Chapter Eleven: The Twins

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"Grapes... very... grapey..." Dionysus slurred, staring at the grapes in his hands.

Eros had been missing for three whole days. As a result, the love spells he'd cast were unraveling faster than a tipsy centaur on roller skates. Even Zeus had lost his mood to find anything that has any holes and Hera, his long-suffering wife, was throwing a celestial party in celebration.

Meanwhile, the servants of Olympus, including you, were tasked with helping the other gods to locate Eros. And strangely enough, you found yourself in the company of none other than Dionysus. Apparently you giving back the goblet to him created an unusual bond between the two of you. It's weird that he remembered you giving it but not the moment he gave it to you.

You managed to pull him up just in the nick of time before he could tumble off his equally drunk donkey. He's riding Wine while he offered Alcohol to you. His donkeys' names confuse you sometimes, you have no idea if he's talking about them if the actual drinks.

"My lord," you chuckled, trying to keep your composure, "you should be careful."

Dionysus, with a drunken grin plastered on his face, looked at you as if seeing you for the first time. "Whoa, where am I?"

Beside you, Hedylogos, the god of sweet talk and flattery, fluttered with his majestic wings, offering assistance with all the charm of a celestial lounge lizard.

"Need assistance, my dear little mortal?" he purred, his voice as smooth as ambrosia.

You glanced at Dionysus and sighed. "If you can find a way to keep him from falling off his donkey and into another barrel of wine, my lor, I would be eternally grateful."

Dionysus looks up at Hedylogos, his eyes squinting in confusion. "Grapes... very... grapey..." he muttered, before giggling uncontrollably before promptly falling off his donkey.

Without hesitation, you leaped off Alcohol and helped Dionysus to his feet. "We need a wagon," you declared, scanning the area and patting Wine affectionately.

"Wait here," Hedylogos gracefully soared back to Olympus, and within a few minutes, he returned with an elegant wagon. "My beauty," he smiled warmly, "here is your carriage."

"Exquisite. Thank you, my lord."

"Hedylogos," he gently corrected her, his charm oozing effortlessly.

"My lord," she replied.

"Hedylogos," the Erote repeated, accustomed to this familiar scenario.

Dionysus chimed in, "Dionysus."

"(Name), I'd like you to call me by my name. There's a certain intimacy in using it. I want us to be friends, to grow closer," Hedylogos insisted, his charm working its magic. He extended a hand toward her, his violet eyes filled with sincerity. "(Name), let us forge a bond of friendship," he urged, his voice soft and reassuring.

Who are you to deny a god who's offering friendship, "Alright, Hedylogos, friends it is."

"Yahoo! Friendship!" Dionysus said before enthusiastically dunking his head into a barrel of wine that definitely wasn't there earlier.

You facepalm.

A few minutes later of trying to stop Dionysus from drinking the whole wine, he thought it was a good way to celebrate so he said he'd drink it all in the name of friendship, you finally get him in the wagon.

Hedylogos smiles sitting beside you while you maneuver the donkeys. "Be patient with him, after all, he was just born days ago."

"I forget that sometimes. So, how are we suppose to find your dear brother?"

"Hmmm. I have no clue... perhaps we should seek Apollo. He nor Artemis weren't in Olympus for 7 suns."

You immediately think of that party where Apollo and his sister brutally murdered the Queen's son. The queen is a rock now by the way... and you're still wondering why you said what you said.

"Ah, of course. His rival in archery. But where to find him?"

"Mount Parnassus. I don't think the others thought to seek him there."

You guided the wagon with Dionysus still swaying in the back, occasionally taking sips from a wineskin he had miraculously produced. Hedylogos sat elegantly beside you as the donkeys trudged along.

As you reached the foot of Mount Parnassus, you noticed a faint sound of celestial harp music echoing through the hills. Following the enchanting melody, you came upon a scene that could only be described as bizarre even in the world of gods.

There, on a makeshift stage, Apollo stood in his radiant glory, playing the harp with unmatched skill.

You watched as Artemis continued to dance with wild and untamed energy, her movements were a whirlwind of power and passion. Her hair, as dark as the night, flowed freely, and her steps seemed to stir the very earth beneath her feet. She twirled and leaped with an exhilarating fervour that matched her untamed spirit.

On the other hand, Apollo's dance was a study in grace and elegance. His every movement was precise, a testament to his mastery of the arts. His golden hair caught the sunlight, creating an aura of divine radiance around him. With each step, he seemed to glide effortlessly, a vision of beauty and poise.

Together, their contrasting dances created a mesmerizing spectacle, a harmonious blend of wild passion and refined artistry that captured the essence of their divine nature. It was a rare and enchanting moment in the presence of two Olympian siblings, each expressing themselves in their unique way.

Hedylogos leaned in and whispered, "It seems that we arrived just in time for their mini concert."

You nodded, captivated by the music. You're immune to almost everything that would capture your heart but not music. It's too beautiful not to be in love with it.

In a burst of divine speed, Apollo concluded his performance with a final, awe-inspiring chord and gracefully leaped off the stage with Artemis.

"Ah, so we meet again, my muse."

Artemis smiles at you, "Perhaps you should join me soon for a hunt once I return to Olympus."

"Of course, my lady, I'd be honoured to." You blushed, looking away, not because of attraction– well they are attractive but your mind is still asking why you you said what you said in that time of the murder.

Hedylogos moves in front of you, a little jealous, "Alright, twins, where is my brother?"

"Brother?" Apollo and Artemis said in unison.

"Yes. Eros."

"We haven't see him."

"Are you sure?"


"Are you?"


Meanwhile in Aeaea Island where the chaotic three are...

Eros moaned and blushed as he sweated, he can't control his senses. It's too much as he clenches is hands into fists. He's... he's being steamed.

"Should we really be doing this?" Atë asked as she looks at the room Eros is in. "Can't we just boil him?"

Eris taps the bottle where Eros' sweat are magically being placed on everytime they hit the ground. It looks magical as they've suspected.

"I wish but this will do. Aphrodite might actually come for us if we harmed her son and I have no intention falling in love with someone," Circe said as she let out a sigh. She had to use the room for this but it was worth it, her Elven friends in the far north already taught her how to make savusaunas so she can recreate it again.

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