds brushing past them as we all walk off into the school building. "What?" She says as we walk past the two guys as Charlie eyes her.

"That's.. funny, Kirby" Charlie says hoping she'd respond, I just wrap my arm around her shoulder walking her up the stairs.

"He likes you... and I don't like it" I say pulling her away from the other girls.

"Awww you know my heart belongs to you" she says placing her hand on my cheek.

"Then let me take you out on a date" I say looking into her eyes. " I know I joke around a lot but I really do like you Kirby" I don't know what's gotten into me but seeing Charlie look at Kirby like that didn't sit right with me.

"I don't know Jc" she says looking away from my pleading gaze.

"You won't know until you try, is it because I'm younger?" I question trying to understand this complicated woman.

Jake and I are a year and half younger than the rest of everyone but we are in our junior year, Jake being the genius he is, after our seventh year we had our graduation with the eighth years and they just skipped us to our freshman year

"What? No Jc I don't care about that. I'll tell you what, by the end of this week I'll let you know. How does that sound?" she say caressing my arm.

"Perfect" I say showing her my million dollar smile in hopes to persuade her a bit. She just smiles leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

I walk off to my classes extremely excited might I add, already planning the date as if she's already said yes.

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