Nanny Demeter (Filler)

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Demeter missed her baby Persephone dearly but she can't get her back during this time so she does something to fill that Persephone shaped void in her heart: babysit mortal babies. She's taken you into one of these adventures of hers– actually, it's Hebe and Hestia who asked you to go with the goddess to the mortal realm.

"Beware, mortal, you would be blown away by my divine babysitting skills, even this little one would grow up to be a fine farmer, making everything she touches grow."

"Okay." You and the goddess are disguised as servants, the masters of the house have already left for their alone time together, leaving you both with their 1 year old.

The baby starts crying, and you exchange a worried glance with Demeter. She moves gracefully towards the child, a nurturing aura surrounding her. "Hush, dear one, your mother is here to bring you the warmth of eternal spring. Come drink on mommy's milk," she offers, presenting her own breast milk to the infant. It's a bizarre revelation – the mother goddess can apparently produce milk at will, a tidbit she casually shared upon your descent to the mortal realm.

So far, everything seems to be going smoothly, and you have no idea why Hebe and Hestia insisted you to go with the goddess. Demeter proves to be surprisingly adept at calming the baby, soothing her with gentle whispers and divine comfort.

The baby finishes drinking as the goddess walks to a table where an assortment of baby items lay. "Now, what is this contraption?" she mutters, attempting to decipher the wooden stroller, a prototype of the modern one. "Persephone never had one of these." She mutters to herself.

As she fumbles with the stroller, you tell her, "My lady, that's a–"

Demeter grins nervously, raising a hand to stop you. "Yes, I am aware what this, this thing is. I'm just trying to embrace the mortal ways of childcare, acting like a new babysitter. No big harvest, I mean, deal."

The next challenge is changing the diaper. "Watch, mortal, you shall need this some day when you have a little Persephone of your own." She tries to change the baby's cloth diaper, but the diaper seems to have a mind of its own. "By the harvest, stay still, young one!" she exclaims as the diaper flapped around like an unruly leaf in the wind.

"My lady, do you require assistance?" You ask, watching the chaos from a safe distance.

"No, no, you shall only watch and learn from the best. You are still not as experienced as me to handle such fragile being." Demeter looks at you for a moment, not realising something happening in front of her.

The baby, now free from her diaper, crawled away with newfound freedom. The goddess chases after her, knocking over baby bottles and scattering toys in her wake. "Come back, dear child! The harvest goddess demands it!"

"My lady–"

"Just a little slip up! Just keep watching." She yells, trying to catch the little baby.

You didn't want to do that, not when everything's falling apart so you quickly fix everything they leave chaotically behind. Catching the vase, steadying the shelves, picking up diapers and everything else.

Suddenly, you hear a gasp causing you to look at the entrance to see the baby's parents. You and Demeter freeze. You accidentally drop an expensive looking glass and Demeter is holding the baby upside down.

Before they can react, sparkles surround Demeter and in seconds, she's removed her disguise, revealing her and all her glory.

"It is I, the goddess of harvest! I have been watching you!"

"Go-go-godess?!" The husband faints in joy as his servants and wife catch him in their arms.

"Correct! I have decided to grant you a blessing." Demeter holds the baby properly, "Your child shall grow everything she touches even in barren lands, she shall bring seeds to grow into plants." She hands it to the mother.

The mother and the servants quickly now down to her feet in gratitude.

"Thank you, my goddess, I shall remember to worship you everyday till Thanatos arrives to harvest my soul."

Demeter laughs, "It is my honour." Then, she disappears, leaving you there as you stand awkwardly.

"Um, I shall be going. The lady might need me." You smile nervously before running out the back door and out of their walls, ending up back in the streets.

Elara approaches you with her bunny. She must have been waiting for you outside the house. "Tough day?"

"Not at all."

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